
15 January 2016

Posted on Friday 15 January 2016 by Mr Wilks

This week, the homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 20 January.

I can show what my favourite animal is and can explain why I like it. 

This homework will start off our big topic, Life, which focusses on living things and their habitats.

You could create an animal poster, interview, story, top trump card, model of the animal.


15 January 2016

Posted on Friday 15 January 2016 by Mr Wilks

Here are the spellings for this week:

15.01.16 Red 15.01.16 Yellow 15.01.16 Green

15 January 2016

Posted on Friday 15 January 2016 by Mr Catherall

This week, we have creative homework:

I can show what I know about shape.

We have spent the last two weeks learning all about shape. Children should reflect on this learning to show what they about this area of maths. Children might wish to:

  • Identify shapes around them
  • Demonstrate a particular skill (e.g symmetry) creatively
  • Identify angles around them
  • Explain/show the area of ‘shape’ maths they have found most interesting or feel most confident with

We also have Practice Makes Perfect homework:

I can use abstract nouns in sentences.

Children have a worksheet which helps them to practise using abstract nouns in sentences.

This homework is due on 20 January 2016.

This Week

Posted on Thursday 14 January 2016 by

For the past two weeks in maths, we’ve been looking at multiplication. We reviewed our multiplication tables last week and this week we’ve been applying our learning using the grid method.


Why not challenge your child to solve a similar question to this one?

Next week, we start to look at fractions of shapes.


Our English this week has tied in with our class spellings – contractions. Contractions are two words that have been put together to form one word. They’re punctuated with an apostrophe to indicate missing letters. We’ve been using contractions in letters and dialogues.gridWhy not ask your child to count the number of contractions that are in this post?

Next week, we start our learning on report writing which will link with our big topic, Life.

What’s the matter?

In this science mini topic we’ve looked at rocks, soils and fossils. We’ve been digging up the front playground, applying acid to rocks and investigating different types of fossils. Why not ask your child about how fossils are formed?

This week, by Jennifer and Ethan

Posted on Thursday 14 January 2016 by Mr Catherall

This week, Jennifer and Ethan have spent some time reflecting on our learning over the last week.


This term in English we have been planning and writing news articles about the three little pigs but this time the wolf is innocent. We have already done the main news and the background. This a piece from Bailey’s writing:

At approximately 15:17, Bradley and Albert Pig were left no option but to run to their sister’s house. Mr A.Wolf, who claimed he wanted to invite them to his house welcoming party, said the attack on Wheat Dale Farm was accidental. 


In maths we have been focusing on drawing and calculating angles – including missing interior angles. We have also learnt about symmetry and circles!

Here are some examples of our learning (drawing angles and finding the total of the interior angles of a shape):

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Next week, we will be starting our new topic: Life!

What’s the ‘solution’ to our problem?

Posted on Thursday 14 January 2016 by Mr Roundtree

Last week, Y5 explored which solvents (substances) would create a solution when added to a solvent (water).

If you can’t see any of the particles from the solvent (salt, sugar, rice, sultanas etc…), it has created a solution. If the particles of the solvent sink to the bottom, this is called a residue and a solution has not been created.

Can you get the solvent back once it has been mixed into the solute (water), even if it made a solution?

We sieved and filtered our variables to find out whether we got any back.

BeFunky Collage

The rice and sultanas could be separated from the water and some things were trapped by the filter but lots of our tests still haven’t separated. We’re now leaving them to evaporate to see if anything is left in the cup once the water has all gone.

15 January 2016

Posted on Thursday 14 January 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Creative and is due on Wednesday 19 January.

What is Life?

Our new topic will be ‘Life’:

  • How do we know about ‘Life’ in the past?
  • How have species changed over time?
  • What different types of animals are there?
  • How do animals change throughout their life?
  • What keeps humans alive?

Explore what you think ‘life’ is. Are there any things that you would argue aren’t experiencing ‘life’ as you understand it? Think about how you can present your views in a creative way.

You could prepare a presentation, create an image, write a story outlining what ‘Life’ is… Enjoy!

15 January 2016

Posted on Thursday 14 January 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s Practice Makes Perfect homework focusses on reading comprehensions skills.

To be able to pick out evidence from a text.

Read the text and answer the two questions. Think about how you can make sure that you gain all three marks for each:

  • Give three reasons.
  • Explain your choices in relation to the question.
  • Pick out evidence from the text.

15 January 2016

Posted on Thursday 14 January 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings are homophones therefore they need to be practised within a sentence in order for the correct choice to be made.

precede – proceed

  • C precedes D in the alphabet.
  • “Please proceed with your class assembly, Y5,” said Mr Roundtree.

principal – principle

  • The principal part of the Solar System is the sun.
  • You need to have good principles.

profit – prophet

  • A business needs to make a profit to succeed.
  • A prophet said I would win the lottery.

stationary – stationery

  • Remain stationary when a wasp comes near you.
  • We use use lots of stationery in school: pencils, pens, rulers and sharpeners.

where – wear – were

  • Where is the nearest supermarket?
  • I like to wear warm clothing in Winter.
  • We were enjoying learning about different materials.

there – their – they’re

  • There’s a pink elephant over there!
  • They went to get their lunch boxes.
  • They’re going to Leeds City Museum very soon.

are – our – hour

  • We are looking forward to moving on to learning out ‘Life’.
  • Our favourite topic so far has been ‘Mission to Space’.
  • A lesson usually lasts about 1 hour.

wait – weight

  • Wait here while I hide.
  • It’s good to be a healthy weight.

would – wood

  • Would you like to come and have a picnic?
  • Let’s go to the woods and have a picnic.

allowed – aloud

  • I’m allowed to stay up later at a weekend.
  • Sometimes it’s helpful to read things aloud.


Loving our library!

Posted on Monday 11 January 2016 by Mr Catherall

This afternoon, as we do every Monday, we went to the library to change our books. We really enjoy this experience and are making a conscious effort to raise the profile of reading in our class. It’s great that we have this facility in school and Year 6 are certainly making the most of it – everyone seems to be enjoying reading their books!

It would be great if you could help at home by:

  • reading with your child
  • asking questions about what you have read (e.g. How does the character feel? What might happen next? What did the character say when…?)
  • encouraging your child to read for pleasure
  • asking questions about reading in general (e.g. Do you like the book? Who is your favourite author? What makes this book different to a fiction/non-fiction book? Is there a particular genre you enjoy/don’t enjoy reading?)
  • raising the profile of reading at home – Do you read? If so, could you and your child spend time reading your own books at the same time?

We know you help lots at home and it really shows in the learning we do at school. Thank you for your continued support.