
More good news…

Posted on Tuesday 17 May 2016 by Mrs Weekes

Mr Wilks and Mrs Valentine have been involved in some professional development for Science.  As a result of this, an action plan from Moortown has been selected as a special merit award winner by the STEM centre (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).  A cash prize will be used to improve Science teaching and learning.

As one of 60 winners, the action plan will be submitted into a shortlist to select the finalists.  We’ll find out in July whether we have been chosen to win another £5000!

In the meantime, well done to Mr Wilks and Mrs Valentine.

School Saving Club

Posted on Monday 16 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our upcoming themed week, Money Matters, we’ll be setting up a School Saving Club, in partnership with Leeds City Credit Union.

There will be a parent information session on Wednesday 18 May, from 3pm-4pm, to find out more information and pick up an application form from Leasey Newton, Leeds City Credit Union.


As an extra incentive, children in Year 3 will receive £10 from Leeds City Council for opening an account.

During our Money Matters week, we’ll hold the first paying in session on Thursday 26 May from 3pm-4pm.

The Savings Club will then run on a monthly basis.  The dates for this term are Wednesday 22 June from 3.15pm-4pm and Wednesday 20 July from 3.15pm-4pm.

Leeds City Credit Union First Savers account

Opening your child/children a First Savers Account is a fantastic way to help them to learn how to save and will teach them a skill they can use in the future. It has been proven that children who utilise a savings scheme within a school, watching their savings grow, continue to save throughout their adult lives.

There are no minimum requirements to this account and with each deposit, however small; your child will earn rewards to collect.

Leeds City Credit Union has introduced a new fun way for children to save and would like you to say hello to “The Potts Family”.

All children joining the savings club will be given an individual membership number and savings card. After every sixth deposit a sticker will be given. Each sticker represents a member of “The Potts Family”. When all the five stickers have been collected your child will receive a special badge of “Dolla” the dog.

Once the account is open, and your child reaches the signatory control age, the account will stay theirs to do as they wish, setting them up to continue saving throughout their adult life.

If you would like your child to join the Savings Club, please ask at the office for a First Savers application form, or come along to the parent information session on Wednesday 18 May from 3pm-4pm.


Do you have any old or foreign coins and bank notes?

Posted on Monday 16 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

If so, we will be launching a cash4coins PTA fundraiser during our Money Matters themed week.


Many people have some old foreign currency, either notes or coins and perhaps some old UK or Irish decimal coins.

We are collecting all worldwide current currency in notes or coins and any of the older currency such as the German Marks, Spanish Pesetas, old UK shillings, old UK decimal coins including Ireland, Channel Islands, Scotland, Isle of Man and £5/£2 coins.

We can turn your old money into a valuable donation.

Please donate at the school office.

Market research

Posted on Monday 16 May 2016 by Mr Catherall

This afternoon, we were ‘market researchers’ in preparation for our restaurant day on Friday (ask your child about this exciting learning).

Some of us went to Marks and Spencer’s and Cooplands to see which salads are available. Some of us carried out our market research here in school; either by asking adults or searching the Internet.

We then used our findings to decide on a salad that we will make (and sell – kind of) later in the week.

Prepare for your audition

Posted on Saturday 14 May 2016 by Mr Roundtree

On Wednesday, Year 5 and 6 will have the opportunity to auditions for parts in our upcoming production…

Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. 

If the children want a speaking part (no matter how big or how small) they’ve been asked to be ready to give a  very short demonstration of their acting skills and will have the opportunity to identify which parts they’re interested in. Obviously, we won’t be able to give everyone their first choice but we’ll aim to give anyone who wants a speaking part some lines. Anything can be prepared for the audition but I’ve attached some scenes if the children want to use use those.

We’ve also discussed the importance of other roles in theatre: lighting, props, sound, stage hands, front of house. Any children not wanting an acting part will still be involved in the singing but may wish to take on one of these roles instead.

Break a leg!






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Would you like to ‘tri something new’?

Posted on Friday 13 May 2016 by Mrs Taylor

As part of the forthcoming World Triathlon Series weekend in Leeds, here are some details of how you can have a go too.

Tri Something New is a programme launched by Leeds City Council and British Triathlon and supported by Sport England, which gives you a fantastic opportunity to give triathlon a go.

On Saturday 11 June, newcomers to the sport can have a go in a fun and relaxed environment at the GO TRI event in Roundhay Park. The distances for the event are much shorter than a usual triathlon, so everyone can give it a tri! The swim is 200m (that’s just 8 lengths of a normal swimming pool), the bike 10km and the run, jog or walk just 2.5km. Costing £10, anyone can take part and to make the event even more fun and friendly, you can sign up to one of our special start waves, so you can take part with like-minded people:

  • Platinum 50+ – Because age doesn’t matter in GO TRI, this wave is for those that would like to take part with fellow evergreen participants.
  • Made in Leeds – Aimed at Leeds residents; those that are born and bred in the city and want to take part with other Leeds locals.
  • This Girl Can – Year on year female participation in triathlon is increasing and we’re proud to offer a women’s only wave at the event.
  • Relay – Don’t fancy taking on all three elements? Team up with one or two friends or family members and take on the course together.
  • Splash and Dash – Not got a bicycle? Fear not, you can still take part on the same course in our swim-run event.
  • Pedal and Plod – Swimming not your thing? Our peddle & plod wave is the perfect way to take part, whilst sticking to dry land.

Discounted entry is available for large groups; please contact jennyvincent@britishtriathlon.org for more information.

The Tri Something New programme provides free tailor made GO TRI training and GO TRI taster events at each of the four hub sites; Fearnville Leisure Centre, Middleton Park/John Charles Leisure Centre, Armley Leisure Centre and the Universities. There is also the chance try out open water swimming at one of our training days at Roundhay Park, to give you a chance to have a go before 11 June.

go tri

13 May 2016

Posted on Friday 13 May 2016 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 18 May.

I can find out about toys from the past. 

Talk to your children about the toys and games you played when you were a child. If possible, they could talk to grandparents as well. How have toys changed? Are there any toys, or variations, that children still use today?



Making Music

Posted on Friday 13 May 2016 by

Our mini-topic for the next two weeks is Making Music. Here’s what we’ve been up to…


On Monday, we learnt how to play some chords on the ukuleles. We worked in pairs to help each other  get our fingers on the correct frets. We learnt how to play and sing row row row your boat. 


On Wednesday, we practised our ukulele playing and wrote out own words to row row row your boat. 


On Thursday, we made our own mouth organs. We discussed how the elastic band vibrated and made a noise. We also explored how blowing harder and softer affected the noise made.


Today, we had a look at some decorated instruments and decided to create a design to go on our mouth organs.

13 May 2016

Posted on Friday 13 May 2016 by Mr Wilks

13.05.16 Green Group 13.05.16 Red Group 13.05.16 Yellow Group

13 May 2016

Posted on Friday 13 May 2016 by

The homework for this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 18 May.

I can tell someone my address.

In SEAL, we have been learning about safety in the home. We have looked at pictures of rooms in the home and spotted hazards and potential dangers. We discussed how we can be responsible for making our home safer, for example, picking up toys so nobody trips over them. We know what to do in an emergency in our home and know that we can call 999 to contact the police, fire brigade and ambulance in a real emergency. Hopefully, no children will ever need to call the emergency services, but if they do, it is useful (or essential if calling from a mobile) to know their address.

The children know that their address is private information and that they should never tell anyone their address unless in an emergency.