Marvellous Mathematicians
We’ve been learning about multiplication this week. We began by looking at groups of objects. Here, one marvellous mathematician has shown us that 10 groups of 10 is 100! After drawing 10 groups and placing 10 items in each group, she counted in 10s to find the answer. Wow!
This marvellous mathematician really wanted to try out her new skills with some large numbers! 2 groups of 100 is 200!5 groups of 6 is 30. What a great way to show that calculation using a picture! Notice the repeated addition: 6+6+6+6+6+6=30. In lessons, we are mainly working with groups of 2, 5 and 10 as we can count in multiples of these numbers. This marvellous mathematician did this work independently and chose to do groups of 6 and 7, however, Year 1 are only expected to count in 2s 5s and 10s. Keep practising this at home!
I wonder
In the library today, we have been researching our own “I wonders”.
Why not ask your child what they wondered today!
Board game fun!
We all really enjoyed learning about different types of punctuation through a board game last week. Sometimes we landed on a ‘tricky tester’ and had to answer a test question. On our next go we could land on ‘dastardly dictation’ where we had to listen to a sentence and write it with the correct punctuation.
Everybody had fun while making sure they were checking their answers and learning from it, too.
Fab feedback!
Moortown Primary has a long history of supporting teachers, headteachers and schools across Leeds. This morning, five new headteachers visited us to learn more about self-evaluating (where a school evaluates its own provision and works out how it can improve – look at our self-evaluation summary) and improvement planning. They also took the opportunity of looking around school. Here’s some feedback following their visit:
What a wonderful experience and privilege to be invited to look behind the doors of your fabulous school; engaged learners; friendly, happy, smiley children; clearly dedicated staff and an enticing learning environment for everyone to grow and learn.
It was also lovely to have a look around your school which must be the living embodiment of ‘great things in small packages’. The school feels like a well run ship with everyone buying into the principles and practices you want. The pupils were also a credit in that they didn’t even look up from their learning when we all walked in.
A wonderful school you have there – I will work extremely hard to have somewhere that shines as a beacon for its community like your school does for Moortown.
PTA News
Our PTA plan lots of exciting events in the next few months, some for children, some for adults, some for both!
Cupcake Competition! Thursday 24 March
Children are invited to decorate a cupcake for this competition. Entries to the office by 9.00am on the day.
Bun Sale Thursday 24 March, 3.15pm
Please leave bun donations at the office on the day.
Parents & Community Cheese and Wine Tasting Friday 22 April, 7.30pm – 11.00pm
Can you tell your Camembert from your Cabernet, and does ricotta go nicely with Rioja? Join us for an adults only evening of cheese, wine, disco and much more!
Family BBQ and Disco Evening Friday 17 June, 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Celebrate summer with a barbecue and disco for all the family. Further details next term.
Roundhay Schools Fun Run 2016 Saturday 25 June (provisional date)
An annual community event involving many local schools. Further details next term.
School Summer Fair Saturday 09 July
We hope to welcome all your friends and family! Further details next term.
Where is Goldilocks?
Goldilocks has been spotted in different locations around school. This has given the children an opportunity to practise and learn new words to describe position.
11 March 2016
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 16 March.
Should people eat animals or should we all be herbivores?
Recently, we have learnt about what animals eat. We learnt that some animals are carnivores (eat only meat), some are herbivores (eat only plants) and some are omnivores (eat plants and meat). We’ve been looking at food chains and know that animals need to eat to survive.
But should we, as humans, eat meat? This is a huge topic and we don’t expect you to find any answer as such, but rather enjoy the discussion and reasoning it creates. You could find information from the internet, from books or from other people. Encourage your child to seek a balance of opinions and try not to steer their opinion one way. Here are some question prompts to get your conversations started:
Why do people eat meat?
Why do people choose not to eat meat?
Is it a healthy choice?
Is it cruel to the animals?
Are there some animals we shouldn’t eat?
Which religions abstain from eating certain meats, and why?
As it is talk time homework, your child is not required to record anything in their homework books although they can if they wish. However, please remember to sign it or write a short comment so we know that your child has engaged in a discussion. Many thanks.
This week
Plant News
Our plants have really started to grow. In class we have been making observations and predictions about our plants.
What will the mystery seeds be?!
Pirates of the Curry Bean
We have been hard at work rehearsing our Easter production. We can’t wait to show you the finished results in a few week’s time.
Let’s get moving!
Supporting Sport Relief…
On Friday 18 March, children are invited to come into school in sports-related clothing and during the day they will be walking a mile around the school grounds. Children are asked to bring a donation of at least £1 to raise money for Sport Relief.
11 March 2016
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due of Wednesday 16 March.
Should animals be kept in zoos?
You might want to discuss whether…
- conservation is a reason to keep them there
- animals are happy being kept in enclosed spaces
- animals deserve to have a choice over where they live
- zoos exists to make money or to make a difference
We will use your responses to these questions in our end of topic review.