Year 5 Spelling

23 February 2018

Posted on Thursday 22 February 2018 by Mr Catherall


Recently, in our writing, I’ve noticed that children are still making lots of errors with apostrophes. Apostrophes can be used in three ways:

  • for contractionwe’re (instead of we are)
  • for singular possession – Tim’s ball (the ball belongs to Tim)
  • for plural possession – the dogs’ bed (the bed belongs to more than one dog)

This week, children have been given a worksheet to help them revise the use of apostrophes. They should be ready for a spelling test on Friday 02 February 2018. 

02 February 2018

Posted on Thursday 01 February 2018 by Mr Catherall


As it is the last week of this half-term, instead of being given a list of words to learn, you should revise all the rules we have focused on so far this year. You will be tested on these rules on Friday 09 February 2017.

Use the spelling page of your homework book to evidence your revision.

26 January 2018

Posted on Sunday 28 January 2018 by Mr Catherall

This week, children have been given a spelling activity focussing on the use of hyphens. Hyphens are used to change the meaning of a chunk of text/to make it make sense. For example, a man-eating shark is much more dangerous than a man eating shark (a man eating a shark).

Children should complete the activity for Thursday 01 February. 

19 January 2018

Posted on Friday 19 January 2018 by Mr Catherall

This week our homework is Creative: I can find out about a plant I like.

This links well with our Life Forces topic and our class novel. In class, we discussed some ways in which you could respond creatively to this task:

  • create a map of the world and highlight where your favourite flowers grow
  • take pictures and create a slideshow with information
  • make a model of your favourite plant
  • complete an observational drawing of it
  • make a presentation to inform the rest of the class
  • create a word search of your favourite plant names
  • make an information leaflet
  • draw your favourite plant then label it with information
  • take pictures of your plant in the wild and make a collage in your book

Homework is due on Thursday 25 January 2018.

19 January 2018

Posted on Friday 19 January 2018 by Mr Catherall

‘-ably’ or ‘-ibly’ words 

We’ve been focusing on learning how to spell words ending in ‘-ably’ or ‘-ibly’.

Here’s a list of words that can be changed to end in ‘-ably’ or ‘-ibly’. Children should learn how to spell these words and be comfortable choosing and spelling the correct word ending.

eg For the word possible, children will be asked to spell possibly in the test.


12 January 2018

Posted on Friday 12 January 2018 by Mr Catherall

‘ably or ‘ibly’?

For the next two weeks, we’ll be focussing on the ‘ably’ and ‘ibly’ word ending. To help them learn when to use the correct ending, children should complete the following activity by Thursday 18 January.

Earlier in the year, we learnt about the ‘able’ and ‘ible’ word endings and identified some rules and conventions to help us spell these words correctly. Children should reflect on this learning and investigate the following questions:

  • True or false…all words that end in ‘able’ can be changed to end in ‘ably’?
  • True or false…all words that end in ‘ible’ can be changed to end in ‘ibly’?
  • Can you spot a pattern, rule or convention when changing words to end in ‘ably’ or ‘ibly’?
  • Is it always, sometimes or never true that words ending in ‘ably’ or ‘ibly’ are adverbs? Prove it.

05 January 2018

Posted on Thursday 04 January 2018 by Mr Catherall

Tricky words

These words are often tricky because they appear to not follow traditional spelling conventions.

Children should learn these words in preparation for a test on Friday 12 January.


08 December 2017

Posted on Friday 08 December 2017 by Mr Catherall

08.12.17 – revision

As it is the end of term, instead of giving children a list of words to learn, I would like children to use their homework books to revise all the rules we have learnt so far this year. They should prepare themselves for a test on Thursday 14 December.

01 December 2017

Posted on Monday 04 December 2017 by Mr Catherall

01.12.17 – Apostrophes

This week, I will not be giving you a spelling list. Instead, during our spelling test on Friday 08 December, I will read out ten sentences that contain at least one apostrophe. You will need to figure out which words need an apostrophe and use it correctly.

e.g Some of the book’s pages were torn.

I believe they are Mr Jones’ golf clubs.

I can’t believe you lost your book.

To prepare for the test, you should practise using apostrophes for possession and contraction/omission.

Use this page of your homework to prove you have practised.

24 November 2017

Posted on Friday 24 November 2017 by Mr Catherall

24.11.17 – Apostrophes

Apostrophes are used in the English language to show contraction and possession. This week, children should make a poster to help people use them correctly. This could include common errors or rules. The posters should be returned to school on Thursday 30 November.