Health highlights
Our health themed week has been filled with visitors and learning, providing a variety of experiences for the whole school.
- ‘It was really educational and fun.’
- ‘I enjoyed health week as there were so many activities.’
- ‘I learnt a lot about sugar in foods. I learnt about drugs: good or bad.’
- ‘One of my highlights was judo. We learnt different skills and it has now inspired me to take classes out of school.’
- ‘I did learn a lot and now I am even healthier than before.’
- ‘I learnt how to cope with emotional health.’
- ‘I learnt how to make sure I have my 5 a day.’
- ‘I learnt how to choose the right food.’
We would like to thank the following for their support with our themed week:
- Heart Research UK
- d:side (drug education)
- Tsukuru Judo Academy
- Tom Bosworth, Team GB race walker
- Claire Sparrow, pilates instructor
- Catering Leeds food nutritionists
- Leeds Force basketball
- Leeds City Council road safety team
- Leeds University dental students
- Leeds anti-social behaviour team
- Rachel Frazer, yoga teacher
- Dr Natwar Tibrewal, Corner House dental surgery
- Fabian Hamilton, MP for Leeds North East
- Public health resource centre for the loan of resources and providing health related leaflets
Finally, thank you to all staff and pupils who have fully engaged with all the learning throughout the week. Take a look at the Class News sections of the website to find out what each class have been doing. We have enjoyed a fun-filled week.
For further information about keeping healthy have a look at change4life, KidsHealth, NHS choices, Leeds Let’s Change and Leeds Let’s Get Active (for advice on more local health issues).
And an extra note from Mr Roundtree: Thanks, once again, to Mrs Taylor for organising such a wonderful themed week.
Preparing a healthy wrap
Year 2 are continuing to develop their food technology skills, this time by creating a healthy wrap as an option for packed lunches. Spreading, chopping and grating were some of the techniques used in this simple recipe that I’m sure will be recreated at home.
Learning new skills and respect
In Health week, Reception enjoyed a session with Rob from Tsukuru Judo Academy. As well as the physical skills, Rob taught us about the importance of respecting each other in the discipline of judo.
There were some brave volunteers!
Tsukuru Judo Academy will be starting judo sessions locally at Carr Manor in December.
Maths in Reception
In our maths learning this week, we’re concentrating on counting and using numbers.
In order to count effectively, children need to:
- learn number names in order
- count objects by touching them
- understand that the last number they say is the total number of objects in the group
- transfer these skills effectively from one context to another
- move from counting concrete objects to counting abstractly
Children need to be motivated to count for a purpose. In Reception, we try to provide lots of interesting objects and activities for children to use and improve their counting skills.
Children should also have the opportunity to order numbers. At the moment, the children are enjoying matching the correct number of flies to the spiders’ webs.
Look here for more information and some ideas for you to try at home.
Day 1 – Healthy drinks update
So, here are some pictures of the eggs after 24 hours in the drinks:

27 November 2015
Next week, all children will be taking part in our sponsored Spellathon! Each child in Key Stage 1 has been given 30 spellings which they have already been tested on throughout the year so far. On Friday 04 December, they’ll be tested on all 30… happy spelling!
Braces, fillings and other teeth queries
This afternoon, Dr Natwer Tibrewal, a local dentist from Corner House Dental Practice, visited us to answer lots of dental related questions alongside discussing the importance of dental health.
- ‘What are fillings made from?’
- ‘How do you brush you teeth with braces in?’
- ‘Why does the dentist call out letters and numbers when you go for a check up?’
It was interesting to see how aspects of health are linked to the world of work.
One of your 5 a day for free
Our weekly fruit tuck shop runs on a Tuesday playtime. It’s for Key Stage 2 children, with a charge of 20p per portion and a pre-payment option available.
Today, as part of health week, all children, including Reception and Key Stage 1, were invited to an extra tuck shop free of charge. This gave children who might not normally come to the tuck shop the chance to try it out.
It was great to see everyone enjoying a fruit-filled playtime.
Polished performance
This week is the final week of our Autumn term after-school clubs.
It was great to see so many parents come to watch the routine learnt by children attending the popular dance club led by Edward Lynch.
Edward has worked with class teachers in curriculum PE to develop their teaching of dance and his enthusiasm for this subject has certainly rubbed off on the children who attended this club.
- ‘It was an amazing club.”
- ‘I like dance even more now.’