25 March 2011
This week we are learning how to spell compound words. A compound word is made from two (or more) existing words.
Spellings will be tested on Friday April 01 2011.
A |
B |
C |
countryside headquarters throughout fingerprint aftermath bandwagon championship firecracker hairsbreadth neighbourhood |
background billboard blindfold downhearted eyewitness lightweight outnumbered shamefaced straightforward wrongdoing |
airfield billboard blockbuster daredevil foreground hideaway masterpiece overweight showdown taskmaster |
25 March 2011
Your homework this week is Creative and is due in on Wednesday March 30 2011.
I can devise the features of, and advertise, a brand new top of the range outstanding and totally brilliant never been seen before teacher!
You could produce any of the following:
- A radio advert
- An advert for TV
- A billboard
- A poster on the side of a bus
- A leaflet
- A letter
- Or your own method of advertising
Whatever you produce has to persuade your audience that your teacher is unique and the best thing ever by promoting the positives and never mentioning the negatives. Think about putting a quote from someone who recommends the teacher!
There is no swimming next week or the first week back after the Easter holidays. Consequently, the next swimming session will be on Wednesday 27 April.
25 March 2011
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. It involves writing a report which links to our literacy unit. It’s due in on Wednesday 30 March.
Think of your favourite animal and write a report (in your own words) about it. Remember you need to write in present tense, use lots of adjectives for description and include facts.
You could use the headings:
- Appearance
- Habitat
- Diet
25 March 2011
This week’s spellings are words with ‘ic‘ suffixes. These will be tested on 01 April 2011.
historic |
horrific |
metallic |
traffic |
angelic |
epidemic |
specific |
organic |
atomic |
rhythmic |
Can you think of any more? |
25 March 2011
The spellings this week are all words that have the prefix mis… or non…
Nouns and verbs should practise numbers 1-8. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-10.
1. mistake
2. misfit
3. mischief
4. misfortune
5. mistreat
6. nonsense
7. non-stop
8. non-fiction
9. mischievous
10. non-violent
The spellings will be tested on Friday 01 April.
25 March 2011
The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 30 March.
I can write a report about someone or something.
We’ve been reading and writing reports in our literacy unit. This homework is an opportunity to show off your report writing skills!
You could write a report about:
- A famous person. This could be a sportsman or woman, a favourite musician, or role model.
- An inspiring person who you know.
- A place you have been, for example, a museum, theme park or our school.
- It could be about your favourite sports team.
- It could be about an animal.
- Or, you could completely make up a new animal, person, place, vehicle!
Remember to use full-stops and capital letters. Use lots of good adjectives and adverbs. You could also include facts, a quote from an expert, a simile and a rhetorical question.
I’ll look forward to reading your reports next Wednesday.
The Stephen Lawrence Standard
The Stephen Lawrence Education Standard is unique to Leeds. It was developed in partnership between Education Leeds, the Leeds City Council and Black and Minority community representatives, in response to the tragic murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993 and the publication of the MacPherson Inquiry Report into Stephen’s death in 1999. The Standard was launched in 2003, the first of its kind in the country.
At Moortown Primary School, we have had the award for some time now. We now want to update it. We know Moortown Primary School is a happy and healthy place to learn. Children tell us, parents and carers tell us, and awards such as this one, the Healthy Schools status and the Inclusion Chartermark prove it.
We want everyone in our community to be treated fairly. We want to recognise everybody’s similarities and their differences – and celebrate their differences. We make sure this happens by our Visual Ethos Statement that underlies everything we do. Our ethos is talked about – children know what the symbols mean, including the globe which shows that we are a multi-cultural school with pupils and staff from many different countries, the four children holding hands that show that we all work together and the religious symbols you can see represent children who have different faiths (or no faith at all).
The children linking arms is echoed in our school logo: children are represented as happy, healthy and co-operative. When our school council chose this logo in 2008, the different colours in the logo was suggested by a councillor as being symbolic of the different ethnicities in school. This went further than the original design remit and represents the confidence and positive awareness we try to nurture amongst all our stakeholders.
Practical means to promote awareness, cohesion and equality range from SEAL, a fundamental, on-going theme in our school, to themed weeks, such as the forthcoming ‘My Community’ week (the second themed week to celebrate and learn about belonging, identity and differences such as race). Our growing links with Shallcross Primary in South Africa will further enhance children’s and adults’ understanding and empathy.
The Stephen Lawrence Standard means a lot to us. We know we’re doing things right and we want to be recognised for this as well as learn more about what we can do in the future to be even better.
What is Learning?
This week Year 1 have been thinking about the word “learning.” They were asked to think about different questions:
- What is learning?
- How do we learn best?
- How do you go about learning something new?
- How do you know you have learned something new?
They are working really well together and came up with some great ideas about learning!
Perfect Persuasion and Promotion
Year 6 have learnt how to write adverts that persuade and promote. We invented a new bike and wrote an advert to encourage people to buy our product. Here is the advert – it’s fantastic!
Do you want to be the coolest cyclist in town? With our brand new, top of the range, most innovative bike ever, you can go anywhere, any place, any time with the awesome Speed-o-Matic. It’s fast… fun and funky. Only a fool would settle for less.
Are you ‘wheelie’ ‘tyred’ of your boring bike? We know you are, so go and buy the Speed-o-Matic… NOW! Jam-packed with heaps of high-tech features, the Speed-o-Matic is everything you’ve ever dreamed of… and more.
From its six smooth gears to its jaw-dropping 15 metallic colours, the Speed-o-Matic has it all. Other mind blowing features include:
- spokes fitted with neon lights.
- luxurious padded seat (with an extra option to change the colour to suit your mood).
- carbon fibre frame that gives you the lightest, fastest bike ever invented.
- wireless Ipod and mp3 docking system.
- built-in ultra accurate SAT NAV – you’ll never lose your way again.
- adjustable steel stunt pegs for additional top class performance.
Surely you would agree that this global phenomenon is the ultimate in cycle technology. The facts are clear: Speed-o-Matic is the highest ever rated bike in ‘Race Magazine’ with an astonishing ***** rating. Don’t just take our word for how brilliant the Speed-o-Matic is… “This is the greatest bike I’ve ever used.” Jim Smith (Olympic Cycling Gold Medallist)
Available from all good bike retailers around the globe. Normal price £200, but now reduced to a bargain price of only £129.99 while stocks last. (With 3 free seat covers)
The Speed-o-Matic comes with a life time guarantee.
Speed-o-Matic’s for you
Speed-o-Matic’s for you
Go and get it from the bike shop
Speed-o-Matic’s for you
The Speed-o-Matic…. fast, fun, funky. Get it…..NOW!