14 October 2011
This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 19 October.
I know about the body.
It links to our new topic Doctor! Doctor!
Your child could produce a:
- poster
- draw a picture
- write some sentences
- label a part of the body
- do some research
14 October 2011
This week’s spellings recap on all the rules for adding ‘ing’. Some of them may be spellings you’ve had before and some may be completely new to you.
The main focus of the learning is to ensure your child understands the rule. There is only one spelling list this week.
List 1 |
LO: To know the rules about adding ‘ing’ |
enjoy |
> |
enjoying |
refuse |
> |
refusing |
grin |
> |
grinning |
howl |
> |
howling |
decide |
> |
deciding |
amaze |
> |
amazing |
drop |
> |
dropping |
develop |
> |
developing |
Can you come up with any more spellings that follow the rules for adding ‘ing’?
14 October 2011
This week, the spellings are a mixture of the ‘ing’ rules:
- just add ‘ing’
- drop the ‘e’ for ‘ing’
- double up when there’s a short vowel sound
1. |
meet |
meeting |
2. |
amaze |
amazing |
3. |
swim |
swimming |
4. |
raise |
raising |
5. |
drive |
driving |
6. |
kick |
kicking |
7. |
make |
making |
8. |
split |
splitting |
9. |
consider |
considering |
10. |
begin |
beginning |
Children will be tested on eight out of the ten words on Friday 21 October.
14 October 2011
The homwork this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 19 October.
I can find 2D shapes all around me.
Ideas could be:
- trace a picture and colour in the shapes you recognise
- take some photos of buildings or objects and identify the shapes
- draw a picture using only shapes you know and label them
- identify some right angles in shapes you find
I look forward to seeing your creations on Wednesday!
14 October 2011
Your homework this week is a mixture of creative and talk time and is due in on Wednesday 19 October.
I can talk about Greece or Ancient Greece.
Next week, we’re having a session called ‘Just A Minute’ in class. Children have been asked to prepare a talk that they will give to the rest of the class about an aspect of life in Ancient Greece or modern day Greece. This talk is to last one minute and has been set to develop the children’s skills as confident and creative speakers. The children will need to practise their speeches at home to build up their confidence.
Any materials they prepare to help them – maybe a bullet point list as a memory aid – must stick to the homework rules of not going over one page of A4.
The piece of work could be about:
- gods
- Athens
- Sparta
- a myth
- schools
- modern Greece
- …or a different idea!
Remember to only use one A4 side, but you can extend the page (with flaps, for example) if you want to.
14 October 2011
This week’s homework is creative.
I know about the body.
We have started our new topic Doctor! Doctor!
What do the children know? Your child could produce a:
- poster
- draw a picture
- write some sentences
- label a part of the body
- do some research
Please don’t feel you have to stick to these if you have something even more creative!
This homework is due on Wednesday 19 October. As always, the BBC website is a useful learning tool.
Successful Staying Safe Week
Our recent Staying Safe themed week was a big success with a variety of visitors and visits across the week. These included Emergency First Aid, food safety and cooking at Allerton Grange, drugs awareness (d:side), fire safety (Moortown Fire Station), road and firework safety and stranger danger (Police) and staying safe around dogs (Dogs Trust). Have a look on the class news pages to see some photos from the week.
The key message was how to be safe in a variety of situations:
‘I learnt how to use a knife, for chopping vegetables, safely by not cutting towards you.’
‘Be safe near the oven.’
‘I have learnt how to put somebody in the recovery position.’
‘I have learnt that you should not go into the water to save someone.’
‘The surface of the water is warm but the bottom is cold and people who can swim can still drown.’
‘Never give out your personal information.’
Here are some useful websites if you would like to follow up any of the work done by your child / children throughout the week:
General safety
Staying Safe online
Fire Safety
Road Safety
Electricity Safety
Food safety
SEAL statement 10 October
This week, our SEAL statement is ‘I can make my classroom a good place to learn’.
At this stage in the first half term, children will be familiar with our established school rules but also their class contract. Teachers, this week, will be looking for those children who consistently follow these and who therefore make their classroom a good place to learn.
As a reminder, our three school rules are:
- Follow instructions
- Use positive language
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Ask your child what’s in their own class’s contract.
Subtracting using a number line
Using a number line to find the difference between two numbers (to subtract) is a mental maths strategy that many of us do without realising. To help children get used to the mental strategy, we teach them to draw the line to visualise the difference, and then make jumps (the fewer, the better).
If you’re not convinced, think about how you might calculate 2003 – 1995 or 180 – 95… Very few people would be able to use a traditional column method to get the answer quickly and accurately. We do teach the column method as a written maths strategy, too – but that’s better for bigger and more complicated numbers!
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHEng-jRWlQ’ >Subtracting using a number line