20 May 2020: Home learning
Morning, team! Your tasks today are maths, art and science!
First, though, a quick word from Miss Wilson…
Happy Wednesday! As you know, we should have been going on our Y6 residential today until Friday. I’m absolutely gutted we can’t go. It would have been a fab celebration after a tough week and you guys deserve the best celebrations for how hard you work. For the rest of this week, I’ve decided to scrap maths for a Virtual Residential where you could win the title of Camp Champion or Camp Hero. Off we go!
Y6 Residential – Day One
Click here for a video explaining today’s activities.
Click here for a summary of the Virtual Residential Day One Tasks.
- – Use two colours from opposite sides of the colour wheel (a warm colour and a cool colour such as red and blue/orange and green/yellow and purple) as this will create more of a contrast. These are called complementary colours!
- – Think about where your light is coming from and where your shadow is going to be
- – What colour do you think the shadow will be? Will it be the warm colour or the cool colour?
- – What colour do you think the lighter parts will be? Warmer or cooler colour?
- – Fill the page as best you can
- – Don’t forget to look at the detail on the object as well its outline
- – Maybe sketch it out in pencil first before going into colour
- – Think about form. The object is more than likely going to be three-dimensional

– Johann Sebastian Bach
– Amy Beach
Y5&6 Science – LO: adaptation
Today’s task is to complete this lesson from BBC Bitesize. Your task today is to complete activities one and two.
Have a go at the experiment below, like we’ve done in class.
19 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Tuesday, folks!
Today’s tasks are maths, reading and geography.
Y6 Maths – yesterday’s answers.
(Note that Q15-19 should read Q7-11.)
Y6 Maths – LO: multiplication
Today, we return to defend Mathematica using our multiplication skills. Here’s what the critics have been saying:
“The best maths game (where you have to defend Mathematica) on the internet” – Boris Johnson
“Probably shouldn’t have been made” – Xbox founder (probably jealous)
“Miss Wilson is on fire. She makes fewer than five mistakes – a rare must see” – Mrs Weekes
Make sure you have a pencil and paper / home learning book ready! Click here to access today’s video.
Email me a picture of your character, too!
Y5 Maths – Click here for yesterday’s answers.
Y5 Maths – LO: add fractions
Continuing our work from yesterday, we are focusing solely on adding fractions.
Watch the video here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
‘Week 5 – Lesson 2 – add fractions’
Then answer the accompanying questions by clicking here.
Y5&6 Reading – click here for yesterday’s answers.
Y5&6 Reading – LO: RIC
Today’s task is a RIC like yesterday, however you will be given the answers and have to work out the questions!
Click here to start!
Y5&6 Geography – LO: regions of the UK
As you may remember, the Lake District was one of our regions (along with the Peak District and Scottish Highlands and Islands) that we learnt about in our Geography topic.
Today’s lesson is to watch the videos, read the text and complete the quiz at the bottom on this BBC Bitesize website.
19 May: Home learning
Hope you completed the activities from yesterday’s home learning ok and you are ready for what we have in store for today. Let’s make a start.
Task 1 Reading
LO: I can respond to a text.
Today, we are going to finish our How to NOT go to school text from last week.
1.Listen to Chapter 4. Click here and complete the questions about the text.
2.Listen to Chapter 5/6 to finish the story.
Here are the characters of the story which you could cut out to retell the story or simply colour them.
Great work – time for an active break from imoves.
Task 2 Maths
LO: I can follow a route around a map.
We are going to complete our position and direction learning with a lesson taken from Oak National Academy. When completing this lesson, click on next activity in the bottom right hand corner to move through the learning.
Task 3 Geography
LO: What are physical and human features?
Today we are thinking about different geographical features. These features are split into physical and human features.
Physical features are natural.
Human features are things that have been created by humans and would not have existed in nature without humans.
1.Firstly have a look at this document to show what physical and human features might be.
2.Using these examples, sort them into physical and human features.
3.Can you think of any other physical and human features you could add?
Hope you have stayed motivated to complete your learning for today. We’ll be back tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of the day.
Hi everyone,
Hope you’re doing well. I’ve attached a few photos of my lockdown which has involved lots of den building, walking in Gledhow Valley Woods (spot the ducklings), taking my cat for a walk (long story), buying crocs (a clear sign of my middle age), and my greatest accomplishment: learning to do plaits!
Home learning
What great expressive reading of the recent fluency text!
Using Oxford Owl online is a great way to read a variety of texts.
Another creative design of the Eiffel Tower and a visit to see the real thing!
Wow – this model must taken some time and patience.
I also managed to find a photo from visiting Paris 15 years ago!
We loved this junk modelling – combining design technology, science and money education!
More creative junk modelling
Great money education and homophone spelling learning.
Science – experiments and trees
Keeping calm with some yoga
Possible Junior Bake Off contestant here having made their sisters’ birthday cake. Yummy!
14 May 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 1!
It’s Thursday and on a Thursday morning, we do PE! I’m missing teaching PE and I’m sure you’re all missing it too So, this morning, I want you to put on a PE kits and do some PE.
Click on this link to find out your task.
Today’s maths lesson is a fluency lesson.
Apply what you’ve learnt about doubles, half and quarters to answer the questions.
Click on this link.
Read the story of The Enormous Turnip again and answer the questions underneath the story.
This will be the third time you’ve read the story so hopefully you will be becoming more fluent.
Good luck!
07 May 2020: Home learning
Hello everyone!
How have we all been enjoying the sunshine? I’ve been trying to explore a few different places to walk! Eccup Reservoir has been my favourite so far.
Onto today’s tasks…
Learn how to spell the tricky words below using some of our spelling strategies.
Try and get creative!
Today’s we’re going to be learning how to find a half.
Click on this link and find ‘Summer term – Week 1’.
Then, click on lesson 4. There will be a short video to watch and an activity you can print.
Any problems finding it, please let me know.
Click on this link to find today’s task.
05 May 2020: Home learning

BUT FIRST! Have you checked out the CHALLENGE from Mr Wain and Miss Wilson? Scroll down to the post underneath or check it out on the Class News pages!
- Where was…?
- When was…?
- What was…?
- For, ___, who was involved…?
- True or false…?
- Order these facts chronologically.
- Fill in the missing word.
- Match up the city (or something else) with the story (or something else).
Last week, part of our home learning was about Ramadan. One of our class mates sent us this learning to tell us more about it.
29 April: Home learning
Hello everyone – it’s already the middle of the week. Hope you managed ok with yesterday’s learning.
Firstly, we wanted to share a query that was sent to us from a parent about writing. What if your child is engaging with the tasks but is reluctant to record the answers or the discussion that you have together? Some ideas for this might include:
- alternate the written recording between you and your child (if you have the available time)
- let them type out their responses using a computer (if available)
- keep some of the tasks as discussions and don’t record the answers
- encourage some written recording to send to us (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org)
We hope this helps and please do get in touch if needed.
Here are your suggested daily physical and mindfulness activities for you to try.
Physical activity: Today, we wanted to remind you of the short videos available on #ThisisPE. Produced by Yorkshire Sport Foundation these activities are designed to support parents and carers to teach some PE at home.
Mindfulness activity: This week, our Living and Learning statement is, I recognise mental health is important. Listen to the reading of the Kindness book and consider the importance of being kind to each other. How can being kind help your mental health and the mental health of others around you?
Here are your new learning tasks for today.
Task 1 reading
1.Read The Funny Tummy Song below (linked to task 3 Staying safe online)
2. What is the title of the song?
3. How many verses are there in the song?
4.Find and copy a word that means
b.on your own
5.Find two sets of rhyming words from the song.
6.Which part of the song is repeated?
Challenge: You will hear the song as part of task 3. When you’ve heard the song, how does it sound different when it is sung compared to reading it?
Task 2 maths
Yesterday’s challenge answer is below.
We are going to have a break from learning about fractions. If you would like to continue this learning at home, please carry on the White Rose lessons. We will start new maths learning, all about measuring length, on Thursday.
Today, we will revise learning about money. These are the objectives, related to money, that the children should be aiming to achieve by the end of Year 2.
- recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value
- find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money
- solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change
Start your maths learning by playing this Topmarks coins game.
1. Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson about recognising coins.
2.Use any available coins/notes at home to support this learning.
Task 3: Staying safe online
Think back to The Funny Tummy song from task 1.
1. Complete Activity 1 and 2 based on Jessie and Friends, Episode 2 from the Thinkuknow website.
Sharing Pictures
Here we meet Mo and Tia, who together with Jessie complete the friendship trio. At Tia’s birthday party they use Tia’s older brother Kyle’s mobile to take fun photos of themselves. The trio agree to send their photos to Tia’s nan but also a few other people whose numbers are saved in Kyle’s phone. When the photos are shared with other children at their school without their permission, they turn to their teacher for help. The three friends learn about how images can get shared more widely than you first expect, and the importance of consent.
Challenge: What would you do if you were Jessie?
Optional extra activity
Learning sign language is a great skill to have. Here are the actions to match The Funny Tummy Song. Why not give them a go?