Week 12: 29 June 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 1!
I hope you have all had a great weekend despite the weather!
Here are today’s tasks:
The video is quite long today, so it may be a good idea to pause me when I’ve finished teaching the first activity. You can then complete that activity on the sheet before watching the rest of the video and completing the second activity.
I advise you to do this on the video but not until the end! Silly me!
Let me know you get on! Please continue to send me your learning or anything else you have been up to.
24 June 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 1!
I hope you’re all OK and enjoying the sunshine when you’ve finished your learning.
In yesterday’s phonics task, did anyone spot my mistake? If you did, send me an email to tell me what it was. Whilst you’re emailing me, why not send some of your learning for me to put onto the Class News page!?
Onto today’s tasks:
It’s Wednesday which means it is practice day! This week, I want you to practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s confidently is super important no matter what year group you’re in.
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s practice.
Good luck!
19 June 2020: Home learning
Hello everyone!
Hope you have had a good week! Thanks very much for all your hard work.
It is my last week posting the Year 2 learning as Mrs Taylor and Mrs Freeman will be back setting you your three tasks from Monday! I’ve really enjoyed being back in Year 2 for a few weeks. Thank you!
Okay, here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:
Y2 – Reading – Thursday – ANSWERS
It’s our Love of Reading session today. I’d like you to sit down with a good book and enjoy reading together. You might share a book or your child may want to read independently. Talk about what you’re reading and ask some questions.
For maths, we’re doing the BBC challenges again. Remember to have a go at the Year 3 ones if you want a further challenge!
Finally, it’s another week of Andy Goldsworthy’s natural art challenges. Andy Goldsworthy Challenges – Week 3
If the weather’s bad, you can do some observational drawing of something natural: a banana, some flowers, a turnip, your brother. It is up to you! If you fancy doing something different, have a look at these arty videos for some inspiration.
18 June 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 4s!
Hope you had a good day yesterday. The unique character in our class who can click their fingers is the marvellous HARMAN!
Well done to Daw’ud who guessed correctly!
I’m out of mystery classmate facts now so email me with yours!
Here are yesterday’s answers:
Y3,4 – Wednesday – Grammar – ANSWERS
Here is today’s learning:
Click here for the maths video. Here is the worksheet: Y4 – Thursday – statistics
The final lesson for today is a nonsense poetry lesson from the BBC Daily lessons website. Click here for the link. If you send me your own nonsense poem, I’ll put it on the website!
17 June 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 4s!
Hope you’re okay. Did you guess which person broke their arm and had a green cast? Of course, it was Christina!
Do you know which of our classmates this is (it could very possibly be many of you)?
I can click my fingers!
Here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:
Y4 – Tuesday – statistics – ANSWERS
Here is today’s learning:
Click here for the reading video. Here is the worksheet: Y3,4 17.06.20
10 June 2020: Home learning
Hello everyone!
Hope you’ve had a good day. Here’s a question for you: which member of staff has been working at Moortown the longest? Clue: it’s not Mr Parker.
Here’s the answer from yesterday’s learning:
Y1 – capacity and volume – lesson 5 – tuesday – ANSWERS
Y1 Phonics – Tuesday – ee – ANSWERS
Here is today’s learning:
Reading Y1 – Reading – Wednesday
Maths It’s Wednesday which is number bonds practice day! This week, I want you to practice your number bonds to ten. These bonds are super important and you’ll use them to help you, no matter what year group you’re in.
You can practice using this website. Click the link and then click Number Bonds and then Make 10.
Click on the worksheet for more number bond practise: Y1 – number bonds – wednesday
Grammar Click here for the grammar video and here is the link to the task: Y1 – Grammar – Wednesday
04 June 2020: Home learning
This week we are practising the digraphs ai, ee, and the trigraph igh.
Words to read:
Can you write a sentence?
(Read the sentence to your child for them to write.)
Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish
Use the rainbow animal you drew yesterday to make your own Rainbow Fish story. You could draw a story map.
Challenge: Write your story using first, next, then, finally.
Maths-teen numbers
Count and clap.
Yesterday we learnt about the number 15.
Watch Numberblocks
Fill in the missing numbers on the tracks.
04 June 2020: Home learning
Y6 Maths – yesterday’s answers
- 3/4 = 75%
- 2/6 = 33.33%
- 1/9 = 11.11%
- 12/20 = 60%
- 3/25 = 12%
- 9/12 = 75%
- 4/7 = 57.14%
Y6 Maths – LO: compare and order FDP
Click here for today’s video. Have your pencil and home learning book out and get ready to pause the video – we’re working together as we go!
Y5&6 Geography – LO: eight compass points
Today’s task dives into the world of Harry Potter!
Click here for the video explanation. Then, if you need to, click here for the map and here for the timetable.
Think of a place you know well (like school or home) and create a rough map on a grid (don’t worry about it being perfect). Then, create a timetable for the day and plan your movements using the language of the 8 compass points.
01 June 2020: Home Learning
Hello Year 3s!
It’s Mr Wilks here. I’m going to be taking over the home learning from Mr Owen as he’s in school full time now. I’ve recorded a short message to say hello.
My email address is paulwilks@spherefederation.org
Please email to ask any questions, let me know any problems or to let me know how your child is getting on with their learning.
Okay, on to the home learning for today…..
Click here for today’s maths lesson. And here’s the worksheet: Y3 – Shape – Monday
20 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Wednesday Year 1!
We’ve made it to the middle of the week again.
Here are your tasks for today…
Read the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk‘ again.
Use your inference skills to create a character profile of the giant.
Learn how to spell the tricky words below using some of our spelling strategies.
Try and get creative!