Roundhay Park
What a super day out at Roundhay Park this week! We staged our very own mini Olympics and held a medal ceremony for the winning team – well done yellow team! Followed by a picnic, ice-creams and plenty more games.
10 July 2015
This week’s whole school homework involves completing the pupil health questionnaire sent home with your child.
I can share my views about health.
This annual questionnaire has been compiled in consultation with our school council and helps us to find out pupil views on some of our key health issues at school. Please support your child to complete the health questionnaire by discussing these issues. The questionnaire should be returned to your class teacher by Wednesday 15 July.
Stripy salad pots
As part of our Green Fingers topic, we have been learning about food origins and how all food comes from plants or animals. While our plants are not ready for eating, we’ve used vegetables that we are growing in our stripy salad pots.
Grating, snipping and chopping (bridge technique) were all skills we used to prepare our salad pots. There was lots of washing up to do too.
We discussed why some people might have different ingredients in their salad pot – likes/dislikes, allergies, religion and we also thought about how we could adapt this recipe, maybe adding pasta to make it a balanced meal.
Alice in Wonderland
A massive well done to the class for their first performance this afternoon. You all did brilliantly to bring this rather bonkers story to life!
Looking forward to Thursday’s final performance!
Unclaimed raffle prizes
Following Saturday’s super, sensational Summer Fair, there are a few unclaimed raffle prizes…
- £151.40 prize for the Half ‘n’ Half jar: orange 193
- Oranaise restaurant voucher: orange border 62
- Tumble Tots annual membership and one free term of lessons: orange border 98
- two free studio fees for Jack Rabbit’s pottery studio in Oakwood: pink border 469
- free holiday camp session for Leeds Gymnastics Club and free parent and child class: orange border 179
- Nichols Vegetarian Deli in Chapel Allerton voucher: pink 382
- one Guisley football family match pass: white 526
- one Guisley football family match pass: orange border 45
- White Rose Marshall Arts vouchers: pink 400, pink border 379
- five swimming lessons with Neptunes swimming: orange border 121
- voucher for Explore learning: pink border 467
- water bottles from Edinburgh Bicycle Shop (all of the following): white 396, pink 386, orange border 158, orange border 184, orange border 79
10 minute shake up
Recently children have brought home information from Change 4 life on their latest campaign, 10 minute shake up. Similar to our daily Wake Up Shake Up activity, here is a 10 minute shake up video for you to follow at home.
Code Club
It was the last Code Club of the year on Tuesday. This term, we’ve had the highest participation in two years and also the highest number of female coders.
As well as using Scratch this term, we’ve started building our own webpages using Trinket.
A massive thank you must go to Linda Broughton who gives up her time every Tuesday to run Code Club. Thanks also to Mr Baynes and Mrs Freeman who have helped out this year.
Earth, sun and moon
This week, we’ve created videos demonstrating how the earth orbits our sun and how the moon orbits the sun.