10 June 2016
This week’s Talk Time homework is due on Monday 13 June to be used during an Relationships and Sex Education lesson.
Identify somebody who you would consider to be a role model. Bring in a picture and be prepared to discuss who they are and why they’re your role model.
We’ll be talking about ourselves and how our emotions change during puberty. Identifying a role model is part of making sure we maintain a positive image of ourselves, thinking about how we can use our role model to do this.
We’re learning the basics of hockey in PE this half term. This week, we’ve been learning how to hold the hockey stick. This has been a real challenge for most children!
The way that most children have found helpful is this:
Imagine you are on a bike and hold the imaginary handlebars. Next, turn your right fist upside-down. Now we are ready to hold the stick! The left fist goes at the top and the upside-down fist goes nearer the bottom.
Please make sure that your child has shorts for PE as children in long trousers are getting too hot.
Brownlee Foundation triathlon
Well done to some of our Year 3 and 4 pupils who were part of 950 children competing in the Brownlee Foundation triathlon at John Smeaton Leisure Centre. This event has been hosted in preparation for the World Triathlon Series held in Leeds this weekend. These children can be inspired to know that all three of the 2016 Mens Tri Olympic Team not only train in Leeds, but were born here too.
- ‘I really liked the triathlon because it makes you fit and it was really fun.’
- ‘I was really nervous at the start but I loved it. It was challenging.’
- ‘I really enjoyed it and I would like to do it again.’
- ‘It was great fun because it gave you chance to practise different sports.’
- ‘I loved it because of the excitement of it.’
Rocket seeds
Our rocket seed experiment came to an end on the last Friday before half-term when we completed our final measurement. We’ve now submitted the results to the Principia mission and they’ll add what we found to the results of all the other schools taking place.
Having looked at the information we’ve gathered, which do you think are the seeds from space?
When all of the data has been collated, the agency will be in touch with us to let us know what they found out and finally tell us which seeds are which!
Great start!
Year 5 have had a fantastic start to their final term before moving into Year 6. They’ve been focused, followed instructions straight away and have shown a wonderful level of maturity.
Our RSE (relationships and sex education) has been met with a sensible attitude and a curious nature making the lessons informative, comfortable and a safe place to ask questions. Keep this up, not only through RSE, but for the rest of the year.
Flash back to money week…
We all really enjoyed money week and got up to all sorts throughout the week which Mrs Taylor has already updated you on. Here are some pictures for you to see us in action…
We played games which required our money skills and then designed our own money games.
We smashed records with HOTSHOTS, raising lots of money along with having great fun.
We put our creative heads together to use recycling and modroc to make our own money boxes and start saving.
We had a second go at making animations, but this time we had a budget to spend and we took up some bartering to get our costs down.
What a great week!
Rights and responsibilities
I’d like to flash back to before half term to show you some of our fantastic homework completed to demonstrate what the children learnt through our rights and responsibilities SEAL theme.
As always, there were some brilliantly creative examples of work and we thoroughly enjoyed looking at, reading, playing and admiring each others’ efforts.
Euro 2016 themed menu
To celebrate UEFA’s European Football Championship 2016, Catering Agency will be running a special themed menu on Tuesday 21 June. Please contact the office if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
Meanwood Park Orienteering
Remember these?
They are now part of a fun orienteering course in Meanwood Park. There are ten owls to find and each has a letter to create a two word anagram.
Class Novel
Today, we have started reading out new class novel. It will come in really handy when we start writing our spooky stories in English next week!
Ffangs the Vampire Bat and the Kiss of Truth
Ffangs lives with the other vampires on Vampire Island, but he is different from the rest – he can’t stand the sight of blood!
When he arrives in London, everyone is too frightened to listen when he explains that he only wants to be human. And soon he finds himself alone in Buckingham Palace to face Thomas the Vampire Hunter . . .