
A snapshot of the homework from last week

Posted on Tuesday 29 September 2015 by

We all really enjoyed looking at each other’s homework last week. Well done to Year 1 for putting in lots of effort! Here is a selection of very creative homework…

image (3)I really liked how this homework used real sand and pebbles!

image (4)My favourite aspect of this homework was the pictures of different types of holidays around the edge of the island.

image (6)Lots of detail in this lovely seaside model!

image (7)Lego figures enjoying a swim!

Maths today

Posted on Tuesday 29 September 2015 by

Today, we looked at representing number bonds to 10 in a different way. When children apply their knowledge in new situations it really cements that learning. We want Year 1 to be fluent in their number bonds to 10 as they form a solid base for moving onto more complex mathematics.

The National Curriculum aims for pupils to ‘become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.’

You can support your child’s learning by practising number bonds to 10 at home, aiming for rapid recall – using your fingers to practise works!

8Paper chains showing number bonds to 10.

image (5)Some great work today!

Number bonds to 10

Posted on Monday 28 September 2015 by

Today, we were investigating number bonds to 10 using Numicon. Keep a look out for more posts this week showing different ways to show our number bonds to 10.








Posted on Monday 28 September 2015 by Mr Catherall

In PE this half-term, we’re learning rugby and basketball skills through a model for teaching called Sport Education.

Each child is placed in a team and has a specific role. Ask your child if they are the journalist, the skills coach, the physio, the captain or the equipment manager.

Also, ask them how learning PE in this way differs to the way they might’ve been taught previously.

PE days

Posted on Monday 28 September 2015 by

Just a quick reminder: if the day starts with a T then Year Three have PE.

Tuesday is swimming and Thursday is dance this half term.

Circle time

Posted on Monday 28 September 2015 by

This afternoon, Year 1 have been discussing our SEAL statement: I can make a fresh start.


Cracking comprehension

Posted on Monday 28 September 2015 by

It’s Monday afternoon which means we have cracking comprehension with Mrs Bald!




First News

Posted on Monday 28 September 2015 by Mr Catherall

We all enjoyed reading the First News newspapers this afternoon. We read them before having a discussion as a class. You could do this at home, too! 

Our first week!

Posted on Sunday 27 September 2015 by Mrs Wood

bugs IMG_0798 outside 2 reading

What’s going on in class

Posted on Saturday 26 September 2015 by Mr Roundtree

Having thoroughly enjoyed our mini-topic ‘The Lost Thing’, we’ve now started a Big Topic called ‘Holidays’. The topic began by exploring two suitcases and predicting where we could be visiting (real and imaginary) in the next 8 weeks. We then look at the top ten holiday destinations from the UK in Summer 2015 and researched one of these countries in greater detail.

Topic – In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be planning a holiday abroad, looking at temperature, rainfall and all sorts of other important deciding factors. We’ll delve into the world of physics to understand how planes stay in they sky and boats don’t sink as well as starting to compare the UK to a (currently mystery) destination in the Americas.

Help at home by searching flights online, looking at how long it takes and discussing the children’s idea for how the plane works. 

Maths – Alongside this, we’ll learn lots about other countries by understanding graphs, tables and charts in our maths lessons. We’ll need to answer basic retrieval questions as well as compare data and use graphs that might be less familiar to us (pie charts).

Help at home by exploring different ways of presenting data and see which you think are the clearest and what makes them easy to understand (labelled axes, titles etc).

English – We’ll look at different types of sentences (simple, compound and complex) and practise writing these accurately before moving on to writing discussions to put forward different sides of an argument.

Help at home by discussing guided reading books and how sentences vary their openers, some are very short and some very descriptive and there are different joining words (but, because, although) used to link ideas together.