
20 January 2012

Posted on Friday 20 January 2012 by

Your homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 25 January 2012. 

I can invent and make a page of a study book to show people how to write a great scripts.

Think of the following:

  • How the page should look so it looks like a study book or important bits book.
  • How you are going to make it creative and interesting to read.
  • What information will you include to help your reader learn about scripts?
  • What tips will you give to your reader?
  • If you’re producing information about scripts, include stage directions, character lists, how many acts to include and how your actors speak and move.

Our two new charities are…

Posted on Friday 20 January 2012 by Mr Roundtree

Water Aid and Dogs’ Trust.

This week, children in our school chose two new charities to support over the next two years.  The selection process involved five stages:

  1. Talk Time homework: children were asked to discuss Which two charities should we support and why?  
    They were given prompts such as whether we support a local charity like St Gemma’s or a children’s charity like Unicef or even whether we should support charities in school at all.
  2. Class discussion: as always, following Talk Time homework, there was a class discussion; each class shortlisted two charities for the School Council to consider.
  3. School Council chose to disregard some charities: Archie in Y2 suggested one or two charities could be removed from the long-list for various reasons (eg there were two Leeds-based medical charities, so the School Council voted to remove one from the long-list).
  4. Councillors put forward the views of their classmates: Iona in Y5 represented the views of Henry in her class, who had spoken about everyone’s right to water (he’d decided to support Water Aid in his Talk Time homework), and lots of Y3 and Y4 children had supported Dogs’ Trust (one reason for this was that dogs have rights, too).
  5. School Council vote: after all the stages, Councillors were left with just four charities to consider: Water Aid, Dogs’ Trust, St Gemma’s Hospice and Cancer Research.  Each Councillor voted secretly for two of these, and then all the votes were added using tally marks.  The results were extremely close.


For the past two years, we’ve supported WWF and NSPCC.  Over the next two years, we’ll support our charities in various fund-raising ways, including our Christmas, Easter and Summer productions and an occasional fund-raising event.  Because we choose to support these charities, we don’t always raise money for other national events, such as Comic Relief.

20 January 2012

Posted on Thursday 19 January 2012 by

This week’s homework is Creative and is due in on Wednesday 25 January.

I can find and draw a minibeast.

Following on from our minibeast hunt in the week, we want your child to locate a minibeast in their own garden and draw a picture of it.

See if your child can categorise it based on what they’ve learnt this week.

20 January 2011

Posted on Thursday 19 January 2012 by

This week’s spellings are slightly different. Instead of a list of words, I simply want your child to be able to distinguish between the two forms of  its:

its  – belonging to something, no apostrophe

it’s – a contraction, like we learnt last week, of ‘it is’

We’ll (another contraction!) be looking at this through the week, but if you could practise these activities at home it will ensure your child has a thorough understanding.

  1. On piece of paper, write its on one side and it’s on the other. Read out a sentence and they have to show the correct its.
  2. Have some sample sentences where they write the correct form of its. For example:
  • Whose coat is this? ____ mine!  (It’s)
  • The cat wagged _____ tail.  (its)

A good way to distinguish between the two is to check whether the sentence sounds correct if you substitute the word for ‘it is’. If you can do this, then the correct form is it’s. If it doesn’t seem to make sense, then the correct form is its.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to come and speak to me.

20 January 2012

Posted on Thursday 19 January 2012 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 25 January 2012.

I know the 2 times table.

Possible ideas:

  • Write the number sentences (1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 =4…)
  • Create a poster
  • Create number sentences with flaps for the answers
  • Show the times tables as pictures
  • Create a game

20 January 2012

Posted on Thursday 19 January 2012 by

This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘ck’. Your child will be tested on Friday 27 January 2012.

  • shock
  • stuck
  • trick
  • track
  • back
  • lick
  • click
  • pick
  • lock
  • flick


Posted on Wednesday 18 January 2012 by Mr Roundtree

Attendance is monitored closely in Leeds.  We have been set a school target of 96% minimum.  Our school average so far this year is 96.7%.  Well done to Y2 and Y6 who are above average.

Here are the class averages so far:

  • Reception: 94.8%
  • Year 1: 96.8%
  • Year 2: 98.0%
  • Year 3: 96.5%
  • Year 4: 96.6%
  • Year 5: 96.3%
  • Year 6: 97.5%


Our Big Topic is….Animal Kingdom

Posted on Tuesday 17 January 2012 by

Our topic this term is jam-packed with fun and exciting events which could potentially make this one of the best ever!

We had a special visitor join our class on Monday. Ask your child about Pip and the sort of habitat she lives in.

Year 4 are going to have the opportunity to visit Allerton Grange to create their own animations involving animals. Also this term, Year 4 will be identifying and hunting for animal habitats. This will involve mini-beast hunts locally, as well as looking at habitats all over the globe.

Finally, in response to children’s requests we have crammed even more art in this term! The children’s final piece will be a mud-roc sculpture of an imaginary animal.

Class assembly

Posted on Monday 16 January 2012 by

The next Year 2 class assembly will be on Thursday 8 March. The previous date on the Year 2 newsletter was incorrect. We hope you can make it!

Class Assembly

Posted on Monday 16 January 2012 by Mrs Weekes

Quick reminder for you:

Class Assembly on Thursday 19.01.12 at 2.40 pm.

Hopefully see you there.