
We are Total Warriors!

Posted on Sunday 23 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Year 6 had a fantastic morning at Bramham Park on Friday conquering the Total Warrior junior course.

Before the event, we enjoyed getting our race numbers attached and our bandanas on – truly warrioresque.

The course threw muddy obstacle after muddy obstacle at us and we took them on head first.

Very muddy and very pleased with ourselves, we celebrated each of us crossing the finish line.

And the prize for muddiest warrior goes to…

Hot Shots total

Posted on Wednesday 19 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Thank you for all the sponsor money raised following the Hot Shots event during our Money Matters themed week.

We are pleased to announce that we have raised a fantastic total of £665.75 for our school charity, WWF.

Year 2 super skippers

Posted on Sunday 16 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

A huge well done to all of Year 2 for their fantastic efforts at the skipping festival.  All the children took part in either an individual, partner or group event and gave 100%. There were some great results too.

It’s been great to see their skills develop since our first session with Jodi from Skipping School. Well done to all the children.

‘It was fun because of all the skipping we did.’

‘It was great because we were getting active.’

‘I thought the skipping was good as we have got better at it.’

‘It was easy because we have been practising.’

‘The new skills, we learnt at the festival, were tricky but I am going to try and get better at them.’

Skipping festival tomorrow

Posted on Thursday 13 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor

Year 2 are all set for their skipping festival tomorrow afternoon at Leeds Trinity University.

This is an opportunity for all the class to be part of our team at a fun event with other Year 2 classes.  All children know the event they will be taking part in and they will also support their friends and watch some great skipping skills.

We will be leaving school by coach at 12:20pm and all children need a packed lunch to eat at school before we leave. We will be arriving back at school at approximately 4.30pm, dependant on traffic.

Your child will need their PE kit in school and they should also bring a fruit snack and have their water bottle in school to take with them.

The class have learnt many new skills since their initial skipping workshop and they have worked hard to improve their personal bests for each skill.

There will be chance to see some of these skills at a skipping assembly next Wednesday 19 June at school. This is weather dependent and parents and carers are invited to come and watch at 2:30pm, if the weather is fine, and we can show off the skipping skills in the playground.

We do still have some skipping ropes available for sale for the children to continue to work on their skills at home.  These are at a subsidised cost of £2 per rope (normal price £5). Please ask if you would like to buy a rope.

Good luck to all the children tomorrow!

Lotherton Hall

Posted on Tuesday 11 June 2019 by Mrs Wood

We had a great time at Lotherton Hall yesterday. The sun shone briefly and we stayed mostly dry!

The children enjoyed watching the penguins being fed and hunting for minibeasts.

Remember to ask your child to share their highlights.

07 June 2019

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Creative and is due on Thursday 13 June.

What is Light?

This half term, the children will be learning about light, how it travels and how it helps us to see. We have all explored some questions around light this week and this creative homework invites the children to demonstrate what they know to each other.

As always, creative homework can be anything! We suggest that it should be one page of a homework book and take around 40 minutes to complete. Here are some suggestions:

  • Create a diagram to show how light travels/how the eye works/how we see objects and colours…
  • Write an information text including everything you know about light.
  • Write a poem entitled, ‘Light’.
  • Create a piece of art using the light spectrum.

Have fun with it and we’ll enjoy sharing them next week.


Posted on Friday 24 May 2019 by

Year Three have been learning about extreme earth. We specifically looked at earthquakes. We learnt that most earthquake occur near the ring of fire. We learnt all about tectonic plates and where the ring of fire is.

We learnt that for countries near the ring of fire a huge concern is building safety. Often people are killed in earthquakes because of buildings collapsed.

Year Three then became engineers. Their task was to create a structure that would withstand earthquake Clifford. The criteria was a structure with 4 sides.

Structures were then tested by earthquake Clifford. We judged the success and safety of their structures based on how far it survived on the Richtor scale.

Great engineering, Year Three!

Walk to School Week competition update

Posted on Wednesday 22 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

For pupils who are completing the #WalktoSchoolWeek story this week, as school is closed tomorrow, the missing words for Thursday AND Friday can all be found on Friday in the usual locations. Happy Walking!

Remember to bring in your completed sheet on Friday to be entered in the prize draw for four £10 vouchers.

Big Pedal

Our involvement in the recent Sustrans Big Pedal initiative has been recognised in the latest Leeds City Council Influencing Travel Behaviour newsletter.

Thank you to all the schools who took part in The Big Pedal this year. An amazing 2299 schools across the country took part and 36 of them were from Leeds which is brilliant!
Well done to Moortown Primary School who came 38th out of 500 in the small school category!

It’s great to see such positive engagement in these active travel initiatives to ensure families have a healthy and active start to the day.  Thank you to Moortown Living Street group for their support with our active travel initiatives.

Money Matters themed week – School Savings Club

Posted on Tuesday 21 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

As it is our Money Matters themed week, we are holding an information and paying in session tomorrow after school for the School Savings Club pupil accounts.

Jordan Francis, from Leeds Credit Union, will be available to give more details and hand out application forms for these pupil accounts. As there is not minimum deposit requirement, it is a great way for your child/children to learn the importance of money. Paying in sessions are held every half term.

As always, if you are unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be paid in, to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.

Living and Learning: How does our money help people?

Posted on Tuesday 21 May 2019 by Mrs Taylor

HotShots was a great start to our themed week.  Each child had three chances to get their fastest shot with lots of encouragement and supporting from the sidelines.

Well done to Shasmeen and Jack who were our fastest girl and boy shooters with speeds of 28mph and 39mph.

Thank you to children who have returned their sponsor form and money.  Please return any remaining money by the end of the week. The money raised will be donated to our school charity, WWF.