Sorry that we haven’t been able to change the library books. The library is currently being improved, with loads of new books thanks to the PTA. This means that it’s not in use until after next week. Please can you bring in your child’s current library book and we’ll get new ones as soon as possible.
26 February 2016
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 02 March.
Write a book review for a fiction book you have read. Come prepared to talk to the class about the book.
Don’t feel restricted to the boxes! If you feel like you want to write more, you can do it in your homework book.
I’m looking forward to discussing books with you!
This week
We’ve been looking at column subtraction in Maths this week. Check out the calculation policy for more information.
In English we’ve been looking at narratives. We’ve discussed using DAD paragraphs (dialogue action or description) to keep a reader interested in the stories we’ve been writing. We have used this video as a stimulus. Why not ask your child to retell the story once they have re-watched it?
Thank you to everyone who came to see our class assembly. We had a great time putting it together!
This half-term, we will be doing football with a coach from Leeds United. Here are a few images from our first session.
As part of our Life Big Topic, we had a yoga session this week. Can you identify the animals that inspired these poses?
26 February 2016
This week’s homework is talk time and is due on Wednesday 2 March.
Our SEAL statement next week is I work co-operatively to help a group. To prepare for our circle time, you have three questions to start a discussion.
What is co-operation?
Why is co-operation important?
How can you work co-operatively at school?
As part of this discussion, you might want to search the internet to find an image that you both think represents co-operation.
26 February 2016
This week’s spellings are all adverbs. Adverbs describe how a verb (an action) is being done.
sad sadly
usual usually
final finally
comic comically
happy happily
angry angrily
gently gently
simply simply
frantic frantically
dramatic dramatically
These spellings have all been formed by adding the suffix -ly or -ally to a root word. The meaning of the root word helps us to understand the meaning of the adverb. Take “running comically”. The root word of comically is comic, which means to be funny, so running comically would be running in a funny way.
Why not try spelling pyramids to help practise this week?
Library Books
Sorry that we haven’t been able to change the library books. The library is currently being improved and is out of bounds until after next week. Please can you bring in your child’s current library book and we’ll get new ones as soon as possible.
26 February 2016
The homework this week is creative and is due in on 2 March.
I can show what I have learnt about 2D shapes.
In maths lessons this week, we’ve learnt the names of different shapes and how many sides and vertices (corners) they have. We’ve also learnt about symmetrical shapes and patterns. We’ve sorted shapes according to their features, drawn shapes and built animal faces using different shapes in a topic lesson.
Here are a few ideas we came up with in class:
Create a different animal using shapes. This animal could also be symmetrical.
Look at different flags and decide if they have lines of symmetry or not.
Conduct a shape hunt, finding the different 2D shapes in your house and garden.
Create your own game, where contestants have to guess the names of shapes after you have described them.
26 February 2016
Here are the spellings for this week:
26 February 2016
This week’s spelling are a little different. I won’t be sending a list of spelling for the children to learn but a spelling rule to practise instead:
double up for a short vowel sound
At home, see if you and other members of your family can think of words that follow this rule and practise these. Remember the different ways we’ve used to practise spelling:
- pyramid spelling
- word shapes
- missing letters
There will be a test on Friday and all of the words tested will follow the double up rule.
26 February 2016
This week’s Creative homework is due on Wednesday 02 March.
To be able to work with money.
We don’t often get creative with Maths but that’s our challenge for this homework. Next week’s Maths will be all about money so think about how you can work with money for your homework. There are all sorts of things you could do for this:
- Take photos of you using money in real life.
- Create your own shop at home and be the till master.
- Create a quiz or challenge for others to try in class.
- Write word problems that require you to understand money.
- Think about all of the situations where you’re required to use money.
The more creative the better and I look forward to seeing what comes in as Year 5’s homework is always great fun to look at.