09 March 2012
The spellings this week are all words with silent letters, e.g. knee, gnat, wrinkle.
The children will be tested on eight out of the ten words on Friday 16 March.
1. | knee |
2. | knock |
3. | knife |
4. | wrong |
5. | wreck |
6. | wretch |
7. | sword |
8. | when |
9. | whine |
10. | gnarled |
02 March 2012
This week’s spellings are more homophones (words which sound the same but have different meanings and/or spelling). Children need to know the correct spelling and meaning of each word.
1. |
too |
two |
2. |
for |
four |
3. |
right |
write |
4. |
our |
are |
5. |
hole |
whole |
If there are any questions, please come and see me.
24 February 2012
This week’s spellings are slightly different. Instead of a list of words, I simply want your child to be able to distinguish between the two forms of ‘no’:
- no – For example: No, I don’t want to play.
- know – For example: I know my times tables.
We’ll be looking at this through the week, but if you could practise these activities at home it will ensure your child has a thorough understanding:
On piece of paper, write ‘no’ on one side and ‘know’ on the other. Read out a sentence and they have to show the correct ‘no’.
Have some sample sentences where they write the correct form of no. For example:
- I know my spellings. (know)
- There is no way through. (no)
If you’ve any questions, feel free to speak with me any time.
It’s the holidays…
…so there are no spellings or homework activities.
Instead, enjoy a winter walk, the marvellous Muppets movie, some cool culture at a gallery or museum… Enjoy the half-term break.
03 February 2012
This week the spellings are words where you have to drop the y for an i when adding ly. Children will be tested on eight out of the ten words in the right hand column.
1. |
happy |
happily |
2. |
angry |
angrily |
3. |
pretty |
prettily |
4. |
grumpy |
grumpily |
5. |
messy |
messily |
6. |
sneaky |
sneakily |
7. |
cheeky |
cheekily |
8. |
clumsy |
clumsily |
9. |
hungry |
hungrily |
10. |
lazy |
lazily |
27 January 2012
This week, the spellings are words where the e has to be dropped when adding ing.
1. |
smile |
smiling |
2. |
drive |
driving |
3. |
shine |
shining |
4. |
time |
timing |
5. |
write |
writing |
6. |
like |
liking |
7. |
come |
coming |
8. |
arrive |
arriving |
9. |
believe |
believing |
10. |
amaze |
amazing |
Children will be tested on the words in the ing column. They will be tested on eight out of the ten words on Friday 3 February.
20 January 2012
The spellings this week are all words which have a short vowel sound and require a ‘double up’ after the short vowel sound (like the ‘o’ in drop, which sounds different to a longer ‘oh’ sound).
A lot of the spellings are also in the past tense so will practise our ‘ed’ endings again.
1. | stopped |
2. | ripped |
3. | dropped |
4. | spotted |
5. | stepped |
6. | messily |
7. | happily |
8. | staggered |
9. | accommodate |
10. | spluttered |
Your child will be tested on eight out of the ten spellings on Friday 27 January.
13 January 2012
This week’s spellings are all verbs in the past tense that end in ‘ed’. I’ve noticed that we are making some common mistakes when spelling these words. For example, ‘askt’ instead of ‘asked’. Another common mistake is missing out the e before the d. For example, talkd instead of talked.
1. | talked |
2. | looked |
3. | called |
4. | wanted |
5. | cooked |
6. | asked |
7. | walked |
8. | peeped |
9. | abandoned |
10. | whispered |
Children will be tested on eight out of the ten spellings on Friday 20 January.
06 January 2012
This week, the spellings are all words which use apostrophes to shorten or contract two words into one word.
1. |
do not |
don’t |
2. |
can not |
can’t |
3. |
is not |
isn’t |
4. |
does not |
doesn’t |
5. |
will not |
won’t |
6. |
I have |
I’ve |
7. |
I will |
I’ll |
8. |
it is |
it’s |
9. |
I will |
I’ll |
10. |
there is |
there’s |
The spellings will be tested on Friday 13 January.
09 December 2011
More plurals this week! This time we are investigating how the spelling changes when making plurals for words that end in y. There are two rules:
- Add s if the final letter is preceded by a vowel.
- If not preceded by a vowel, change the y to an i and add es.
1. | donkey | donkeys |
2. | ray | rays |
3. | play | plays |
4. | boy | boys |
5. | day | days |
6. | puppy | puppies |
7. | army | armies |
8. | party | parties |
9. | city | cities |
10. | berry | berries |
Spellings will be tested on Thursday 15 December.