30 September 2011
The homework this week is Creative and is due in Wednesday 05 October
I can design a poster about water safety.
It is completely up to your child what sort of poster they decide to do, as long as it’s related to water safety. Here are some ideas:
- a poster encouraging children to stay safe in the water
- a poster making people aware of potential water hazards
- a poster about being safe at the beach
- a poster about being safe near a reservoir or lake
30 September 2011
This is the second week of investigating the effect of adding ‘ing’ to words.
This week’s spellings are all words which have a short vowel sound before the final letter (think of the difference between the ‘o’ in hop – a short ‘o’ sound) compared to ‘hope’ (a longer sound, like ‘oh’).
When there’s a short vowel sound, you need to double up the final letter when adding ‘ing’.
Your child will be tested on eight out of the ten words on Friday 07 October.
1. |
hop |
hopping |
2. |
run |
running |
3. |
shut |
shutting |
4. |
chat |
chatting |
5. |
shop |
shopping |
6. |
plan |
planning |
7. |
win |
winning |
8. |
swim |
swimming |
9. |
begin |
beginning |
10. |
stun |
stunning |
You’ll know that as a school, we monitor attendance closely. Last year, we met our attendance targets, which is great news.
The attendance record for your child’s class – last year’s Y4 class – was broadly the same as Leeds overall, but there were two areas we’d like to improve this year:
- the class’s attendance was lower than other schools of a similar nature,
- the amount of unauthorised absence was significantly higher than similar schools, and even higher than Leeds overall – sadly, this was caused by a few individuals taking term-time holidays.
Please keep an eye on your child’s attendance. Research shows that too many absences affect not only learning but a child’s social and emotional aspects of learning.
You’ll know that as a school, we monitor attendance closely. Last year, we met our attendance targets, which is great news.
The attendance record for your child’s class – last year’s Y1 class – was broadly the same as Leeds overall, but there were two areas we’d like to improve this year:
- the class’s attendance was lower than other schools of a similar nature,
- the amount of unauthorised absence was significantly higher than similar schools, and even higher than Leeds overall – sadly, this was caused by a few individuals taking term-time holidays.
Please keep an eye on your child’s attendance. Research shows that too many absences affect not only learning but a child’s social and emotional aspects of learning.
Well done!
Well done to pupils and parents in Y3 for your excellent attendance figures last year, in Y2.
The class had much higher attendance figures and much lower unauthorised absences than Leeds schools overall, and also, very importantly, better figures than our ‘statistical neighbours’ – these are schools that are most similar to us.
The attendance record for the class was the best in the school. This excellent data certainly helped the school overall to meet our school target for the year – thank you.
Well done!
Well done to pupils and parents in Y4 for your excellent attendance figures last year, in Y3.
The class had higher attendance figures and lower unauthorised absences than Leeds schools overall, and also, very importantly, better figures than our ‘statistical neighbours’ – these are schools that are most similar to us.
This excellent data certainly helped the school overall to meet our school target for the year – thank you.
30 September 2011
Spelling Rule:
This week’s spellings all have an ‘ing’ at the end and replace the ‘e’ in the root word.
The main focus of the learning is to ensure your child understands the rule. It is up to your child which list they decide to do. However, it is important they give themselves an appropriate challenge and don’t attempt a list which is neither too easy nor too difficult.
The spellings will be tested on Friday 7th October.
List 1 |
List 2 |
LO: Words ending with ‘ing’. |
hope |
> |
hoping |
divide |
> |
dividing |
write |
> |
writing |
gaze |
> |
gazing |
decide |
> |
deciding |
drive |
> |
driving |
make |
> |
making |
trace |
> |
tracing |
smile |
> |
smiling |
debate |
> |
debating |
ride |
> |
riding |
cuddle |
> |
cuddling |
stare |
> |
staring |
translate |
> |
translating |
raise |
> |
raising |
concentrate |
> |
concentrating |
Can you come up with any more spellings that follow the rule?
30 September 2011
This week we are looking at words we will need in our maths.
These words will be tested on Friday 07 October.
one |
two |
three |
four |
five |
six |
30 September 2011
This week’s homework is creative and it links to our Staying Safe week. It is due in on Wednesday 05 October 2011.
I can show how I need to be safe when playing outside.
Here are some ideas that we came up with as a class when we talked about the homework:
- A poster highlighting the dangers of playing in a playground
- A series of pictures or photographs showing potential hazards
- A list of rules
- A drawing
I look forward to seeing your creations on Wednesday.
Photograph, please!
Please could your child bring in a photograph of themselves as a baby. We will be learning about growing in our new topic so it would be lovely to have these on display. Photographs will be returned later in the Autumn term.
Thank you.
Miss Hewson, Mrs Weekes and Mrs Maver.