
15 June 2012

Posted on Friday 15 June 2012 by

As the statutory phonics screening check will take place next week, there is no spelling homework.

There is no date set for which children will be tested on which day; as always, avoid unnecessary absences.

Thank you.


15 June 2012

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2012 by

This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect – to complete a phonics worksheet.

You’ll find the worksheet in your child’s homework book.

This homework is due on Wednesday 20 May 2012.

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside!

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2012 by

Fun was had by all on Wednesday when Years 1 and 2 went to Filey beach.  The weather was on our side and the sun came out as we arrived.  Lots of excitement was had paddling in the sea and making some fantastic sandcastles.  Some children looked like they were leaving home as their bags were so full but they learnt the hard way when they had to carry them all day! There were lots of soggy clothes and tired children (and staff) but an enjoyable day was had by all.

Watch this space… photos to follow!


The last SEAL theme of the year is…

Posted on Monday 11 June 2012 by Mr Roundtree

…called Changes.

This theme tackles the issue of change and aims to equip your child with an understanding of different types of change, both positive and negative, and common human responses to it.

The last half-term before the summer holidays is obviously a good time to consider changes. All the children in school will be starting to think of changing class – their teacher and their classroom.  Year 6 children will also be thinking about changing school, whilst Year 5 children will be thinking about changes as part of Sex and Relationships Education where they will consider changes to do with puberty.

The theme seeks to develop your child’s ability to understand and manage the feelings associated with change. It aims to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: motivation, social skills and managing feelings.

It’s the half-term holiday…

Posted on Friday 01 June 2012 by Mr Roundtree

…so there’s no homework this week.

Our Money themed week…

Posted on Friday 01 June 2012 by Mr Roundtree

…was a great success!

Amongst some of the highlights were…

  • a visit to a bank and workshops led by bank staff
  • Young Biz workshops to develop entrepreneurial skills
  • money-themed literacy and maths sessions
  • visits to the City Learning Centre to design a new unit of currency (to replace the Euro, perhaps?)

The Creative homework where children came up with a new business idea culminated in a Dragons’ Den -style assembly where the best entrant from each class presented their business idea to two dragons: Mrs O’Malley, our Resources Manager, and Mrs Rush, the Chair of Governors.  Well done to all the finalists, and especially to Ava in Y1 who devised a business called Water Me, who will water all your plants whilst your away for only £1 a day.

The week reached its climax yesterday afternoon, however, with the Business Fair – this was a class competition to see which class could make the biggest profit.  Each class took out a loan from school for £20 and had to invest their money wisely on an idea that would make a profit.  Businesses were charged for the ‘hire’ of school equipment and for costs such as photocopying: Matteo bargained very effectively to reduce my original hire charge of £2 for display boards to a bargain (for his class!) of £1.20.

You’ll be amazed to hear about the profits each class made.  Here are the results:

Who? Selling what? Sales: Costs: Profit
Reception an art gallery selling their own art £167.36 £14.53 £152.83
Year One Jubilee-themed items £62.00 £19.70 £42.30
Year Two ice-cream £83.45 £12.80 £70.65
Year Three Ship’s Biscuits and Pirate Grog £68.41 £17.14 £51.27
Year Four Jubilee buns £66.26 £16.91 £49.35
Year Five milk shakes £78.66 £17.10 £61.56
Year Six joke books £103.73 £12.00 £91.73


So, well done to Year 2 (third), Year 6 (second) and, with a whopping profit of £152.83, well done to Reception.

I’m pleased to say all the classes have paid off their loan from school, too!

The classes will choose how they spend their own money.  Suggestions made so far include a trip to Leeds Art Gallery, plants for the classroom and a donation to charity.  (Donations to the Roundtree Pension Fund will be most welcome!)

More on money week

Posted on Wednesday 30 May 2012 by

The children were visited today by an Enterprise Expert, Tim Hall, who discussed the need for adverts to help sell a product.

We learnt that no matter what your product is, you need an advert to bring it to the attention of your audience… who will then, hopefully, buy your product.

Here is an advert made by the children to encourage the public to join ‘Workit’ –  a new gym. Warning… it will tire you out just watching!


Young Apprentice!

Posted on Wednesday 30 May 2012 by Mrs Weekes

Alan Sugar, watch out!  We have been amazed by the business ideas created by Year 1.  They are creative, unique and buzzing with enthusiasm.  Some amazing efforts from all of the children made it really hard to vote for the most enterprising idea.  The winning idea will be taken to the “Dragon’s Den” and the opportunity will be given for them to sell their idea.  We will know who to stay in touch with in our retirement!

Here are some examples of the fabulous ideas. (The scans are quite faint; if you would like to see them in detail then please come and ask us.)


01 June 2012

Posted on Wednesday 30 May 2012 by

This week  our spellings have been chosen to match our main spelling rules. These words, while mostly pretty simple, are a good reminder of the three main rules:

Double up for a short vowel sound

  • swimming
  • grinning
  • approach
  • cunning

Drop the y for an i

  • stealthily
  • berries

Drop the e for ing

  • smiling
  • hoping

Children need to find five words to match each rule. They will be tested on Friday 01 June.

Join in!

Posted on Wednesday 30 May 2012 by Mr Roundtree

Join in the 7th Roundhay Primary Schools Family Run for Fun at Roundhay Park, 10am on Saturday 16 June 2012.

At the event, there’ll be a choice of 1km and 5km runs.

Application forms are available at the office and have been sent out by Parentmail. Take your completed application forms with you to the event and pay on on the day. You can also pick an application form up on the day.


  • 1km: adult £4.00, child £2.00
  • 5km: adult £5.00 child £2.50
  • dual entry: adult £7.00 child £4.00

All profits from the race will be divided equally between the schools that have helped to organise this event. Any sponsorship monies collected go straight back to your school’s PTA/PSA.

All children running who are aged 14 and under must be accompanied by a responsible, participating adult.

And more…

  • David Lloyd will also be running two competitions on the day with the chance to win a 3 month family membership and a free birthday party for up to 10 children.
  • This year there will be some great sports activities for the children to try out – these free taster sessions are a great way to continue the fun and perhaps try out a new sport at the same time!

Can you help out?

We also always need lots of helpers on the day to marshal the course and make sure everyone knows where they are going. Can you help? If you, or someone you know, is able to help, please fill in your contact details on the application form. A volunteer could be an older brother or sister (over 18), a grandmother or grandfather, a neighbour or a mum or dad who isn’t running. Volunteering is easy and you can still support the competitors.