Creative Homeworks
Below are the 8Rs of learning homeworks that the children chose as their favourites.
Swimming returns on 12 January
A reminder there is no swimming tomorrow or for the first week of next term. The next swimming session therefore will be on Tuesday 12 January.
At the play session last week, it was great to see all the children in the big pool showing great confidence in the water.
Following our Health themed week, it was also noticeable to see the increase in healthier snacks for after swimming with some children bringing fruit they had purchased from the tuck shop earlier in the day. Please also ensure your child has a water bottle at school (in addition to one in a packed lunch) to take to swimming.
In case you get chance to go swimming over the holidays, Leeds Let Get Active offers free swimming sessions at local leisure centres.
Den building
Our mini topic over the last three weeks has been The Village that Vanished by Anne Grifalconi. In this African folk tale, a village escapes from a group of slavers by dismantling their village and hiding deep in a forest. Today, we had a go at creating our own village with “Chris the Den Man” and made it vanish. Here are the finished results (before the village vanished!).
11 December 2015
The homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect and is due in on Wednesday 16 December.
Find a rhyming poem to enjoy with your family.
You could look in a poetry book if you have one, or find one on the internet. Write down the rhyming words in your homework book. Enjoy!
Latest competitions
We’ve had a busy end to the term with two recent competitions.
Firstly, our Year 5 and 6 cross country teams braved the elements in traditional cross country weather to take part in the Leeds North East competition at Cardinal Heenan. Despite the conditions, all the children were keen to compete and a special well done to Gloria, finishing 14th in her race.
Back indoors was the second round of the Sports Hall Athletics competition at Roundhay School. Unfortunately we didn’t progress to the next round but the children never gave up and there were lots of cheering and encouragement to support the team. Well done to all children who took part. They’ve learnt lots of new track and field events in the process.
We certainly looked the part with our new school polo shirts and hooded tops purchased by the PTA.
Getting green-fingered
On Friday, Year 5 braved the cold and headed out onto the field behind school. We helped dig up oak tree saplings to be planted elsewhere and kept a few ourselves to plant when we’ve get our own green space.
11 December 2015
For our Practice Makes Perfect homework, we’re remembering the work we’ve done on estimating and measuring angles.
To be able to estimate and measure angles.
In homework books there is a sheet showing some angles.
- Name the angles
- Estimate how many degrees they’ll measure
- Use a protractor to measure them
- Compare this with your estimates
This homework is due on Wednesday 16 December. If pupils need to borrow a protractor, they need to pick on up before Wednesday.