28 April 2011
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words that end with ed.
Apples have words that all have the sound ea in the middle.
They will be tested on Friday 06 May.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: Words that have ‘ea’. |
LO: Words that end with ‘ed’. |
28 April 2011
The spellings this week are all high frequency words. Nouns and verbs should practise numbers 1-8. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-10.
1. across
2. almost
3. could
4. next
5. should
6. where
7. thought
8. although
9. important
10. through
The spellings will be tested on Friday 06 May.
28 April 2011
The homework this week is a talk time homework and is due in on Wednesday 4 May.
If you had just married a prince or princess what would you do with your time?
Would you:
- Get a new job
- Keep your old job
- Do something useful
- Do nothing at all!
I’ll look forward to hearing about your views on Wednesday.
A big well done!
Some of the children competed in a tennis competition yesterday and I am happy to say that the Year Four children came second in their group and the Year Five children came second out of a staggering five groups! The children played with great skill and were gracious runners-up to Talbot Primary. They are going through to another round where they will compete against more schools – fingers crossed for another excellent result!
Well done to Sami, Connor, Iona and Rishitha in Year Four.
Well done to Adam, Jatinder, Kiran and Cydnee in Year Five.
28 April 2011
This week’s homework is talk time. We will have a class discussion on Wednesday 04 May about the topic.
I know about the Royal Wedding.
They could discuss:
- Aspects of the wedding
- Whether they enjoyed watching it or not
- Whether they think we should have a Royal family
During your discussions at home, please use and encourage vocabulary such as:
- I think…because
- I agree because…
- However,
- Also,
- In addition,
28 April 2011
This week’s spellings are different words that mean ‘said’. They are words that could be used when the children are writing quotes in their newspaper articles in literacy. They could see if they can find any other words too! These spellings will be tested on Friday 06 May 2011.
said |
announced |
advised |
described |
explained |
revealed |
stated |
warned |
urged |
requested |
Can you think of any more that work well in newspaper articles? |
28 April 2011
Your homework this week is again Practice Makes Perfect.
I can solve problems mentally.
In class we are working on improving mental skills.
I have given you five more 10 minute tests to complete for homework.
Complete Test One on Friday, Test Two on Saturday, Test Three Sunday and so on. They will be marked in class on Wednesday.
Make sure you only spend ten minutes and make sure you only show jottings not written calculations, just like you do in your 20 question tests in class.
Homework is due in on Wednesday 04 May.
SEAL statement 26 April
‘I know things to do to make others feel better’ is the new statement for this week.
Light and Dark
For the next few weeks, our mini-topic is all about Light and Dark.
Here are some examples of what we’ll be learning in class:
- To be able to know that light is essential for seeing things.
- To be able to recognise that there are many sources of light and they vary in brightness.
- To know that shiny objects need a light source if they are to shine and that shiny objects are not light sources.
- To be able to suggest how to find out about where a reflective strip will shine brightly.
- To investigate shadows.
Have a look at the following websites to support learning at home:
21 April 2011
This week’s homework is creative: I know what a light source is.
We have started our new mini-topic Light and Dark. What do the children know?
They could produce a:
- Poster
- Draw a picture
- Write some sentences
- Make a list of light sources
- Take some photographs
Please don’t feel you have to stick to these if you have something even more creative!
This homework is due on Wednesday 27 April.