30 April 2021
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect.
In class, we have been writing four different types of sentences:
Your homework is to copy and punctuate the sentences below and then write two sentences of each type.
What a dangerous mountain he climbed
What time is it
Leeds is a city in England
Line up
The homework is due on Thursday 06 May.
20 April 2021
This week, our homework is Creative: to show how I can solve problems.
In our Living and Learning lessons this week, we’ve been learning how to recognize emotions in tricky situations and how to cope with and resolve problems. In this homework, we’d like you to show how you can solve problems.
You might focus on one specific scenario or a few different ones. You could present this as a poster, a comic strip, a play script, an animation (on Scratch Jr, perhaps) or any other creative idea you have!
Living and Learning: rights and responsibilities
For our living and learning lesson, Y6 explored rights and responsibilities.
“A right is something you should have,” said Jess.
“A responsibility is something you should do morally,” said Priya.
We discussed our rights and responsibilities with respect to school, home, our communities and the world.
I particularly liked this one from Jasraj and Moh: “At home, we have the right to have fun on a console but the responsibility to manage our own screen time.”
Lots of our discussion about responsibilities involved the good choices we have the power to make: being kind, considering others and inspiring each other.
26 March 2021
We’ve continued learning about alternative spellings as part of our Phase 5 phonics learning, focusing on the ‘oa’ sound.
- coat
- road
- stone
- throne
- blow
- show
- hold
- gold
Getting closer…
At last, the news that we’ve been waiting for … Leeds City Council have agreed that all of the pre-conditions have been agreed and signed off. This means that the tarmac can finally be laid at the back of school. The work will be completed by mid-April – the majority of the work being done in the Easter holidays so there’ll be no disruption to learning or the school day.
As well as the ongoing development at the back of school, we’ve also been busy looking at other ways to improve the school environment.
In terms of being environmentally friendly, we’ve been successful in securing a bid for the school from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme. This means that we’ll be making a few green improvements in the summer holiday:
- Heating – Our current gas boiler will be replaced by an Air Source Heat Pump which will reduce gas (and the associated costs) from the school. The new system will use more electricity than a standard gas boiler so solar panels will be installed to generate renewable electricity.
- Solar Panels – These will be mounted on the roof of the school and they’ll generate enough energy to cancel the additional demand of the heat pump, but they’ll also generate additional energy which will be offset against the grid energy we use at the moment. They’ll also generate energy during the holidays and any energy that’s not used will be sold to the national grid.
- Lighting – All the lighting will be changed to LED so our electricity usage will be reduced.
We’ve previously mentioned improvements to the front playground. The surface at the front is starting to show wear and tear (as well as look grubby) – it needs replacing. Whilst the equipment is in a reasonably acceptable state, what we need to avoid is re-surfacing the front and then in a couple of years needing to start replace equipment (which would damage the surface). After weighing up various options, we’ve decided it makes best long-term financial sense to replace all at the same time.
The School Council has been busy looking at equipment ; they had a virtual meeting with a representative from the company who’ll do the work and then looked at different options. We’re aiming for this to be completed in the Summer half-term.
All in all, some exciting developments for Moortown Primary!
Welcome back
Today, we were able to welcome our children back into class. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces first thing this morning. The children have had a great day and have all settled back into school life. We started our day by sharing our feelings and emotions. Following this, we have had a fairly relaxed day and have spent a lot of time chatting and catching up with each other.
Here are a few quotes from the children.
I’m so happy to see my friends.
I’m looking forward to being able to play with my friends.
I have missed my teachers.
I feel excited but a little bit nervous ,too!
I feel really proud of all the home learning I managed to do!
My family are very proud of me.
I feel really cool to be back at school.
Please can you return your child’s reading books, library books and home learning books as soon as possible – thank you.
We’re closed today
We’re closed today because of the very snowy conditions and the forecast that this will continue throughout the morning.
Key staff in school (that is, enough for each bubble) would struggle to get into school safely.
Please check out our Home learning page.
Christmas songs
A couple of songs for you to enjoy. Fingers crossed that the link works!
Living and learning: RSE
Over the last three weeks, we’ve been learning about RSE – relationships and sex education.
We’ve learnt about such a wide range of topics, from what happens during puberty to how to maintain healthy relationships with friends, family and others!
We’ve learnt that our emotions might change a lot but that nothing is permanent and we know how to help ourselves. Reading about inspirational people who have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions and hearing stories from members of our class really made us feel better. We’re all in this together!
We’ve covered a lot of science over the last three weeks and feel much more knowledgeable! Teamwork has also been a huge factor in what we’ve been doing, as has listening carefully and contributing thoughtfully.
“At first, I thought it’d be nerve-wracking but now I think it’s been so helpful because I know what might happen in future,” said Hifza.
“It’s been very helpful even if it was a bit strange at times!” laughed Joude.
Noah said, “It’s been very interesting learning about RSE. It’s really just learning how humans have survived and reproduced as a species.”
History: pyramids
Why did the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids? Y6 know!
After researching some cool facts (check them out below), we made and decorated our pyramids with our information and even some hieroglyphics.
One of our History words is the Rosetta Stone.
Albie said, “The Rosetta Stone was found in a fort near Rosetta, Egypt. It has three different languages on it: cursive Egyptian, Greek and hieroglyphics. Scholars knew Greek and cursive Egyptian so they used it to work out what the hieroglyphics meant.”
Rayn said, “It’s now located in the British museum and it was found by a soldier!”
Leo said, “It was found by a captain called Pierre in 1799 and in 1801 it was transported to the British museum. In 1802, they managed to find out what the hieroglyphics meant!”
Safiya-Mishal said, “I found this task easy and hard. Finding facts was easy but when we came to actually sticking the pyramid together, mine kept falling apart but I had help from Yusayrah!”
Hifza shared, “I found it challenging because you had to fold every part carefully and use the glue to put it together. Finding out the facts was interesting because there was lots of things I hadn’t learnt before.”