
Roundhay Park Treasure Hunt

Posted on Tuesday 17 July 2012 by Mr Wilks

Here are a few pictures from our recent treasure hunt at Roundhay Park. Sorry there aren’t many; it was a very busy day!

Pirate War Dance

Posted on Tuesday 17 July 2012 by Mr Wilks

In PE lessons, we’ve been learning some traditional dances and then creating our own versions. This video is our take on a traditional Maori Haka. We’ve rebranded it as a pirate war dance and this group has added a few new moves…


Goodbye Year 1!

Posted on Monday 16 July 2012 by Mrs Weekes

Where has this year gone?  It has been an amazing year and each and every child has flourished, matured and made our year a very successful one.  There have been many highlights including Emre coming to school as Bob Dylan and Malique thinking that I was alive in 1935!  The class has many characters, all with different strengths, but they are one of the most co-operative classes that Mrs Maver or I have ever taught.

There have been so many successes I could sit here all night listing them; here are a few:

  • Sarah has become so independent
  • Mia has become a whizz at maths and is so much more confident
  • Dominic has matured and has made amazing progress in his writing
  • Haider is much more sure of himself
  • Luke has shown brilliant positive behaviour

A big thank you to Mrs Strange and Mrs Maqbool who have supported the children all year in their learning and a big thank you to you, the parents / carers, for your ongoing support – it makes our lives much easier.

We look forward to seeing all the children in Year 2.  They can’t get away from us as we will be popping in next door to make sure they are showing Miss Hewson their best!  Well done Year 1 – have a great summer!


Messy Modroc!

Posted on Monday 16 July 2012 by Mrs Weekes

We finished our Seaside topic in style with a very messy week and lots of fun.  The children have become experts in using modroc so if you ever break a bone they may be able to help you (watch out, Frankie’s mum and dad, as it was a bit soggy!).  The shapes of the sea creatures were made with newspaper and masking tape; these were then covered with modroc and water which then set very quickly.  A few days later the models were painted and now we have some very interesting sea creatures.

Goodbye Reception Class 2012!

Posted on Sunday 15 July 2012 by Mrs Wood

As the end of the school year approaches, we have been remembering the past year and thinking about moving on. The children have all made fantastic progress and we are proud of everyone. Well done especially to Matteo for settling so well and Daanyaal who has begun to make good choices with his behaviour. Well done, Neive, for trying hard to write neatly and to Oliver for his increased confidence. Have a great summer!











Hello from Mumbai

Posted on Sunday 15 July 2012 by Mr Roundtree

One of our Year 1 friends a little while ago.  We’re all delighted to read this email he has sent us…

Dear Mrs Maver, Mrs Weekes and all my Year 1 friends,

Hello everyone! Hope you are having fantastic time at Moortown Primary. I am doing great in Mumbai. I love my new school R.N. Podar, but at the same time I miss Moortown.

I study in Grade 1. There are 25 students in 1 division and there are 3 divisions. Going to school by school bus is very exciting. I have made many new friends. One of my classmates comes from France. My school time is from 1 pm to 5.30 pm.

We have themed weeks same as Moortown . Last week was Hygiene Week. This week we are preparing for the musical – Little Red Riding Hood – which is tomorrow.

Hope all of you enjoy your summer holidays and keep in touch.

Regards to Mr Roundtree, Mrs O’Malley, Mrs Russell, Mrs Maqbool, Mrs Smithells and everyone at Moortown.


It’s the summer

Posted on Sunday 15 July 2012 by Mr Roundtree

Yes, believe it or not, the summer holidays begin on Friday, despite somewhat autumnal (ok: downright dismal) weather.

During the holidays, research shows that many children’s key skills can regress – this makes rapid progress in the autumn back at school hard. It’s important to make sure your child spends time reading, and try to include daily opportunities to do some writing and number work – things like sending a postcard to someone (look out for our postcard competition – more details soon) and working out some ticket prices and journey times.

As many teachers at Moortown Primary noted in children’s annual reports, your child may need a bit more than this if they need to keep up-to-speed with times tables and spellings – spend just five minutes on each every day to really help your child.

Of course, holidays should be as happy and as healthy as possible, whatever the weather.  A useful starting point to planning a few days out or activities in Leeds is Breeze.

Another interesting and familiar idea crossed my mind recently as I read a Sunday paper: the writer and child psychologist Sue Palmer comments: “Every child will make a den given a chance; their evolutionary roots are still very strong.  Sitting down watching someone else do it on television is no substitute.” You can buy some exciting kit to support this (I like the Ultimate Dangerous Den Kit, but less so the price), but there’s something even more exciting (and cheaper) by getting creative with cardboard boxes and blankets!

Whatever you and your child get up to, enjoy the break, and see you on Tuesday 04 September (or sometime in the week beginning 17 September if your child is starting in Reception).

Farewell, Year 4!

Posted on Sunday 15 July 2012 by

What a privilege it has been to teach Year 4 this year. I will miss them all, even though I will probably still be able to hear Arjun from Year 5! I have been so impressed with the exemplary attitude to learning from almost all of the class – I’m sure they will continue to succeed next year.

Highlights for me are many, but here’s a few:

  • Holly’s improvement in her writing this year has been nothing short of exemplary. Sami’s writing this year has also been brilliant; he has produced writing this term that would not look out of place in Year 6.
  • The Rai Master’s (Hari Rai) times tables speed has been phenomenal. Additionally, Tom has the highest average times table score in the class.
  • Pavanpal and Bethany W’s reading has gone from strength to strength: they were both one mark short of a maximum score on their end of year reading test.
  • Bethany G scored maximum marks for all her end of year assessments.
  • The Lion King production showcased some terrific acting talent. In my opinion, Maeve’s Simba was better than the one on Broadway!
  • Finally, Loraine has excelled in every aspect of the curriculum this year and has been an asset the class as well her school.

Parents, it has been a delight getting to know you all. A big thank you for your support at home. It has certainly made a difference. A thank you also to Mrs Bald, who has been instrumental in ensuring children achieve their goals this year.

SATs success for a third successive year

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2012 by Mr Roundtree

Wow – another great success story summed up by the release of results for May’s end of Key Stage 2 SATs for our current Year 6.

The results haven’t been published yet, but I’m delighted to say for a third year, well over 90% of children at Moortown Primary School attained Level 4 or more and made at least expected progress.

This year, 30 pupils in the class sat the tests – one much-loved class member was unable to access the tests due to specific educational needs.  Of the thirty who took the tests:

  • 100% attained level 4 or more in reading (level 4 is the expected level for most children at the end of Key Stage 2)
  • 100% reached level 4 or more in writing (this year, the writing tests were internally marked by Ms Hazell, but double, then triple-checked by others to make sure all marks given were fair – most schools in England marked the writing test internally)
  • 97% reached level 4 or more in maths

We continue to not just meet but exceed nationally expected levels.  Again, relating to the 30 who took the tests:

  • 60% reached level 5 in reading and in writing (this will almost certainly be higher than national and local figures)
  • 39% attained level 5 in maths, and a further 13% achieved level 6 (the level at which a typical 14 year old will be working at)

With great topics like Chocolate, Snowbound and Meet the Greeks; with themed weeks around business and enterprise, community and staying safe; with enriching one-off events such as art afternoons, Jubilee celebrations and trips out and about (Robinwood residential no exception!), the class have had a hugely enjoyable time in Key Stage 2.  It’s great to know that children enjoy and achieve at Moortown Primary.

Well done to all the Year 6 pupils, and a big thank you from me to all their talented teachers and teaching assistants, too.

Health questionnaire

Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2012 by Mr Roundtree

There will be no further homework this term. However, please support your child to complete the health questionnaire sent home today in order to find out their views on some of our key health issues at school.

Emotional health and obesity are the two targets we are working on in school to further our healthy schools status and the questions, devised last year by the school council, are linked to these areas. These include:

  • Are you happy at school?
  • What do you enjoy most about playtimes and lunchtimes?

Completed questionnaires to be returned by Monday 16 July.