Maths Morning!
Thank you to all who attended our recent Maths Morning. If you have any questions about how we teach maths in Reception, please ask!
13 May 2011
To spell words with the ‘i-e’ sound.
ride |
pipe |
bite |
slide |
pine |
ripe |
These words will be tested on Friday 20th May 2011.
13 May 2011
The spellings this week are all words that have silent letters within them. Nouns and verbs practise 1-8. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-10.
1. knife
2. write
3. when
4. could
5. would
6. should
7. knock
8. know
9. wrinkle
10. honest
The spellings will be tested on Friday 20 May.
13 May 2011
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 18 May.
I can show what I know about nocturnal animals.
In keeping with our short topic, the children need to know about nocturnal animals. They can show this any way they want but here are a few ideas:
- A poster.
- A chart showing the facts they have found out.
- Photographs of any research they have done.
- A poster completed on the computer.
There is also a second piece of homework this week which is only a bit of fun. Watch the walking to school video – it’s been on the site for a few months now, but have you spotted Wally?!
Children have taken home a map to mark where Wally is. Year 2 children have been given a map which shows the route the stars of the video take as they walk to school. Along the way, you can just about spot where Wally is, but look closely as he might be around more than once…
This should be returned by Friday 20 May. Correct entries will be put into the hat with winners selected at random. Good luck!
13 May 2011
Around the country, it’s Walk to School week next week. To promote the event, there are two activities for chidren throughout school to have a go at…
First, all children should complete the creative homework, due in on Wednesday 18 May 2011: I can persuade someone to walk to school. Children could create a poster, write a newspaper article, write a poem, or an even more creative idea of their own!
Second, as a bit of fun, there’s an extra homework activity – and this one comes with a prize! Watch the walking to school video – it’s been on the site for a few months now, but have you spotted Wally?!
Children have taken home a map to mark where Wally is. Younger children have been given a map which shows the route the stars of the video take as they walk to school. To make it more of a challenge, older children have no route shown on their map! Along the way, you can just about spot where Wally is, but look closely as he might be around more than once…
This should be returned by Friday 20 May. Correct entries will be put into the hat with winners selected at random. Good luck!
13 May 2011
This week’s spellings are a recap of adverbs (words used to describe verbs). The children can use these in their writing to make it more interesting. They will be tested on Friday 20 May.
scarily |
stealthily |
luckily |
wearily |
carefully |
slowly |
quickly |
amazingly |
remarkably |
determinedly |
Can you think of any more? |
Subscribe to our calendar
We publish a calendar of all our school events and holidays on our website. We’ve just announced the dates of our five training days for next year – the first school in the city to do so.
Did you know that if you use an electronic calendar at home or at work you can subscribe to ours? This means that you’ll always have accurate information about what’s going on in school, alongside all your own appointments.
If you’ve previously subscribed to our calendars, you’ll need to resubscribe as we’ve changed the URL (website address) at which they’re published. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is a one-off change; you won’t have to update them again.
- Subscribe to Holidays and Training Days
- Subscribe to School and Class Events
Subscribing to calendars should work in Outlook, iCal, Google and all other popular calendar apps.
Training Days
We’re happy to confirm the training days for next year:
- Monday 05 September
- Tuesday 06 September (which means children return to school on Wednesday 07 September)
- Monday 31 October (following the half-term holiday, which means children start the second Autumn term on Tuesday 01 November)
- polling day, sometime in May (this is likely to be 10 May, but has not been confirmed)
- Monday 23 July (this is the last day of the school year, which means children finish the Summer term on Friday 20 July).
We’re one of the first Leeds schools to confirm their training days. We’re happy to do this in order for you to arrange holidays and therefore ensure term-time absences are kept to a minimum.
The dates will be posted to the school’s website calendar shortly.
06 April 2011
The homework this week is ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ and they will be tested on it on Wednesday 11th May.
I can learn a new times table.
This is a great chance for your child to learn a whole new times table. They should know their 2x table, 5x table and 10x table so make sure they know these before you move on to any other times tables. Here a few ideas for how they could learn a new times table.
- They could repeat them out loud. You have to be sure that they can do the times tables out of order as well. For example, being able to do 7 x 3 without going through the whole table (3,6,9 etc).
- Give them a times table list to memorise. See if they can write the whole times table out. Similar to how they practise spellings, but once again, make sure they can do them in any order.
- Times Table Tennis. You start at any number in the times table and they have to say the next two in the sequence going upwards and downwards.
Then, play these fun games to see if they’ve got it!
SEAL statement 09 May
This week, as the Year 6 class prepare to sit their SAT tests, our SEAL statement is ‘I try my best for others and for myself.’
As Mrs Hazell has commented in the Year 6 class news the children have put a lot of hard work and time into their preparations. Good luck to all of Year 6.
The Relax Kids website has some ideas for supporting your child through tests and you can view their magazine online too.