29 April 2016
This week’s spellings all have the ‘-ou’ digraph. These spellings all have ‘-ou’ making an ‘uh’ sound (as in touch and country) or ‘-ough’ making an ‘uff’ sound (as in enough).
These spellings will be tested next Friday. Why not go on spellodrome to practise your spellings?
Teamwork, concentration and coordination
Today some of our Year 1 and 2 children have taken part in the Key Stage 1 participation event as part of our partnership with Active Schools. This is one of the ways we have invested our PE Premium.
Along with other Leeds schools the children enjoyed activities including tri-golf, cheerleading and Tagtiv8.
‘I loved the golf.’
‘Cheerleading was the best.’
‘We got to do cartwheels.’
29 April 2016
This week’s spellings focus on the double up rule and will be tested on Friday 6 May.
- recommend
- immediately
- community
- communicate
- excellent
- embarrass
- opposite
- accompany
- correspond
- aggressive
It’s important to practise spellings regularly so that they are learnt and not just remembered for a week in order to score well in a test. We’ve created lots of different ways to practise our spellings in class that can be done at home and, don’t forget, we now have Spellodrome to use at home. Any feedback on this resource would be greatly appreciated.
29 April 2016
This week’s Practice Makes Perfect homework is due on Wednesday 4 May.
To be able to answer questions about punctuation and grammar.
The children have got another set of questions to have a go at at home. This proved really useful last week to revise what we’ve already learnt and to find out what we were less sure of.
This is not a test so that children can ask me questions and research things at home. It would be fab if they were then ready to share which questions they were less sure of so we know what to work on together.
29 April 2016
This week’s Talk Time homework is due on Friday 6 May (not Wednesday 4 May)
To be able to talk confidently about my chosen person that I’ll write my biography on on Friday 6 May.
All of the children have chosen somebody that they’d like to write a biography on, having learnt all about how to write them in our English lessons. It is their responsibility to find out about this person and be ready to write about them at the end of next week.
Don’t forget to create some notes for you to refer to when you’re writing.
We’ve been working hard to improve our gymnastics skills in PE today. We’ve practised different types of balances, jumps and travels. We’ve also climbed, dangled and swung on the big gym apparatus.
I wonder…
Each week, Year 5 are donning their lab coats and goggles (metaphorically) and becoming scientists. Last week, we used our observation, questioning and planning skills with just water, skittles and a petri dish.
From such simple equipment, it was fascinating to see what happened and we took careful observations of what we could see.
Once we’d seen what happened, we had some question starters to help us to think about any questions we had as a result of this experiment.
From these question starters, we identified which questions could be researched and further our knowledge and which questions were testable. Focussing on the testable questions, as a group we chose something to test in next week’s science lesson:
What if you use use liquids other than water?
What if you use different sweets?
I wonder what would happen with different numbers of skittles?
We’ll be finding out what will happen by conducting these experiments on Friday 29 April so we’ll keep you updated.
Phonics mornings
Our final phonics mornings of the year will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
It is really important that you attend to find out how your child has progressed and to learn more about how to support your child in the next phase of their learning.
Phase 4
Children will continue to practise previously learned graphemes and phonemes and learn how to read and write:
CVCC words: tent, damp, toast, chimp
For example, in the word ‘toast’, t = consonant, oa = vowel, s = consonant, t = consonant.
and CCVC words: swim, plum, sport, cream, spoon
For example, in the word ‘cream’, c = consonant, r = consonant, ea = vowel, m = consonant.
They will be learning more tricky words and continuing to read and write sentences together.
Tricky words
said, so, do, have, like, some, come, were, there, little, one, when, out, what
Triathlon volunteers
Organisers for the Columbia Threadneedle World Triathlon Leeds have officially launched the search for 750 volunteers, to help ensure the event is one of UK sporting highlights of the year.
From experienced volunteers to complete beginners, organisers hope to encourage people of all ages to get involved in a world-class sporting event by becoming a Leeds City Ambassador. There will be a variety of roles for volunteers at the UK leg of the ITU World Triathlon Series including: race officials, supporting participants along the course, handing out drinks, or giving medals to finishers in the mass-participation races, to name just a few. Volunteers can provide their time for three days from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th June, including the GO TRI event on the Saturday, or for just one day, by applying online at the official 2016 Columbia Threadneedle World Triathlon Leeds website: http://leeds.triathlon.org/volunteer/ and completing the application form. Once potential volunteers have completed the online application form, they will be assigned a role, dependent on experience, and informed of their responsibilities via email. Prior to June 12th, there will also be an exclusive pre-event briefing for volunteers that will include: training, logistics, and a chance to meet the organisers. All volunteers will receive an event t-shirt, refreshments and a huge thank you from the organising team and those taking part for their hard work.
22 April 2016
The homework for this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 27 April.
I can create some flower art.
As we are learning about flowers (specifically sunflowers) in our mini-topic, I would like children to create some art using flowers or plants as a stimulus. They could:
- find a green space and sketch or paint some flowers
- sketch or paint a vase of flowers
- create a collage
- use flowers or plants to create a piece of art
- focus in on one particular part of a flower or different flowers – such as petals or leaves