
Staying safe online

Posted on Monday 11 January 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week, an important letter is being sent home from Mrs Weekes. Please take the time to read this to help make sure your child is safe online.

We strongly recommend you have a happy and healthy discussion about how to behave online. Try this idea.

Tuck shop returns

Posted on Sunday 10 January 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Tuck shop will be back this Tuesday.

Eighty four portions per week have already been prepaid for this term but there is still chance to buy fruit on the day for 20p per portion.

Is your child in Year 3 and therefore goes swimming on a Tuesday afternoon?  Some children buy a portion of fruit from the tuck shop and keep it for their healthy snack after swimming.

Tuesday tuck shop


Posted on Sunday 10 January 2016 by Mrs Wood

This term we will begin phase 3 of the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phonic programme.

The purpose of this phase is to:

  • teach more graphemes, most of which are made of two letters, for example, ‘oa’ as in boat
  • practise blending and segmenting a wider set of CVC (consonant – vowel – consonant) words, for example, fizz, chip, sheep, light (even though there are lots of letters, there are three phonemes – sounds – as in sh – eee – p)
  • learn all letter names and begin to form them correctly
  • read more tricky words and begin to spell some of them
  • read and write words in phrases and sentences

Here are some examples of words your children will be reading: tail, week, right, soap, food, park, burn, cord, town, soil

Tricky words
During phase 3, the children will learn more ‘tricky words’. These are the words we will learn in phase 3: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they, all, said


In addition, during this phase children will be expected to begin to write sentences independently.

There will be phonics open mornings on 20, 21, 22 January. Please make sure you attend one of these to see how your child has progressed and how you can support them further.

If you have any questions about the teaching of phonics, please ask.

What is a stick?

Posted on Sunday 10 January 2016 by Mrs Wood

This week we have been enjoying the book ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. (Watch and listen to Julia Donaldson reading the story.)

The children have been on a stick hunt around school and some have found sticks on their way to school.

We’ve been amazed by the wealth of opportunities for learning and the creativity that has been inspired by giving the children a few sticks.

Look out for further stick learning this term, and of course, our ‘Stick Man’ assembly on Thursday 28 January at 2.40pm.

Keep those sticks coming!

Show and Tell

Posted on Saturday 09 January 2016 by Mr Wilks

Tuesday’s Show and Tell is changing this term to make it a bit more focussed and structured. Instead of bringing in objects from home, children will bring in their favourite books and talk about them. This could be their favourite story, fact book, poetry collection, recipe book, religious book. If your child has a favourite author, they could talk about this person and their books.

Children will be told the Tuesday before if it’s their turn. This gives them some time to decide what book they will choose and what they are going to say. I’m not expecting a ten minute presentations, just a minute or two. They won’t need to prepare slides but they might like to make a few notes to help them remember what they are going to say.

A general structure for their presentation could be:

  1. Introduce the book – What is it? What is it about? Who has written it? Illustrated it?
  2. Why do you like it?
  3. If it’s a story, what are the main characters like?
  4. What are your favourite parts of the story, favourite recipe, fact page, etc.
  5. Who would you recommend the story to and why?









A big thank you!

Posted on Saturday 09 January 2016 by Mr Wilks

Thank you to all the people who donated money at the end of the Whoops-a-Daisy Angel performances. Altogether, we raised a fantastic £287.78! This will be split between our two charities: St Gemma’s Hospice and Cancer Research.

08 January 2016 – Green Group

Posted on Saturday 09 January 2016 by Mr Wilks

This week’s spellings for the Green Group:

08.01.16 Green group

08 January 2016 – Red Group

Posted on Saturday 09 January 2016 by Mr Wilks

Here are the Red Group’s spellings for this week:

08.01.16 Red Group

08 January 2016 – Yellow Group

Posted on Saturday 09 January 2016 by Mr Wilks

Here are the spellings for yellow group this week.

08.01.16 Yellow Group


Library books

Posted on Saturday 09 January 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week, we visited our lovely school library and the children chose books to take home for the week. They were really enthusiastic about choosing their own book and were allowed to choose any book they wished from the Key Stage 1 choice of books. Please ensure your child looks after their book and returns it to school on Friday 15 January. If your child wishes to keep the book for longer then that is fine, but please note that a new book will not be issued without the return of the old one! I hope you enjoy reading together.

Have a lovely weekend!