11 March 2016
This week’s spellings all contain negative prefixes. Negative prefixes change the meaning of the root word to the opposite. Your child will need to be able to spell all the root words below and know which negative prefix can be applied (for example, misappear will count as an incorrect answer in Friday’s test). Your child only has the root words in their learning list but if they get stuck identifying which negative prefix to apply, they are as follows:
11 March 2016
One of this week’s homework is Talk Time.
Is it OK to take a life?
Children need to think about this moral question from a wide-range of viewpoints. It’s pretty deep for a Y5 class! In class, we’ll have a debate but they must be prepared to debate for and against this question. They must make notes to help when debating.
11 March 2016
This week’s Practice Makes Perfect homework is due on Wednesday 16 March.
Each child has been assigned three task on Mathletics to be completed at home. They link to the subtraction and addition we’ve been working on for the last week so all of the children should be confident with their working out.
If you cannot access the activities for any reason, let me know on Monday so that the homework can be completed by Wednesday. Thank you.
On-line safety
Thanks to the parents / carers who attended one of the two on-line safety workshops this week, led by experts from the NSPCC and O2. Parents were very positive about the sessions:
- “Very useful, especially the resources that I found out are available and the leaflets for further reference.”
- “Very informative and educational. Gave real-life examples. Definitely inspired to go on NSPCC website to educate myself more.”
- “Opened my eyes to lots of apps I had never heard of.”
- “I got some very useful tips on online safety. Has made me reconsider the lack of restrictions we have at home.”
- “Really eye-opening. Great to know where I can go to check apps out.”
11 March 2016
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 16 March.
I can design a flowerbed.
We’ve been asked to take part in a competition to design a flowerbed as part of ‘Leeds in Bloom’. The competition is open to all children in Leeds and the winner will have their design planted into reality somewhere in the city centre.
The guidance advises that children’s designs are a pattern or collage rather than a garden scene or picture.
11 March 2016
Here are the spellings for this week:
Eat, digest, do!
As part of the Science in school workshops led by Leeds University students, Year 5 and 6 took part in an interactive session all about the digestive system.
This included learning about what happens to food inside our body, the different parts and functions of the alimentary canal, what makes your tummy rumble and how far your food has to travel from one end to the other… A great addition to our current Life topic!
Thank you to Miss Mathias for providing this informative session.
- ‘I learnt how long the small intestine is – child is 5m and adult is 6-7m.’
- ‘I learnt how food gets through your body.’
- ‘I learnt what things are called in the digestive system and what everything does.’
- ‘I have learnt that your digestive system has lots of different parts.’
KidsHealth website provides a summary of what we learnt.
Computing with ‘Lego WeDo’
This half term, as part of our computing curriculum, we have been using a resource called ‘Lego WeDo’. We have built models of animals from Lego blocks and then programmed them to perform actions using the accompanying computer software.
So far, we have focused, and will continue to focus, on using and applying computational thinking concepts.
You can help at home by:
- Discussing your child’s learning with them;
- Talking about how computational thinking concepts effect our everyday lives;
- Encouraging them to think about how they may use some of these concepts without realising.
If, like me, much of this is new to you, or, if you’d like to brush up your own computing knowledge, there are some great websites that can help. Although it’s aimed at teachers, Barefoot Computing offers lots of support with the new curriculum, its key concepts and a breakdown of technical language.
07 March – plant update
This weekend, new life has been brought into Year 3. Our plants have started to sprout!
I can work with money
Last week’s Creative homework was based on Maths and the children really got their creative juices flowing to produce some great pieces of work.
Lots of our money homework is now on our Maths challenge table so the children can practise their skills through games, questions and challenges that have been set by each other.