Year 4 Spelling

21 January 2022

Posted on Tuesday 25 January 2022 by Mr Wain

This week, we’d like you to practise spelling these contractions.

A contraction is two words that have been contracted into one word. A contraction is a less formal way of writing. For example, you are would become you’re.

The words for you to practise are:

shouldn’t (should not), couldn’t (could not), won’t (will not), they’ll (they will), you’ll (you will), I’d (I had), you’re (you are), they’re (they are)

These words will be tested on Friday 28th January. Good luck!

14 January 2022

Posted on Friday 14 January 2022 by Mr Wain

This week’s spellings are the alternative graphemes for the ‘oa’ and ‘ue’ phonemes:

smoke, throw, floating, through, peculiar, refuse, loosest, barbecue

Practise spelling these words in short, purposeful chunks ready for a test on Friday 21st January.

Good luck!


07 January 2022

Posted on Friday 07 January 2022 by Mr Wain

This week’s spellings are based on the alternative graphemes ‘ay’, ‘ee’ and ‘i’.

Practise spelling these words at home for a test on 14th January.

neighbour, reign, believe, increase, guide, bicycle, tried, exercise

03 December 2021

Posted on Friday 03 December 2021 by Mr Wain

Practice adding -ed, -er, -est and -ing to these words:

busy                                       cry

reply                                       funny

naughty                                 carry

marry                                     copy

ugly                                        worry

sorry                                      happy


26 November 2021

Posted on Friday 26 November 2021 by Mr Wain

This week, we’d like you to practice changing these words to plural:









19 November 2021

Posted on Friday 19 November 2021 by Mr Wain

For this week’s spelling, we’d like you to practise adding the suffixes -er and -est to these words:


05 November 2021

Posted on Friday 05 November 2021 by Mr Wain

This week, we’ve been learning about the spelling rule:

double up for a short vowel sound

An example of this is in the word difficult. The ‘i’ is a short sound if you read it aloud, therefore the following consonant ‘f’ needs to be doubled up. Another example is trapped.

To help consolidate this learning, we’d like you to practise spelling these words at home.

different, difficult, possible, trapped, happening, opposite, arrive

We’ll test ourselves on Friday 12 November to see how we’ve got on.

For some tips and tricks on how best to practise your spellings at home, click here.

15 October 2021

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2021 by Mr Wain

This week, we’ve been learning about some common homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings – this is one of the reasons why English spelling is super tricky!

To help consolidate this learning, we’d like you to practise spelling these words at home. Because they’re homophones, it’s most useful to practise these in sentences. You could do this in the car, on a walk or around the table.

there, they’re, their, which, witch, to, two, too

We’ll test ourselves on Thursday 21 October to see how we’ve got on.

For some tips and tricks on how best to practise your spellings at home, visit the Y3,4 spelling page on our website and click here.

08 October 2021

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mr Wain

This week, we’ve been learning how the ‘ue’ sound can be spelled in lots of different ways. For example, in the word ‘conclude’, the letters ‘u-e’ make the ‘ue’ sound but in the word ‘popular’ it’s the letter ‘u’.

To help consolidate this learning, we’d like you to practise spelling these words at home.

continue, popular, June, regular, queue, rescue, conclude, amuse

We’ll test ourselves on Friday 15 October to see how we’ve got on.

For some tips and tricks on how best to practise your spellings at home, visit the Y3,4 spelling page on our website and click here.

01 October 2021

Posted on Friday 01 October 2021 by Mr Wain

This week, we’ve been learning how the ‘ie’ sound can be spelled in lots of different ways. For example, in the word ‘describe’, the letters ‘i-e’ make the ‘ie’ sound but in the word ‘supply’ it’s the letter ‘y’.

To help consolidate this learning, we’d like you to practise spelling these words at home.

describe                decide               height             surprise

replied                   cried                  polite              supply

We’ll test ourselves on Friday 08 October to see how we’ve got on.

For some tips and tricks on how best to practise your spellings at home, visit the Y3,4 spelling page on our website and click here.