Year 6 Spelling

14 December 2018

Posted on Thursday 13 December 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings require the children to apply a number of the skills we’ve learnt so far this year.

We’ve learnt all sorts of rules about adding prefixes and suffixes to words this term. Using the table below, see how many different (and real) words you can build using the prefixes, root words and suffixes supplied. If you can think of your own too, that’s great.

There will be no test on Friday 21 December but we will share the words we’ve built with each other.

30 November 2018

Posted on Thursday 29 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings have no particular pattern. The children have the Year 3/4 spelling list and should practise tackling spellings using the strategies below when they’ve had no opportunity to learn them beforehand.

  • break the word up into syllables
  • think about what the root word is before tackling
  • consider whether any prefixes or suffixes have been adding
  • consider whether any spelling rules need to be applied
  • consider what spelling patterns might be involved (tious, cious)

When none of these strategies work for a word, a way of remembering it needs to be created.

There will be a text on Friday 7 December. The children will be tested on ten words which will all come from this list.


This week’s times tables focus is the 8s. Many children find this table difficult so practising both the multiplication and divisions facts is important. There will be a test on this on Friday 7 December.

23 November 2018

Posted on Thursday 22 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings all end in ‘tial and ‘cial.

Do you notice that there is usually a vowel before the ‘cial and a consonant (mostly ‘n’) before the ‘tial? There are a couple of words that don’t follow this rule – these are the ones that we’ll need to practise most. Children are expected to practise these spellings in their books (there’re lots of strategies at the back of homework books). We’ll informally test each other during our homework review next week.

16 November 2018

Posted on Friday 16 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling list continues to focus on words ending in –tious and –cious.

We’ve investigated why these words end in this way and now need to practise spelling them and using them correctly in sentences. Using the suggestions at the back of your book, see how many different ways you can practise spelling these words and choose three you’re less confident with to use in a sentence.

  • vicious
  • precious
  • conscious
  • delicious
  • malicious
  • suspicious
  • ambitious
  • cautious
  • fictitious
  • infectious
  • nutritious

09 November 2018

Posted on Thursday 08 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Next we’ll, we’ll be focussing on word endings in ‘tious and ‘cious. Here are some words which end in these sounds. Work out the root word for each of them and think about how this can help you to decide whether the spelling is with a ‘t’ or a ‘c’. There will be no test on Friday 16 November.

  • vicious
  • precious
  • conscious
  • delicious
  • malicious
  • suspicious
  • ambitious
  • cautious
  • fictitious
  • infectious
  • nutritious

12 October 2018

Posted on Thursday 11 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

All of the spellings this week have ‘fer endings and we’re learning how to add a suffix to these words. There will be a test on Friday 19 October.

preferred referred transferred offered
preferring referring transferring offering
preference reference transference  
  referral transferal  
preferable referable transferable

This week’s time tables test will be on the 4 x table but we’ll be challenging ourselves with the more difficult questions we’ve been practising recently. We’re improving every day with these.

05 October 2018

Posted on Friday 05 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

All of the spellings this week have -fer endings and we’re learning how to add a suffix to these words. There will be no test on Friday but your child needs to practise adding suffixes to these words correctly. Sometimes you need to double the ‘r’ and sometimes you don’t.

All children should be practising their spellings in their homework book, using the techniques suggested at the back which we also use in class.

  • refer
  • prefer
  • transfer
  • offer


  • -ed
  • -ing
  • -ence
  • -al

This week’s time tables test will be on the 4 x table but we’ll be challenging ourselves with the more difficult questions we’ve been practising recently. We’re improving every day with these.

28 September 2018

Posted on Thursday 27 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

All of the spellings this week have -ible or -able endings. For Friday’s test, I’ll test some of these words but will also test words from their word families or even words that have the same spelling pattern but weren’t on the spelling list.

All children should be practising their spellings in their homework book using the techniques suggested at the back which we also use in class.

-able -ible rule-breakers
























21 September 2018

Posted on Thursday 20 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week, you have a spelling activity. There will be no test on Friday 28 September. Instead we’ll review what you’ve found out from this activity. It focuses on words ending in -ible and -able and being able to recognise which one to use.

Find out words with ‘ible and ‘able endings and create the word families for them.

adorable – adorably – adoration – adore – adored – adoring

We’re going to work on the 3 times table next week. The children will be tested on Friday 28 September. Because we should know our three times table, the test will include both multiplication and division facts. Good practice would be to create all four calculations from one times table fact:

  • 3 x 7 = 21
  • 7 x 3 = 21
  • 21 / 3 = 7
  • 21 / 7 = 3

14 September 2018

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

These are some homophones that Year 6 need to learn – remember it’s not the spellings that are tricky but knowing when to use. This means you need to practise using them in sentences correctly.

practice      practise

advice        advise

device        devise

licence        license

heard        herd

guessed       guest

passed        past

father         further

led       lead

morning      mourning

Here are some homophones that we should be using correctly already (but don’t). Practise using these correctly too.

there   their   they’re

your    you’re

to    too    two

of    off

which    witch

here   hear

weather   whether

There will be a spelling test on Friday 21 September. I will show a sentence with a missing word and the children will have to write down the correct spelling of the homophone in that sentence.

We’ll continue to work on the 2 times table next week on which the children will be tested on Friday 21 September. Because we should know our two times tables inside out, we’ll be working on known facts, such as:

  • If 4 x 2 = 8, 4 x 20 = 80
  • If 6 x 2 = 12, 6 x 0.2 = 1.2
  • If 24 / 2 = 12, 240 / 2 = 120
  • If 12 / 2 = 6, 1.2 / 2 = 0.6