
Living and Learning: Being healthy themed week

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

We have had a jam packed week of activities all about staying healthy this week. Here is a little snippet!

A calm and peaceful Yoga session to start on Monday morning!

Learning about healthy food with Mrs Taylor.

D:side Dave came in to talk to us about how we look after our bodies.

We also had a healthy eating assembly on Wednesday morning!

This was followed by a brilliant skipping session!

Thursday afternoon we pushed ourselves in sports day! Well done to everyone involved!

On Friday morning we were very brave tasting new and unusual food in a bush tucker trial!


Making Eggy’s Car!

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Miss Goswami

Today, we have started to make ‘Eggy’s Car’.

The design brief for this project is:

  • Design and make a moving vehicle.
  • The vehicle must protect Eggy the egg from harm if the vehicle crashes.
  • The car must be driveable during day or night.

The children used different tools to measure, cut and create. They have now created their bases for their cars and will soon add more details and safety features to them. Watch this space to see more design and technology progress!

Help at home: Discuss what safety features will be added to your child’s Eggy’s car.

Design and Technology: Go-Karts!

Posted on Thursday 13 July 2023 by Miss Birch


As you would have seen on our last post, Year 4 have been busy designing, creating and evaluating their go-kart prototypes!

Today, they had their final session to complete any finishing touches. We had some last minute changes to make sure that they could move freely and hold a model figure. Therefore, some go-karts don’t have a motor and some do!

Here are some of our groups with their go-karts. They were absolutely fantastic and Mrs Charlesworth and I were incredibly impressed.

Well done to Year 4 for working well together as a team and using their skills to create and change go-karts for the better!

Moortown Lego Legends

Posted on Wednesday 05 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

This week, we had a presentation from six members of the class, also known as Moortown Lego Legends, to share their project they have been working on for the last four months. The class had lots of questions to ask them.

They have worked together as a team on a great Lego and coding project, putting into practice some of their programming skills learnt earlier this year in our computing topic, while also learning about sustainable energy sources.

Well done to all the children involved and thank you to the parents for supporting them in this learning out of school.

Leeds Discovery Centre Trip

Posted on Tuesday 04 July 2023 by Miss Goswami

Yesterday, Year 5 went to Leeds Discovery Centre to take part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop. The children were able to touch artefacts, design their own Egyptian town and create a self portrait (in the style of hieroglyphics).

The children were amazed by the fascinating Leeds Discovery Centre store, which holds over 1 million artefacts. We were able to look at a range of different items from the past; we were even able to touch moon rock and look at a meteorite!

Help at home: Discuss something they have learnt, their favourite part of the day or a question they now have about Egyptian life.

Lotherton Hall Trip

Posted on Thursday 29 June 2023 by Mrs Lake

On Wednesday, Year 2 enjoyed a day out of school to Lotherton Hall. It was jam-packed day of sunshine, smiles and wildlife!

As part of our science learning this half term, we enjoyed a workshop called ‘who eats who’. In the workshop we looked at  lots of science vocabulary: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, prey, predator and producer.

The Year 2 children were brilliant at identifying skulls from different animals by looking at the size, teeth and features.

Before we left, we enjoyed time climbing and enjoying the park grounds and playgrounds.

Help at home by discussing your child’s biological knowledge. This links well with this week’s Talk Time homework.

23 June 2023

Posted on Friday 23 June 2023 by Mrs Lake

  • stable
  • structure
  • design
  • evaluate
  • process
  • base
  • cycle
  • healthy

The children will be tested on these words next Friday 30th June.

Please encourage your child to try practise the words by putting their words in a sentence using our handwriting guide. Also, look at the spelling activities guide for some ideas to practise these words.

Junior aquathon finisher

Posted on Wednesday 07 June 2023 by Mrs Taylor

There has been another great sporting achievement from one of our Y5 friends.

Last week, they took part in the Leeds and Bradford Triathlon club’s junior aquathlon at Leeds University campus. This involved a 150m swim and a 1200m run.

We are very proud of their great achievement!
For more information about getting involved in triathlons, have a look at the junior section of the Leeds and Bradford Triathlon Club.


We are biologists

Posted on Wednesday 24 May 2023 by Mrs Taylor

This half-term, we’re biologists, learning specifically about plants.

Here’s a list of key words that we’ve been learning as part of our topic.

seed: the part of a plant which can grow into a new plant
bulbs: the round underground part of a plant that contains food for the plant (eg onion bulb, daffodil bulb, tulip bulb)
basic needs: the things that a plant needs to live
temperature: a measurement of how hot or cold something is
growth: an increase in size
healthy: feeling well and happy
germinate: when a seed begins to grow into a plant
seedling: a young plant grown from a seed

Throughout this learning, we have been carrying two investigations.

How do bulbs grow? What do plants need to help them grow?

We put some onion bulbs in different conditions and observed the changes over time.

Ask your child to explain what had happened.

What do seeds need to germinate?

After observing and comparing different seeds, we planted seeds in different locations (and therefore different conditions). All the plants were given water.

Week 1

After one week, this is what had happened. The seeds had germinated in two out of the three locations. Even though the seedlings had started to grow in the cupboard and the classroom, they looked different and we observed these differences.

After two weeks, we were surprised to see that the seeds in the fridge had started to germinate. There were only small seedlings and they looked pale and not very healthy. The seedlings in the classroom on the window sill were definitely looking the healthiest with lots of dark green leaves.

We’ve also noticed a change in the tree in the front playground. How has it changed?

Help at home this week, the children have taken home their own planted sunflower seed to look after. Read the instructions to help the plant to grow as best as it can. We’d love to see how the plants are getting on!

Emma Carroll

Posted on Monday 22 May 2023 by Mr Fayers

This morning, Year 5 and 6 spoke to author Emma Carroll on Zoom. Author of Secrets of the Sun King and Letters from the Lighthouse, two of our class novels, we listened to Emma talk about her books and the writing process. We asked her questions including her normal writing day and her characters. It was great to have the opportunity to hear from a real author whose books we have enjoyed. 

This afternoon, we had a debating session. We argued about several topics and everyone was very engaged and wanted to have their say. Our final debate was on banning homework, and although close, the class agreed that we should not ban it. Well done Year 6, I was very impressed by your speaking and listening skills!

Help at home by asking your child what they learnt from listening to Emma Carroll and ask them to articulate their view on banning homework.