
Painting with syringes

Posted on Wednesday 07 October 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Year One have been using the book  Here We Are, written by Oliver Jeffers, as their focus for the current mini topic.

We have looked closely at our planet and the children thought of questions they would like to ask about life on earth.

How many humans live on Earth?

Which is the biggest animal?

Is everybody different?

Why is there so much water?

Using Google Earth, we looked down on our planet from space. Then we zoomed in gradually and found our school. The children were fascinated by the colours of our planet from far away.

Listen to 'Here We Are,' Original Track from Apple's Earth Day Special |  Animation Magazine






Using some water colour paints, we created our very own versions of Earth. The children mixed their own paints and then used a syringe to drop the colours onto some filter paper.

It’s magic! The paint is spreading out!

The colours are joining.

It is light and dark.

The finished planets looked very realistic indeed.

Week beginning 05 October 2020

Posted on Sunday 04 October 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi everyone

We’re really missing you in school and we can’t wait to have you back. We hope you’re managing to stay happy, healthy and safe while you’re not with us here in school. You are still very much a part of our school community so please get in touch with us. You can email me at benparker@spherefederation.org.

Here’s a short video message from me introducing the week.


This week’s maths learning is linked to number and place value.

These five video lessons will roughly match the teaching and learning happening in class:

Lesson 1: video, worksheet, answers

Lesson 2: video, worksheet, answers

Lesson 3: video

Lesson 4: video, worksheets, answers

Lesson 5: video, worksheets, answers 

You don’t have to print the worksheet. Your child can write or draw their answers on paper. Your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.


Look on the homework page to find this week’s spellings. Your child should complete one task each day.

  • Day 1: Write the words and draw shapes round them to show the ascenders and descenders. (Set yourself and others at home a challenge of using some of the words when you’re speaking, too!)
  • Day 2: Write the words using rainbow writing. (Try some of the other activities in our Super Spelling Strategies guide.)
  • Day 3: Write separate sentences, each containing one of the spellings. (Don’t forget to show off really neat handwriting and make sure you sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, exclamation mark (!) or question mark (?).
  • Day 4: Repeat Task 2 or 3.
  • Day 5: Get an adult at home to test you on your spellings. Practise any you spell incorrectly – you could write them out carefully until you’re sure.

(Suggested time: 15-20 minutes daily)

Reading fluency

This is the text we’ll read in class to to build up fluency skills this week.

In school, we generally follow this sequence:

  • Day 1: Read the text aloud with your child listening. Read it clearly and slowly, pointing to each word as you read. Have a chat about any unfamiliar words.
  • Day 2: Read aloud each sentence (a full short sentence or part of a longer sentence), and have your child read it back to you. Do this ‘echo reading’ for the whole text.
  • Day 3: Read the text and talk about the effect of the punctuation on how you read it – pauses for full stops and expression for exclamations (!) or questions (?). Your child reads the text aloud.
  • Day 4: Read together with expression (just like you practised on Day 3).
  • Day 5: Your child reads independently and fluently.

(Suggested time: 15 minutes daily)

Reading comprehension

Day 1: We will be using this RIC lesson in class. RIC stands for:

  • Retrieve: finding information in a text
  • Interpret: using clues in the text to unlock information
  • Choice: thinking about the author’s choice of words, techniques or organisation that make the text interesting and enjoyable to read

Day 2:  Watch this video and learn about the ‘igh’ trigraph.

Day 3: Watch this video and learn about the ‘oa’ digraph.

Day 4: Watch this video and learn about the ‘oo’ diagraph

The three videos above were made by one of our teacher friends from another school in the federation.

Day 5: Book Club. Once a week, we have a relaxing lesson where we sit and read quietly, often with an adult. At home, we’d like you to read your favourite book or text, too. If possible, discuss the book with an adult, talking about some or all of the sections of this grid.

(Suggested time: 30 minutes daily)


Activity  1

Watch this video and complete the lesson about capital letters and full stops. It links to some of the learning that we’ve been doing in class recently.

Activity 2

Talk to your child about a picture or photograph you choose. Write three words or phrases to label different things in the picture (eg ‘a car’ or ‘a red car’). Your child should aim to spell in a sensible way and use finger spaces between the words, joining up letters if they can (use our handwriting guide to help).


This week’s topic learning is linked to geography. Click on this link and have a go at the different activities.

(Suggested time: 30-45 minutes)


We’re continuing our  learning about habitats and living things. This Oak National Academy lesson will really help to support learning at home. Once your child has watched the video, try the quiz that follows.

(Suggested time: 30-45 minutes)

Welcome back!

Posted on Thursday 17 September 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello everyone!

What a first two weeks it has been!  All the children have settled back into school life brilliantly. I have been really impressed to see how the children have adapted to the ‘new normal’ in school.

Here’s a little bit about our plans for the next few weeks…

In maths, we’re beginning with place value and looking at numbers to 100. We are recapping some of the learning from Year One, to make sure that everyone is confident before moving on to the trickier Year Two skills.

Starting at any given number, support your child at home by counting forwards and backwards within 100. Also, give them a number and ask them to tell you how many tens and ones the number is made up of.

In writing, we’re looking at sentence structure.  Again, we’re recapping on Year One learning to begin with. This will help the children become confident writers, for when we begin to write our own short narratives, recounts and diary extracts.

Support your child at home by asking them to write sentences using varied punctuation, including full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.

In reading, we’re using our whole school novel ‘After the Fall’.  In Year Two, we practice reading in a variety of ways. We have daily phonics and fluency (ask your child what this is) sessions, one-to-one reading and lessons that teach skills such as RIC (retrieval, interpret and choice).

Please read at home as much as you can. Look out in the coming days for your child’s home reading book. Reading this as much as possible at home, will help build up your child’s fluency.

In topic, we will use the book ‘After the Fall’ as a stimulus which will inspire lots of artwork. The children will take part in sketching, painting and collaging.

Our first week

Posted on Friday 11 September 2020 by Mrs Wood

The first group of children have started school and been amazing!

We look forward to meeting more of you next week.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via our Reception Class email.

We value the knowledge and understanding you have of your child so we’d like you to be involved. It would be really helpful if you let us know what they enjoy out of school and if possible take some photos.

This information will help us plan activities to meet your child’s needs and  motivate their learning.

Let us know of any ‘wow’ moments that happen at home by sending photos of your child’s achievements.


The Reception Team
Teacher – Mrs Burke
Teaching Assistants-
Mrs Burgess
Miss Billard
Mrs Stewart

11 September 2020

Posted on Thursday 10 September 2020 by Miss Wilson

Own It app

Posted on Tuesday 08 September 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Has you child got a mobile phone? If they have, do the have the Own It app from the BBC?

The Own It app helps children and young people take control of your online life. It gives them advice when they need it, in real-time as they type. It’s designed to help them make smart choices, feel more confident, and live their best life online.

The Own It app comes with a special keyboard. This can be used like any other keyboard, but it also gives users helpful tips and friendly advice as they write.

There’s also the ability to track how they feel and improve their wellbeing. There are plenty of gifs and emojis so users can express themselves.

The Own It keyboard and app is personal to the user. Everything your child types is kept completely private, and never leaves the Own It app on their phone.

Week 14: 16 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 16 July 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Friday, Y5!

It’s the last day of term and what a crazy year this has been!

Miss Wilson and I would just like to thank you all, both adults and children, for all your hard work – not just over this tricky lockdown period – but the entire year. It’s been a pleasure to work with each and every one of you.

Today is the final part to our Dragon’s Den task!

First up, your first task is to present your sales pitch to someone else at home or video it and send it to me. You’re presenting your product to the Dragons so really go for it! You’ve worked so hard!


  • volume
  • expression
  • steady speed
  • confidence
  • really sell your product

The final part to your Dragon’s Den is to make a prototype – a small model to show what it would really look like.

You can make your prototype out of any materials: play doh, newspaper, card… anything at all!

As always, send a picture of your finished article!

Week 13: 06 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello Year 1!

I hope you have all had a great weekend.

Here are today’s tasks:


Maths lesson       Maths task

Phonics – air

Let me know you get on! Please continue to send me your learning or anything else you have been up to.


Week 12: Home learning: 03 July 2020

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Happy Friday!

Today, all your tasks are linked to reading. I hope you enjoy them.

Task 1

Reading and exploring poetry

Voices of Water

Task 2

Who can remember the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine? George's Marvellous Medicine English planning | Teaching Resources

We read the book earlier in the year. What can you remember about the characters?

Using the book George’s Marvellous Medicine you are going to learn how to summarise information from an extract and write a description inspired by Roald Dahl.

The Story Behind George's Marvellous Medicine | News | Rose Theatre

There are 3 activities to choose from.

Activity 3 looks great! Here are some templates to help you if needed.





Task 3

Love of Reading

Sit back and relax with a good book.

Relax with a Good Book by KelliRoos on DeviantArt

20 Inspiring Quotes About Reading for Kids and Students ...



Week 12: 29 June 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 28 June 2020 by Miss Wilson

Happy Monday, everyone!

If you haven’t already, check out our Moortown music video where we send you a very important message!

Maths – LO: measuring with a protractor

You know what to do! Click here for today’s video.
Reading – LO: word studies
Your task today is to complete eight word studies for words within this extract of ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. Click here for the extract and here for your task!
Music – LO: pulse and rhythm
Today, we’re going to sing and clap to the pulse and rhythm of a variety of different musical examples.
Click here to begin.
Film yourself clapping or singing to the rhythm of your own music and email it to us! It could even be your own music from an app like garage band.