Year 5 Spelling

15 March 2019

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by Miss Wilson

Year 5 Statutory Spellings

This week, your challenge is to make a crossword in order to practise your spellings, just like we’ve done in class. Challenge yourself to write some clues, too! The list is formed using words that are from the Year 5/6 statutory spellings list. All children need to know these words by the end of Year Six. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out!
amateur competition determined equipment hindrance
immediate language opportunity sacrifice sufficient

08 March 2019

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Miss Wilson

Year 5 Statutory Spellings

This week, your challenge is to play Speed Write with someone at home in order to practise your spellings – just like we’ve done in class. The list is formed using words that are from the Year 5/6 statutory spellings list. All children need to know these words by the end of year six. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out!


cemetery definite foreign lightning
occur prejudice recommend secretary


08 February 2019

Posted on Wednesday 13 February 2019 by Miss Wilson

Year 5 Statutory Spellings

This week’s spelling list is formed using words that are from the Year 5/6 statutory spellings list. All children need to know these words by the end of year six. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences? Can you use them in a list with semi colons?
accommodate awkward correspond explanation necessary
privilege relevant shoulder system vehicle

01 February 2019

Posted on Thursday 31 January 2019 by Miss Wilson

Year 5 Statutory Spellings

This week’s spelling list is formed using words that are from the Year 5/6 statutory spellings list. All children need to know these words by the end of year six. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences? Can you use them in a list with semi colons?
according community curiosity forty muscle
occupy persuade soldier suggest temperature

25 January 2019

Posted on Thursday 24 January 2019 by Miss Wilson

Year 5 Statutory Spellings
This week’s spelling list is formed using words that are from the Year 5/6 statutory spellings list. All children need to know these words by the end of year six. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences? Can you use them in a list with semi colons?
aggressive disastrous especially nuisance profession
restaurant symbol variety vegetable yacht

There will be a spelling test on Friday 01 February.

11 January 2019

Posted on Friday 11 January 2019 by Miss Wilson


This week’s spelling list is formed using words that end with ‘-ture’. We are recapping a Y4 spelling rule so children should already know these words or this rule. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences? Challenge yourself to use a relative clause or parenthesis.
capture creature future immature mature
mixture moisture nature nurture fixture

14 December 2018

Posted on Thursday 13 December 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings require the children to apply a number of the skills we’ve learnt so far this year.

We’ve learnt all sorts of rules about adding prefixes and suffixes to words this term. Using the table below, see how many different (and real) words you can build using the prefixes, root words and suffixes supplied. If you can think of your own too, that’s great.

There will be no test on Friday 21 December but we will share the words we’ve built with each other.

07 December 2018

Posted on Friday 07 December 2018 by Miss Wilson

Year 3/4 Statutory Spellings
This week’s spelling activity is formed using words that are from the Year 3/4 statutory spellings list. All children should already know these words but should choose some they are less confident with and practise those. Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences? Can you write a character or setting description and use parenthesis?

30 November 2018

Posted on Friday 30 November 2018 by Miss Wilson

Year 5 Statutory Spellings
This week’s spelling list is formed using words that are from the Year 5/6 statutory spellings list. All children need to know these words by the end of year six. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences?
achieve ancient category communicate definite
embarrass excellent physical rhyme stomach

23 November 2018

Posted on Monday 26 November 2018 by Miss Wilson

‘co-’ and ‘re-’
This week’s spelling list is formed using words that start with either ‘co-’ or      ‘re-’. Your task is to decide which prefix to use for each root word to make a new word that makes sense. Don’t forget your hyphen. If you don’t know what any of the words mean, find out! Is there a pattern? Can you show them in a creative way? Can you write them in your own sentences?
co- re-
emerge emphasise enter evaluate examine
operate ordinate own pilot star