
06 May 2016

Posted on Thursday 05 May 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s creative homework is due on Wednesday 11 May.

To be able to recommend a film.

We’re in the midst of creating our own animated films in class using stop motion animation. For homework, your child need to choose a film to present to their peers that they would recommend.

Please ensure that any film your child chooses is age appropriate and therefore no higher a certificate than 12A. This is a creative homework so they can present their chosen film in any way they choose:

  • make a trailer of the film
  • write an enticing film review
  • introduce us to the characters
  • storyboard what happens
  • focus on a director instead and review a number of their films
  • focus on an actor and review their best films

06 May 2016

Posted on Thursday 05 May 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s practice makes perfect homework is due on Wednesday 11 May.

To be able to round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000.

This homework is a recap of a maths skill we’ve learnt every year and just need to keep revisiting to make sure we remain confident with it. Round each number using the table provided. If it can’t be rounded to one of the numbers given, just leave it blank.

Please make sure homework is brought into school on Wednesday. Some children have been forgetting homework and therefore have not been able to check their work when we go through it as a class.

A fun maths game for doubles

Posted on Wednesday 04 May 2016 by

To help us remember doubles, we have been playing a game…


Roll a die (1-6)
Double the number rolled and colour that number.
Take it in turns.
The winner is the first to get three coloured squares in a row.

The children love playing this and they are getting much quicker at recalling doubles and halves. They are also developing their logic as they decide which square they are going to colour and how they can ‘block’ their opponent.

Questions you can ask: 
Which number do you think I want to colour next? Why?
If I want to colour this number, which number do I need to roll? (This gets children thinking about halving.)
How many ways can you win now?
Which square would be best to start on? Why?

The children said they would like to play it at home so you can simply download the image above or make your own. All you need is a die!



Do we have an author in the making?

Posted on Wednesday 04 May 2016 by Mrs Weekes

A big well done to Emre who entered a writing competition and made it all the way to the final six writers! Tom Palmer, from Leeds, released a chapter a day of his own adventure story all set in Leeds. Year 5 followed the story and then had the opportunity over the Easter holidays to write their own Leeds-based story for the competition. Emre’s story was great and, as a finalist, his story was sent to Tom to be judged for the winner. Unfortunately, he didn’t win but fantastic to get so far out of thousands of budding authors. Emre will receive a book of Tom Palmer’s and a letter from the man himself. Check out Emre’s story on Year 5’s class news.

Please Mr Panda

Posted on Wednesday 04 May 2016 by


Today, we are going to be reviewing Please Mr Panda by Steve Antony.

Watch this space for the finished results!

Sunflower seeds: 1 week later

Posted on Monday 02 May 2016 by

A week after we planted our sunflower seeds, we could see some progress! We were super excited to see how things had changed.IMG_0671

We could see a shoot! Most of the pots had a shoot emerging from the soil, but not all…yet!


There was one pot which had stayed the same. The seed which has had no water has not changed. We wondered why.


We also have a seed in the fridge, a seed with no soil and a seed in the dark! We’ve made some predictions on which ones we think will be successful, but only time will tell! We’re really enjoying being scientists. You can help your little scientist develop at home by asking your child what they are learning about and investigating in science lessons. How much can they tell you about plants and our experiment?

Phonics mornings

Posted on Monday 02 May 2016 by Mrs Wood

Thank you all for attending the recent phonics mornings. We hope you have found these sessions useful.

Remember, please ask if you need further help with any aspect of your child’s learning.

29 April 2016

Posted on Friday 29 April 2016 by

The homework for this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 04 April.

I can solve missing number problems using a number line.

29 April 2016

Posted on Friday 29 April 2016 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 04 May.

The SEAL theme this half-term centres around rights and responsibilities. This week is about the right to an opinion and the responsibility to respect the opinions of others. Discuss the rights and responsibilities we have regarding our own and other people’s opinions.


29 April 2016

Posted on Friday 29 April 2016 by Mr Wilks

29.04.16 Yellow Group 29.04.16 Green Group 29.04.16 Red Group