Tuesday 24 March: Home learning
Good morning Year 2! Hope you all had a productive first day of learning at home. Here are your home learning tasks for today.
Physical activity: Who joined in with Joe Wicks’ live PE lesson yesterday? The 30 minute session can be accessed at any time if you miss it in the morning. The sessions will be running Monday to Friday at 9am. Today, why not also try one of the Super Movers videos if you need a brain break. Here’s a video about division.
Mindfulness activity: Starfish meditation – this is a great way to refocus the mind. Spread your fingers on one hand like a star fish. Slowly, trace your finger, from the other hand, around your fingers and hand. Continue until you feel calm.
Here are some of the words you may have selected from the fluency text yesterday as words that you are not sure of. We use the word synonym to show words that mean the same.
carnivore – meat eating
particular – special
depend on – need
generally – usually
social – to be with others
remarkable – amazing
detect – find
compacted -firmly pressed together
camouflaged – can’t be seen
harsh – severe
Task 1 reading
This image is taken from the Pobble365 . This website shows a different picture every day as a stimulus for learning. The children have seen these images before in class. Answer the following questions about the photo.
1. What do you think it is that Poppy and Jasper have seen?
2.Where do you think Poppy got the aircraft from?
3.What will happen next?
4.Where do you think they had planned on going?
5.Will they reach their destination?
Challenge: What could be a title for the image?
Task 2 maths
Before you start today’s activity, here is a game to play (test your number bond knowledge – up to 20 or up to 100).
We have recently been learning about symmetry especially relating to shapes. Watch this video to remind yourself of what it means.
1.Look at the 2D shapes below. Which shapes are symmetrical?
2. Which shapes have more than one line of symmetry?
3.Play this game to check your understanding of symmetry.
Challenge: Which capital letters have lines of symmetry?
Task 3 writing
Look back at the Pobble365 image. Here’s a story starter.
Flying is supposed to be fun, right?
Poppy often dreamed about what her first flight would be like. She’d imagined it was like being a bird; free and weightlessly drifting through the clouds.
The first part of the journey had been exactly as she’d hoped it would be. Jasper agreed, signalling his enjoyment by barking enthusiastically from the co-pilot’s seat.
Things were about to take a drastic turn for the worse…
1.Continue the story. What could happen next?
Challenge: Use two different conjunctions in your learning (such as because, but, and, so, when or if).
Ordering numbers to 50
The children ordered numbers from largest to smallest using tens and ones. Using the ten sticks, the children were able to see which number is largest. If the numbers had the same about of tens, they looked to see which number had more ones.
Thank you for attending our Phonics Mornings this week- we hope you found it useful.
Below are sentences taken from ‘Letters and sounds’ which your child can write independently using their phonic knowledge.
Mark and Carl got wet in the rain.
The farmer gets up at six in the morning.
Jill has fair hair but Jack has dark hair.
Jim has seven silver coins.
I can hear an owl hoot at night.
Nan is sitting in the rocking-chair.
Bow down to the king and queen.
Gurdeep had a chat with his dad.
I can see a pair of boots on the mat.
It has been hot this year.
Don’t forget to let us know about the writing and reading your child is doing at home.
We Love Reading
As part of our homework review, Year 4 were invited to bring in their favourite book to share with the class. There was a really good range of books and we saw lots of books from other children that we’d like to read ourselves.
In tables, we shared our book and showed really great listening skills by looking at the speaker and asking questions to find out more.
There was some lovely homework to share too with Amrit M’s, Tanvi’s and Edris’ standing out. Well done.
Living and Learning: Be kind
Today, in Living and Learning, we had a powerful circle time with an important message.
In order to illustrate the effects of saying unkind words, we used two apples (one of which had been bruised).
We gave the first apple a variety of compliments and positive, kind comments as we passed it around the circle.
With the bruised apple, we passed it round and said unkind words and negative comments.
We looked again at both apples, and there was no change; both apples still looked the same. We then cut the apples open. The apple we’d said unkind words to was bruised and all mushy inside.
We talked about what we saw inside the apples. The bruised and mushy apple showed what would be happening inside every one of us if someone uses unkind words.
Living and Learning: Being Me
- I cover my mouth (when I yawn, cough, sneeze). Get your child to demonstrate the ‘vampire’ method to family members at home.
- I can say something good about myself. It’s important that your child can confidently talk about themselves in a positive way.
- I pay and receive compliments in a sensible way. Try paying compliments each day to each other! Some children struggle to hear positive words about themselves, but this is important for self-esteem. Try paying (and listening) to praise and compliments.
- I recognise my talents. Talk to your child about talents, whether academic, physical, social or emotional. Some of us may have a natural talent, but most have talents that derive from lots of practice.
- I know the difference between being proud and showing off. We encourage compliments to be paid – but encourage your children to know the balance between being having self-esteem and showing off.
- I use good table manners. This is another manners-related Living and Learning statement. Think about good table manners at home – not pointing our cutlery at someone or speaking with food in our mouths, for example.
Times tables
All children have recently received their login details for Times Tables Rock Stars.
In Year 2, we learn the two, five and ten times tables and these are the tables that have been assigned to the children on Times Tables Rock Stars, starting with the ten times table.
Occasionally there will be some division questions and as this is something we are beginning to learn, please support your child with these questions until they feel more confident to have a go.
Children will be bringing home some optional Times Tables Rock Stars sheets that can be completed over half term to improve these skills. They can return these to school if they complete them.
Other resources to support time tables and other number facts is Hit the Button. This is a great, fast-paced game and children can choose which times tables or number facts to work on during each game. This game is free to play online.
If you have any further questions regarding the resources mentioned, do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support.
Multiplication Experts
Year Three have spent their maths lesson today showing what they know and can do with multiplication. Have a look at the pictures, below.
Slice, cut, segment…
As we come to the end of our instruction writing in english, and to prepare the children to write their own instructions, we followed instructions to make fruit kebabs.
As we were making the fruit kebabs, we talked about the adverbs (safely, carefully, slowly), time connectives (first of all, next, finally) and imperative verbs (peel, slice, thread) needed for the instructions.
We also developed our food technology skills including peeling, cutting (using claw hold and bridge hold) and naming and using different equipment. Hopefully the children will want to try out these skills at home too!
We even thought about our maths learning by creating an array!
Spring term after-school clubs
Our spring term after-school clubs will be starting next week and while many of the clubs are full, we do have some spaces available for the following clubs.