
Place Value

Posted on Friday 13 September 2019 by Mr Wain

Year 5 have had a brilliant start to the year in all areas of school! They have thoroughly impressed with their appetite for learning and improving.

For Maths in particular, we have been looking at place value. The children have been using an array of methods to support their learning.


We have been using Denes, number lines, bar-models, counters and part-whole models to really show off how many different ways we can represent numbers!

In another area of the curriculum, we have enjoyed diving into our new class novel – Marianne Dreams. This has been the main focus for our Art topic, where we have incorporated artistic techniques such as cross-hatching, stippling and gradient into our artwork.

Ask your child what media has been used in the pieces of art above!

Platinum award

Posted on Sunday 08 September 2019 by Mrs Taylor

At the end of each year, schools are invited to apply for their School Games Mark. The School Games Mark rewards schools for their commitment to and development of competition, school sport and physical education.

We’re very proud to announce that our application has been verified and we have been awarded Platinum award.

Platinum award is open to schools who have achieved Gold award for the previous four years.

We have achieved this award due to encouraging a large number of children to participate in sporting activity; providing a variety of different sports; partaking in competitions; involving children in leadership activities and having many local links with external clubs and establishments.

Thank you to staff who have accompanied children to these events or run after-school clubs this year. Thank you also to Mrs Russell who provides excellent administration of our clubs and sporting events and competitions. Thank you as well to all parents/carers who have helped with transport and supported at our events this year.

Finally, well done to all pupils who have tried out a new physical activity either at an after-school club or as part of a competition or participation event and to those children who have represented our school so well this year.

06 September 2019

Posted on Friday 06 September 2019 by Mrs Taylor

The homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect and due in Thursday 12 September.

I can write sentences.

As we begin our learning in Year 2, we’d like to know what the children want to learn during this year and what their interests are outside of school. Their responses should be in full sentences.

Here are some reminders of what to check for when writing each sentence.

  • Capital letter at the start
  • Full stop at the end
  • Finger spaces
  • Does it make sense?

Our handwriting guide shows the correct letter formation to support this writing. Please ask if you would like a printed copy of this guide.

Signing off: Highlights of Year 5

Posted on Thursday 18 July 2019 by Miss Wilson

Our homework this week was creative: I can show my highlights of the year. In true Y5 style, the homework was smashed out of the park.

Some decided to show their favourite subject, like Serenity’s mini art gallery to represent her creative learning…

… or Laila’s Lego rounders pitch to represent PE and our trip to Roundhay Park.

Some created amazing posters to represent lots of different highlights…


… like World Book Day, our trip to the Bradford Media Museum or our several themed weeks across the year just to name a few!

Others made a countdown to rank their highlights…

… like Will’s Top Five which included our courtroom reenactment, 5/6 production and both our class novels…

… and Maggie even created hers using PowerPoint which was incredibly funny and emotional at the same time! “Does Miss Wilson really live in the cupboard and will she have to move house to the ‘apartment’ next door over the summer? We will never know.”

For some reason, many of the class had latched onto the fact that I can’t speak properly sometimes and I mix up my words. Once, I was trying to say “Dan had” and ended up calling him “Dad” in class. Hilarity ensued.

Another classic was asking everyone if they had a “spare purple pen” that came out as “spurple pen” and with it a long-running joke was born. Here it is being demonstrated by a larger than life homework submission.

Lots, lots, lots of the class mentioned how their highlight was simply bonding and spending time with their best friends, as demonstrated by Poppy and Kirsten’s ace collage.

Well done everyone, yet again! I could have posted everyone’s homework but these were just a couple of the brilliant ones.

My personal highlight has been getting to know each and every one of you and learning so much but having a good laugh along the way. I couldn’t ask for a better class to take up to year six for your last ever year of primary school. Enjoy the summer and I’m excited to see you all in September for our best year yet!

Miss Wilson x




Author visit

Posted on Thursday 18 July 2019 by Mr Wilks

This morning Hayley, came in to class to tell us about her book Emma Bright and the super food fight.

As well as being a really fun and exciting story, it has lots of positive message about a healthy lifestyle.

Later in the session, we created our own superfood heroes on paper plates.

Library books, reading at home and LEXIA

Posted on Wednesday 10 July 2019 by Mrs Taylor

As we near the end of the year, we have made the children aware of any outstanding library books. Do pop into the classroom if you want to check the title of a book you still have at home.  All library books should be return next week.

Many children have reached their end of Year 2 LEXIA target (Level 9 certificate).  It would be great to get all the children closer to this target so please continue to work on LEXIA at home if you get the chance.

We have been running a read at home challenge this term with lots of children earning rewards once they have read ten times. Again, if your child is close to their next reward, please encourage them to read at home and put their book and reading record in the basket on Monday and Thursday.

Well done to Isla, Noah F, Lily, Rizwan, Harry, Jack, Iris and Jake who have read and read at home this term – fantastic!

Reading books and reading records will be collected from next Wednesday.



Residential… finally!

Posted on Sunday 07 July 2019 by Mr Roundtree

After much editing, emailing and formating, I finally bring you a taste of what your children experienced on residential. Apologies for the delay! Year 6 had a great time and were a credit to the school, you and to themselves. Many members of staff at Robin Wood remarked upon their manners a number times.

We did all sorts over the three days and here’s an idea of what it was like.

5 July 2019

Posted on Friday 05 July 2019 by Mrs Freeman

For their spelling task, the children have been asked to create a game/puzzle to challenge a friend with. Using the spellings from this year, the class can be as creative as they like. We discussed some ideas in class.

Also, as an alternative, the children could do the above with the times tables they have learnt during the year.

This needs to be returned by Thursday 11th July ready for our game playing review.

Ukulele Performance

Posted on Sunday 30 June 2019 by Mrs Freeman

On Saturday 6th July, the Summer Fair will take place at school. As well as the traditional maypole dance, Year 4 will be showing off their ukulele skills with a short performance at the beginning of the afternoon. Image result for ukulele

If possible, please can your child arrive at school for 12.45 to get set up.

Many thanks

Mrs Freeman, Mr Owen and Mrs Pearson



Showcase of skipping skills

Posted on Wednesday 26 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you to all parents, carers and family who came along to see the fantastic skipping skills on display at our recent skipping assembly.

Jodi, from Skipping School, provided skipping sessions for Reception class, Year 1, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 6 throughout the day and it was great to see all the new skills learnt. Year 2 and Year 4 have already been involved in their skipping projects this year and have taken part in festivals representing the school.

Skipping is one of the ways we encourage the children to achieve their 30 active minutes at school by providing short and long ropes at playtime and lunchtime.

If you didn’t get chance to buy a skipping rope after the assembly, we do have some available for sale.  Please come to the Year 2 classroom on Monday or Tuesday, after school, if you would like to purchase one.