
Are you getting our tweets by text?

Posted on Friday 19 June 2015 by Mr Roundtree

Many of you don’t use Twitter but still receive our tweets in a different way: as a text message on your mobile phone.  If you don’t yet receive our tweets by text, here’s how:

send follow moortownprimary to 86444

If you have signed up for this, please do bear in mind there can sometimes be a delay (that’s the reason why some of you think I send tweets at some crazy hour in the night!).

This message on the Twitter Help Centre might be useful for some of you who have said sometimes they don’t get the tweets:

Missing Twitter SMS updates? This does happen occasionally. If the Twitter SMS queue is too overloaded with text updates, some may be dropped. This means you may experience occasional missing updates from certain people at busy times. If you’re missing updates from the same or all account(s) consistently, this may be a different problem.

Things to check:

  • Make sure your phone number is added to your account. You can check this under the Mobile tab in your Settings page on the web.
  • Make sure your time zone and your online sleep settings are correct.
  • Verify that your Twitter mobile update preferences are set to ON; text ON to Twitter to get a confirmation message that updates are ON.
  • Make sure you’re following the person whose updates you’re missing and updates for that specific person are turned on. The default phone setting is OFF until you visit the person’s profile page and turn text updates ON, or text FOLLOW username from your phone, like this: FOLLOW Oprah

If all of the above are correct, then:

  • Try unfollowing and refollowing the person whose updates you’re missing. Text OFF [username], then ON [username] to your Twitter code to do this, or visit their profile on the web and turn SMS updates on.
  • Try resetting your mobile preferences by texting the word OFF to your Twitter code. Wait a few minutes, then text the word ON to your Twitter code.

If you’re still not getting updates from that person:

  • Submit a support request with the details about what’s happening. Don’t forget to include the following info:
  1.  Your username and the username of the person you’re missing updates from.
  2. The URL of the missing update, e.g. http://twitter.com/coates/status/1114430687
  3. Your mobile phone number and mobile service provider.

A carousel of learning

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2015 by Mrs Freeman

Whilst I read with a group (‘guided reading’), there are lots of other learning activities going on in a carousel arrangement across the week. Activities included volcanic top trumps, a pairs memory game, free reading, group reading, Mathletics and great use of the Maths challenge table.

A spot of gardening

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2015 by Mrs Freeman

Thanks to Zeewa and Edward for volunteering to help Mrs Edwards tend to the front garden.  Clearing out of weeds and watering to do done!

19 June 2015

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2015 by Mrs Weekes

This week’s homework is talk time Please make sure that your child is ready to talk about the homework by Wednesday 24 June.

Why do we need to treat all living things with respect?

19 June 2015

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2015 by Mrs Weekes

Here are this week’s spellings.  There will be a spelling test on Friday 26 June.

Please note that there are only two spelling lists this week – Year 1 and Year 2.

Year 1

Year 2






















Rising attendance

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2015 by Mr Roundtree

Great news!

My last attendance update on 03 June outlined slightly lower attendance figures for the school.  Since then, all seven classes have increased their attendance:

  • Reception: 96.2%
  • Year One: 97.3%
  • Year Two: 96.8%
  • Year Three: 98.4%
  • Year Four: 97.4%
  • Year Five: 96.2%
  • Year Six: 97.3%
  • Whole school: 97.1%

Our attendance overall is higher now than for the same period in the previous school year – that’s brilliant!

Please note: from September 2015, attendance less than 90% is regarded by the DfE as ‘persistent absence’.


Posted on Wednesday 17 June 2015 by Mrs Wood

Last week we said goodbye to our five Painted Lady butterflies. Some children have reported seeing them in their gardens!




Plants all around us

Posted on Wednesday 17 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had some great homework this week, looking at plants in the local environment.

Can you remember the names of these herbs?

Free tennis lessons

Posted on Monday 15 June 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Free tennis lessons (for children and adults) are available locally at David Lloyd and Roundhay Park over the next few months.


Plant Puzzles

Posted on Sunday 14 June 2015 by Mrs Weekes

We had a puzzling afternoon on Friday.  There was a challenge given to the Year 1 children – they were given seven pieces of a beanstalk.  Their challenge was to create a beanstalk as close to a metre as possible but they were only allowed to use five pieces altogether.  This was not as easy as it looked!