
Y1 dance moves…

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by

Yesterday we had a fantastic dance lesson delivered by Mr Lynch. This was the most popular dance move!
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18 September 2015

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 23 September.

What is a holiday? 

I’ve asked children this week to creatively show what a holiday is. This could be an example of a holiday you have been on, want to go on or a more general reflection about holidays.


18 September 2015

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

Children in Year 1 and Year 2 split into groups to learn phonics. There are three groups: Red Group (taught by Mrs Weekes), Yellow Group (taught by Mrs Wells) and Green Group (taught by Mr Wilks). Each week, your child will have a set of spellings in their Learning Lists which matches the phonics group they are in.

Below, are the spellings for each group. If you have any questions, please ask.

18.9.15 Green 18.9.15 Red 18.9.15 Yellow

18 September 2015

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Roundtree

In Year 5, we do a Practice Makes Perfect homework each week. Last week, you were assigned Mathletics tasks. This week we’re practising using conjunctions in sentences.

To use conjunctions.


Write whole sentences in your book using one of the conjunctions in the list to add more information.

Additional spellings

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Roundtree

Although we’re learning the spellings given in our red learning list books, here are some additional ones picked from mistakes in books this week.

  • thing
  • there
  • for
  • no-one
  • found
  • saw

Aerial Art

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

This afternoon, we’ve created a huge version of the Sky-God from our class novel using some of the repeated patterns we made earlier in the week. 


Poetry Week

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by

In English, we’ve been learning at alliteration, similes and onomatopoeia. We’ve also been looking at different  types of poetry and approaches to creating poems. Here are two of our class poems:

The Field

Green, colossal, wavy grass,
big, pointy bushes.
Giant trees,
wind howling.
Invisible wind blowing through the grass,
you can see the green, gloomy grass.
Bright, blue sky,
the windy, wild air.
Feel the fresh air,
bright, yellow, sky high sun,
feels peaceful, no noise.
Big, fluffy, floating clouds,
Long, blue sky.

The playground

The sky is as blue as sea water.
The brown wall is like wood.
The wall is a beach.
The sun is shining and gold.
The ground is as hard as a stone fish.
The clouds are as white and fluffy as snow.
The weather is as hot as steaming sand.
The air is like nothing.


Finding synonyms…

Posted on Friday 18 September 2015 by Mr Wilks

This morning in our English lesson, we’ve been finding synonyms for some common adjectives.

A synonym is a word or phrase which means the same or nearly the same as another word or phrase.


18 September 2015

Posted on Thursday 17 September 2015 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings use the spelling part ‘ough’ – this week, the ‘ough’ is pronounced in different ways. There are some tricky words to remember as well. We’re focusing on the 8 times table. Both will be tested on Friday 25 September.

  • though
  • although
  • dough
  • through
  • thorough
  • borough
  • plough

…And here are the tricky words.

  • achieve
  • amateur
  • ancient

18 September 2015

Posted on Thursday 17 September 2015 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on Wednesday 23 September 2016.

To discuss holidays.

Over dinner one day, discuss the topic ‘Holidays’ with the people in your house:

  • What is the best holiday you’ve been on? (This might be a family holiday, a day out or even a school trip.)
  • Why do people go on holiday?
  • Where do people go on holiday and why?
  • Where would your dream holiday destination be?
  • What would you like to find out about in our Holidays Big Topic?

Talk Time homework – This involves a discussion topic eg ‘Should animals be kept in zoos?’ Children should make notes (even pictures, diagrams etc) ready to participate in a class / group discussion on the topic. Please make sure you write a comment about the Talk Time discussions in the homework books.

Top Tips: Turn the telly off! Sit around the dining table! Have a chat and share opinions and ideas! Children should talk with family, friends and each other. (Your child should write some notes in their Homework Books.)