06 May 2016
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect and is due on 11 May.
I can practise using pronouns.
In English, we have been using pronouns in our book review writing. A pronoun is a word or phrase that can be used in the place of a noun. We use pronouns to avoid repetition in a paragraph. Your child has a series of activities to help them practise using pronouns.
06 May 2016
This week’s spellings are all homophones. Homophones are two or more words that sound the same but are spelt differently and mean different things. For example: fair (a place with rides and games) and fare (the cost of public transport).
- grown / groan
- eight / ate
- woman / women
- heard / herd
Your child also needs to find their own pair (not pear!) of homophones which they will be tested on.
06 May 2016
This week, the homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 11 May.
I can design a toy of the future.
We’re starting a new topic about toys next week and this homework aims to get children thinking about what their dream toy would be or what toy children may be playing with in the future.
I grew up dreaming about hoverboards (I was never very good on a skateboard) and am still disappointed no one has managed to create one.
Ask your child what their dream toys would be and get them to sketch it. They should include labels and annotations about what material the toy will be made from or what a part’s function is. Your child could even build a prototype to give us an idea of what your toy would look like!
06 May 2016
Skittles science continued…
After our science experiment with Skittles last week, we went on to ask our own questions and plan our own experiment from it.
- What will happen if you change the sweet?
- What will happen if you change the number of Skittles?
- What will happen if you change the liquid?
This meant we could discuss independent and constant variables to ensure that we were testing just one thing and it was really interesting to see which of our predictions were correct and what was surprising.

…all really great Science, although we couldn’t help but be distracted by wanting to eat all of the lovely sweets we had in front of us!
Film production
Our film topic continues as we move into creating our own stop motion animations. The children have teamed up and started the process by noting down all of their different ideas.
They then decided on one together and started scripting (organising, assigning roles, noting what they would need) before mapping out their idea onto a storyboard.
We’ll begin filming next week and, hopefully, will be able to publish some of our masterpieces so that you can watch them at home.
Rocket seeds
A quick update on our rocket seeds…
They’re growing! We’ve been watering them and turning them each day so that they all receive the same amount of sunlight.
We can’t see any difference between the red and the blue yet but there is a noticeable difference according to which windowsill they’re on. We’ve concluded that one of the windowsills doesn’t receive as much sunlight as the others because those seeds are growing at a much slower rate.
Today, we’ll be calculating the percentage of seeds that have grown in each seed tray and noting it on our record sheet.
To launch our Money Matters themed week, on 23 May, we will hold a Hotshots fundraising event, led by TSC sports and dance coaching limited, to raise money for our two school charities: Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Mind. During the day, each class will be able to take part in the Hotshots event, with every child having three chances to score a goal and their fastest time recorded. All children will receive a certificate with their fastest shot and medals will be awarded for the fastest boy and girl in each class. Sponsor forms will be sent home and children are encouraged to raise money for this event. These should be returned, with any money raised, on the day.
Money Matters
Our next whole school themed week Money Matters, based around money and financial education, will be taking place from Monday 23 May 2016. A variety of events and visitors are planned to help us deliver this key aspect of education.
During the week, we will look at questions including:
- What is money?
- Where does money come from?
- How do we spend money?
- How do we manage money?
If your job involves an aspect of finance and/or money and you can support our themed week by coming into school, please contact the office.
06 May 2016
This week’s spellings mainly focus on words with the ‘erred‘ spelling pattern with some other odd double ups included. Ten of these spellings will be tested on Friday 13 May.
- referred, reference, referee
- preferred, preference, preferring
- transferred, transferring, transference
- interrupt, interrupting, interrupted
- necessary, unnecessary
- assistance, assistant, assisted, assisting
Don’t forget: it’s really important to learn what these spellings mean, how to use them in a sentence and be able to spell them beyond a test.