18 March 2011
LO. I can spell words with the ‘or’ sound.
for |
worm |
corn |
short |
sport |
fork |
born |
storm |
18 March 2011
The homework this week is ‘Talk time’ and is due in Wednesday 23 March.
I can talk about why I should feel ‘good to be me’.
In keeping with this half-term’s SEAL theme of being ‘good to be me’, your child should discuss all the ways that they should feel good about themselves.
They should also talk about why their friends should feel good about themselves.
18 March 2011
The homework this week is talk time and is due in Wednesday 23 March.
I can talk about what ‘Red Nose Day’ means to me.
Red Nose Day will impact on the children in many different ways, and this a brilliant opportunity to discuss your child’s thoughts and feelings about the world around them.
As this is talk time homework, I would like to remind you that it is not necessary for your child to come up with something creative and artistic. A few simple notes on the discussion you’ve had with your child will suffice. However, it’s a good idea to think about some new wow words and openers that can be used in the talk time at home, at school and in the future eg
- Although I liked it, …
- My opinion is that …
- I prefer …
- Comic Relief can raise substantial amounts …
- The money raised might considerably improve …
18 March 2011
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are irregular words.
Apples have words that all end with ‘ke’.
They will be tested on Friday 25 March.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: Words ending with ‘ke’ |
LO: Irregular words |
18 March 2011
Spellings this week are based on the prefix prim.
Learn the spellings and find four more with the same prefix.
Spellings will be tested on Friday 25 March 2011
A |
B |
C |
primate primrose primly Prime Minister prima donna primitiveness primeval |
primate primrose primly Prime Minister prime prima donna primeval |
primate primrose primly primary primarily prime Prime Minister |
18 March 2011
Your homework this week is creative.
Make up a brand new superhero. Think about their powers, costume, who they help and who their nemesis is.
Your task is to produce a piece of work about your superhero. It could be…
- A play script starring your character
- A cartoon strip
- An interview with your superhero
- A biography
- A board game staring your character
- A story
- A poem
- A newspaper report about their exploits
- Your own idea!
Homework is due in Wednesday 23 March.
18 March 2011
This week’s homework is creative. It is due in on Wednesday 23 March 2011.
I know about angles.
Key vocabulary degrees, 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn, whole turn, right angle, acute, obtuse and reflex.
The children could:
- Produce a poster
- Take photographs of angles
- Create a game
- Draw and measure angles
- Order angles from smallest to largest
- Or anything else creative!
18 March 2011
This week’s spellings have the suffix ‘al‘. They will be tested on Friday 25 March 2011.
medical |
sensational |
national |
personal |
seasonal |
vocal |
traditional |
additional |
capital |
exceptional |
Can you think of any more? |
We are having a storytelling workshop tomorrow
Please come and hear the children’s stories at 2.30.
SEAL statement 14 March
‘I can help someone with a worry’ is the new SEAL statement for this week. We will be looking at developing empathy skills to recognise if others are worried and how children can help others in these situations.
Each class has a SEAL box where children can ‘post’ any suggestions, news or worries to share with their teacher, class or school councillors. In addition to this is the worry box, available for the whole school to use, monitored by Mrs Wilson, our Learning Mentor.