
History – Heroes!

Posted on Friday 19 May 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

We are really enjoying our History topic this half term all about real life heroes! We have been studying Nelson Mandela and Leonora Cohen and  how they changed the world by fighting for what they believed in.

We have learnt lots of facts about both people. Try asking your child about Nelson Mandela or Leonora Cohen so they can show off what they know! I have been very impressed at how well the children have understood the ideas we have been talking about.

In this week’s lesson, we learnt about how Leonora Cohen protested for women to have the right to vote. We learnt she went to the Tower of London and threw an iron bar at a glass cabinet containing the Crown Jewels. We discussed whether this was the right thing to do or not. After we had discussed this, we got into small groups and acted out the incident, thinking carefully about how Leonora would have been feeling before, during and after the event.

Help at home by talking to your children about what they have learnt, including the vocabulary which has been sent home on today’s homework sheet.

Coronation Celebration

Posted on Monday 08 May 2023 by Miss Goswami

On Friday, we celebrated the coronation by coming to school in red, white and blue. At lunchtime, we had an indoor picnic and afterwards we had an assembly all about our new King. In class, we then created a college of King Charles III using images that represented London.


Living and Learning: Health and Prevention

Posted on Saturday 29 April 2023 by Miss Goswami

Over the past two weeks, in Living and Learning lessons, the children have been looking at the importance of hygiene (especially handwashing) and the importance of sleep.

We defined hygiene and talked about several different ways we could make sure our hygiene was good. A few responses were: showering, brushing teeth and washing hands. Afterwards, we focussed on why we need to keep our hands clean (to prevent the spread of germs) and how to keep them clean. We also found out some very interesting facts about germs: did you know that if one million micro-organisms were packed right next to each other they would only cover a pin head in size? Did you know there are more microbes (good and bad) on one person’s hand than people on the planet!

Furthermore, we discussed how sleep has a variety of benefits. These being an improvement in memory; decision making; concentration and mood; immune system; and growth and repair. We learnt that a child aged 10 should be getting about 10 hours of sleep every night!

Help at home: Learn the handwashing soap and sanitiser song and put those actions into practice!

Or try some of our top tips to get a better night’s sleep:

  • breathing exercises to slow down your heart rate;
  • writing down worries in a diary;
  • thinking of good things that have happened that day;
  • talking to someone you can trust.

Latin: Acting and Adverbs

Posted on Friday 21 April 2023 by Miss Goswami

In Latin, we read, translated and acted out a comic strip (see below) about life before the Romans conquered Britain. We also discussed adverbs in both English and Latin. Take a look at our great work:

Help at home: Identify the adverbs in the story, what three letters do they end in?

Science: We are biologists.

Posted on Thursday 20 April 2023 by Miss Goswami

This half term, we are biologists. Biology is the study of living things.

In this week’s lesson, we dissected a flower called Alstroemeria. We labelled the different parts and discussed which of them make up the male and female reproductive systems. Have a look at our work:

Help at home: Label the different parts of the flower. Describe the process of pollination or plant fertilisation. 

Flower Parts

Science: A sticky experiment!

Posted on Wednesday 29 March 2023 by Miss Goswami

In Science this week, the children planned and created their own glue. The children decided on their variables and then completed the experiment.

This type of scientific enquiry was comparative and fair testing.

We then put our glues to the test! The children added pegs to their pieces of paper which were stuck together using their glue. The glue that held the most pegs was the stickiest. In conclusion, we found out that flour and sugar were the stickiest substances.

Afterwards, the children went on to reflect on their experiment and decided what they would do differently next time. Some responses were: adding more glue between the pieces of paper; changing the amount of substance so it made the glue thicker and trying to add the pegs when the glue was still drying.

Smart Money Award 2023

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Today, we welcomed Nicola and Linda from HSBC to our whole school assembly to present us with our Smart Money Award 2023.

This is awarded for financial education lessons which took place in school for all classes last summer as part of our Living and Learning curriculum.

Nicola combined this visit with some more financial education for the children.


Living and Learning: I can give and receive compliments.

Posted on Monday 27 March 2023 by Miss Goswami

In Living and Learning, the children discussed and defined ‘a compliment’ as “giving someone praise in a respectful way”.  We then went on to give ourselves a compliment, others a compliment and also talked about how it makes us feel when we are given a compliment. Some of our emotions included: being happy; feeling embarrassed; being proud; feeling appreciated and validated.

Here are some of the things the children complimented themselves on:

Food Technology – Bruschetta!

Posted on Tuesday 14 March 2023 by Miss Birch

This morning, Year 4 have been cooking and making Bruschetta. We were so impressed with their knowledge and skills at each stage of the recipe.

The main skill we were practising was chopping with a knife. The two different techniques that we used were the bridge and the claw. We used the bridge to safely and securely cut the tomatoes into big chunks. We used the claw to dice the tomatoes and basil up into smaller pieces.

We then used a garlic crusher to squeeze the garlic into our tomato and basil mixture. It’s safe to say the room smelt very strong!

The final challenge was to spoon the mixture onto the sliced and toasted baguette without making a mess and then to dig in… some of them gave it a 10/10!

A big well done to everyone for being sensible and engaged with the learning!



School and snow day all in one

Posted on Friday 10 March 2023 by Mrs Weekes

After a very hard decision this morning, we managed to open school and the majority of staff made it too – thank you to them for their efforts in quite severe conditions.

It may have been a shorter day and different in many ways but we’re really glad we made the decision to open. These photos show one of the reasons why – a school day combined with a snow day.