Year 5 Spelling

16 November 2018

Posted on Thursday 15 November 2018 by Miss Wilson


This week’s activity is to write a setting description using as many plurals as you can. Use a variety of plural rules that you practised last week but make sure you spell all of them correctly! Challenge yourself to use powerful adjectives, personification, relative clauses or () and – – parenthesis.

Be ready to share your story on Thursday 22 November.

09 November 2018

Posted on Thursday 08 November 2018 by Miss Wilson


This week’s spelling list is formed using words and their plural forms. It can be difficult to distinguish which ending you need so don’t get caught out! See below for some tips. Can you show your plurals in a creative way? Can you write them in your own paragraph? Challenge yourself to use parentheses:
() — ,,


box/boxes bus/buses city/cities hand/hands
lunch/lunches party/parties potato/potatoes try/tries


  • Most nouns add ‘-s’ in the plural.
  • Nouns ending in a hissing/buzzing/shushing sound add ‘-es’ because it makes it easier to say.
  • Nouns ending in ‘-y’ drop the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ and add ‘-es’.
  • Several nouns ending in ‘o’ add ‘-es’.

There will be a spelling test on Friday 16 November.

19 October 2018

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Miss Wilson

long ‘a’

This week’s activity is to find as many different ways that words show a long ‘a’ sound (such as ai in rain). How many combinations of letters can you find? Hint: there are at least six! Can you include your findings in some sentences or a story? Challenge yourself to include a relative clause or to use () or – – !

12 October 2018

Posted on Friday 12 October 2018 by Miss Wilson


This week’s spelling list is formed using words that sound the same but are spelled completely differently. Practise hearing the word and choosing the correct version for your sentence. Can you think of any ways to remember the correct spelling? Can you write a few sentences or a story? Challenge yourself to use () — ,,


  • isle/ aisle
  • aloud/allowed
  • affect/ effect
  • herd/heard
  • past/ passed
  • there/their/they’re
  • your/you’re
  • our/are

28 September 2018

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Miss Wilson

double up

This week’s activity is to find at least ten words where you must double up the consonant for a short vowel sound. Have a go at practising the words in a creative way.  Once you’ve finished, write each word in your own sentence or story. Challenge yourself to include a relative clause!

Be ready to discuss your findings in class on Thursday 04 October.

21 September 2018

Posted on Thursday 20 September 2018 by Miss Wilson

‘-able’ and ‘-ible’

This week’s spelling list is formed using words that end in either ‘-able’ or  ‘-ible’. It can be difficult to distinguish which ending you need so don’t get caught out! If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences?
adorable breakable disposable forgivable valuable
edible invincible legible possible reversible

14 September 2018

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Miss Wilson

This week’s activity is to work out the correct word that matches the definition. All the words contain a silent letter so don’t get caught out! Once you’ve finished, write each word in your own sentences or a story. Challenge yourself to include a relative clause!

07 September 2018

Posted on Sunday 09 September 2018 by Miss Wilson

‘ough’ words

This week’s spelling list is formed using words that contain the letters ‘ough’. These words have the same letters but sound completely different. Practise saying them aloud, writing them down and using them in your own sentences. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out.
although bought brought cough enough
rough sought thorough though tough



Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Mr Catherall


Made-up words

This week, you should use our three key spelling rules (and any others you can think of) to create 5 of your own made-up words. The word should contain at least one of the rules: double up for a short vowel sound, drop the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ and/or drop the ‘e’ for ‘ing’. Each word must have a definition.

Next week, we’ll vote for our 10 favourites and these will form our word list for the week after. We’ll have our vote on Friday 13 July.





Posted on Friday 29 June 2018 by Mr Catherall

As next week is a health themed week, all of our spellings are linked to having a healthy body and mind. Children should learn these words in preparation for a test on Friday 6 July.
