Year 3 Spelling

26 November 2010

Posted on Friday 26 November 2010 by Mr Wilks

This is our final week of spelling words with prefixes. The spellings this week all have prefixes which change the meaning of the word to convey the opposite (synonyms). For example, tidy and untidy.

You will only be tested on the word with the prefix (words in bold). Nouns and verbs practise 1-10. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-15.

1.  well      unwell

2. tidy    untidy

3. usual     unusual

4. certain     uncertain

5. friendly      unfriendly

6. selfish     unselfish

7. agree      disagree

8. comfort     discomfort

9. appear     disappear

10. obey     disobey

11. pleasant     unpleasant

12. approve     disapprove

13. trust      distrust

14. necessary     unnecessary

15. appealing      unappealing

Good luck!

19 November 2010

Posted on Friday 19 November 2010 by Mr Wilks

This is the second week of learning words with prefixes. This time we are learning words with the ‘pre’ and ‘re’ prefix.

Nouns and verbs practise numbers 1-10. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-15.

1. recycle

2. rebuild

3. retreat

4. rewrite

5. replace

6. prefix

7. previous

8. prepare

9. predict

10. precaution

11. recede

12. prevent

13. prearrange

14. presume

15. reappearance

Spellings will be tested on Friday 26 November. Good luck!

12 November 2010

Posted on Sunday 14 November 2010 by Mr Wilks

For the next couple of weeks our spellings will all be words with prefixes. This week we are learning words with ‘dis’, ‘de’ and ‘un’ prefixes.

Nouns and verbs practise numbers 1-10. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-15.

1. unable

2. decode

3. unwell

4. dislike

5. defuse

6. untidy

7. disagree

8. unpopular

9. disappoint

10. unusual

11. decompose

12. disappear

13. untrained

14. dishonest

15. unenthusiastic

Spellings will be tested on Friday 19 November. Good luck!

05 November 2010

Posted on Friday 05 November 2010 by Mr Wilks

We are back to our ‘le’ spelling rule this week, so all the words this week will end in ‘le’.

The first ten spellings are for everyone. The last five (11-15) are just for the adjectives and adverbs.

  1. able
  2. horrible
  3. candle
  4. vegetable
  5. possible
  6. needle
  7. sensible
  8. bicycle
  9. reliable
  10. table
  11. abominable
  12. dawdle
  13. terrible
  14. unbelievable
  15. agreeable

As always, good luck!

15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

We are taking a break from our ‘le’ rule this week to practise spelling the months of the year.

A word of warning – capital letters are a must for all of this week’s spellings and will be marked as incorrect on Thursday if they do not have one!

1. January

2. February

3. March

4. April

5. May

6. June

7. July

8. August

9. September

10. October

11. November

12. December

Good luck.

08 October 2010

Posted on Friday 08 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

For the next few weeks, the spellings will all be words that end ‘le‘.

This week we are looking at words that end in ‘ckle’.

1. chuckle

2. prickle

3. tickle

4. cackle

5. trickle

6. pickle

7. buckle

8. tackle

9. crackle

10. Find one of your own!

Spellings will be tested on Friday 15 October 2010.

Good luck!

01 October 2010

Posted on Sunday 03 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

This week’s spellings are all verbs. They are a combination of the two rules we have learnt so far.

1. meeting

2. amazing

3. slimming

4. raising

5. driving

6. kicking

7. rolling

8. splitting

9. considering

10. Think of one of your own!

Spellings will be tested on Friday 8th October. Good luck!

24 September 2010

Posted on Monday 27 September 2010 by Mr Wilks

This weeks spellings are all verbs. The rule we are learning this week is:

Double the last letter to verbs with a short vowel sound before adding ‘ing’; for example: shop becomes shopping










Remember to try to come up with one of your own as well!

Spellings will be tested on Friday 1 October 2010.

Good luck!