21 April 2011
The spellings this week are all high frequency words. Nouns and verbs should practise numbers 1-8. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-10.
1. about
2. because
3. before
4. every
5. think
6. knew
7. might
8. would
9. thought
10. suddenly
The spellings will be tested on Thursday 28 April.
21 April 2011
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 27 March.
I can find examples of solids and liquids at home.
Try to find about five different solids and liquids. You can record the information however you like. You could use a table, draw or take pictures and annotate (label) them.
Also, consider the different properties of the different liquids and solids. Do all the solids have the same properties? Do all the liquids have the same properties?
I will look forward to discussing your findings with you on Wednesday.
28 April 2011
Children have been given a list of all the spellings they have had this term.
There will be a test on Friday 6 May. The test will be of a random selection of twenty of the words from the list.
This is to give the children the opportunity to have a SATs type spelling test when they don’t know which words are to be tested.
21 April 2011
Your homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect.
I can solve problems mentally.
In class we are working on improving mental skills.
I have given you 5 ten minute tests to complete for homework.
Complete Test One on Friday, Test Two on Saturday, Test Three Sunday and so on. They will be marked in class on Wednesday.
Make sure you only spend ten minutes and make sure you only show jottings not written calculations, just like you do in your 20 question tests in class.
Homework is due in on Wednesday 27 April.
21 April 2011
The homework this week is Creative and is due in Wednesday 27 April.
I can invent a machine that is battery-powered.
The homework this week follows on from our current topic which is electricity. We have been discussing the way that electricity is stored in items such as batteries.
When inventing your machine, here are a few things to consider:
- The size of your battery.
- Where the battery will go.
- Whether your battery is big enough to power your machine.
- How you can make your machine safe to use.
- How long it can last before it requires new batteries.
21 April 2011
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are words that have a double letter with an ‘le’ ending.
Apples have words that all end with ‘ow’.
They will be tested on Thursday 28 April.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: Words ending with ‘ow’. |
LO: Double letter, ending with ‘le’. |
Calculating area

Measuring skills

21 April 2011
This is Practice Makes Perfect homework: Write a recount about something you did over the holidays.
Perhaps you went to a theme park, a play park or visited family?
Remember to:
- Use time connectives (First, Next, Finally,)
- Write in chronological order
- Write in first person (I)
- Include VCAP: Interesting vocabulary, connectives, add-ins and varied punctuation (? ! , ; – )
Adverbs and Adjectives literacy groups – remember those sophisticated connectives!
It is due in on Wednesday 27 April 2011.
21 April 2011
This week’s spellings are a recap of the rule of doubling consonants for short vowel sounds. They will be tested on Thursday 28 April 2011.
Revision spellings for adding ‘ing’ |
Short vowel sound with one consonant |
Double up for ‘ing’ |
drop |
dropping |
drip |
dripping |
stop |
stopping |
shop |
shopping |
swim |
swimming |
win |
winning |
rub |
rubbing |
clap |
clapping |
run |
running |
pop |
popping |
Can you think of any more? |