
World Cup fever

Posted on Friday 15 June 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our topic is the World Cup and we’ve included some geography, maths and reading learning so far.

The children have told us what they want to learn about so we will be guiding the topic to their interests.

  • What does the World Cup look like?
  • How many players are there on a team?
  • Can we do some art from the different countries?
  • What are the different flags?
  • Who has won before?
  • What countries are playing?
  • How does football work?
  • Who is going to win?
  • How heavy is the World Cup?

Each child has their own country (selected at random) and we will be watching the results carefully to see who progresses through the competition.  Ask your child what country they selected and what continent it is in.  They could show you how to search for this information if they need to check.


Reception’s got visitors…

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2018 by Mrs Wood

Meet the newest members of Reception! This week, we’ve been getting to know our new class pets. The children have enjoyed observing, holding and investigating these intriguing creatures – stick insects! 

Talk to your child about stick insects and other minibeasts.

15 June 2018

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2018 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’re focussing on some more homophones. These words are tricky because they sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.

Children should practise spelling these words in preparation for a test on Friday 22 June 2018.  


15 June 2018

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2018 by Miss Wilson

This week’s spelling list is formed using our Must Do homophones for Year 3. Children should practise listening to a sentence read aloud and writing the correct word. For example:

“I use my ears to hear what you’re saying.”

Can you think of any fun ways to remember which word is right? Can you write some silly sentences? Can you show your words creatively?

  • your/you’re
  • its/it’s
  • of/off
  • of/have (shouldn’t have)
  • which/witch

Children should learn these in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 22 June.

Y6 Residential

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Having finally sieved through the many photos we took while on residential, it is finally time to share them with you!

Every single child was a credit to our school both when responding to RobinWood staff and when working with children from our federation schools, Scholes and St James. We had a great time and here are a few snippets and thoughts from the children.

Pippa: Climbing was really fun and the challenge at the end was exciting.

Elias: It was very funny when we were blindfolded because you didn’t know where to grab and you looked cringy.

Phoenix: Archery was really fun and we got to learn how to use a real bow and arrow.

Neive: The evening activities were very fun and helped us build our teamwork.

Harry: It was fun canoeing and taught us what to do if we went canoeing again.

Nishaan: The trapeze was really fun because it was like being in a circus and you could jump to the wire.

Zack: You had to put a lot of effort into completing the quests and some of the puzzles were extremely hard.

Edward: Night line was really cool because you had to use your senses to navigate around.

Aleena: It hilarious because the squirrels weed on you and tickled you.

Oliver: The canoeing football was really fun because it was funny when Elias dropped his oar in the water.

Stan: It was really funny raft building because when they put the raft on the water, ours was sinking slowly. When everyone got on, they all fell off!

Owen: The dancing challenge was fun and it was a good experience.

Brandon: It was extremely fun because it felt like you were jumping off a really high cliff.

Hibba: Caving was really fun because all the challenges we had to complete were confusing but exciting.

Pippa: The cup challenge was really fun because we got to 12 cups high and we banked it – it was frustrating when they knocked it over though.

Neive: I think piranha pool was fun because I like solving riddles and getting wet.

Aleena: It was very nerve wracking but exciting on the giant swing because when you chopped the banana, it was sudden but then it was fun.

Zack: I think crate challenge was good because it was cool to build a crate tower and not hurt yourself when it fell down.


Posted on Sunday 10 June 2018 by Mrs Wood

Thanks for attending our phonics mornings last week. We hope you found it useful.

Here is a list of the ‘tricky words’ your child should be able to read and begin to use in their writing.

the, I, to, no, go, into, he, she, me, we, be, my, you, are, all, said, was, they, her, have, like, so,do,some, come, were, there, little, one, when, out, what.

We hope you saw how confident and capable the children have become.  Please help them to continue their writing journey by encouraging them to write at home and praise their efforts. 

Hero Homeworks

Posted on Friday 08 June 2018 by Mr Wilks

We really enjoyed looking at and reading your homeworks about your heroes this week. They were fabulous.

As usual, here are a selection of favourites:

We went on a bear hunt!

Posted on Thursday 07 June 2018 by Mrs Wood

We had a great time at Nell Bank yesterday. We retold the story, searched for mini beasts and went pond dipping. We ended the day getting very wet at the water park!

08 June 2018

Posted on Thursday 07 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Talk Time and will be discussed on Thursday 14 June.

I can talk about my learning.

Below are some images taken of the learning we have been part of this week. Look at the photos together and ask your child to tell you about their learning. There are lots of things they could tell you or that you could ask:

  • Did you enjoy that learning?
  • Do you thinking you improved on any skills in that lesson?
  • If you could do that lesson again, what would you do differently/the same?
  • What was the purpose of that learning?
  • What was your favourite learning from this week?

For Talk Time homework, the children should make a few brief notes on the the conversations they’ve had to help them in our class discussion.



Yeadon Tarn

Have you responded to our annual survey yet?

Posted on Friday 01 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

At Moortown Primary, we’re always keen to hear your views.

Visit the survey site and respond to a series of statements – either agree / agree strongly or disagree / disagree strongly (or say that you don’t know). There’s also the opportunity to add any comments you may have. The survey should take you about five minutes – maybe a bit longer if you add lots of comments. The survey is open until 11 June.


Thank you for sharing your views.