Year Three and Four’s production will be on Wednesday 30 March at 2.00pm and Thursday 31 March at 6.00pm. We hope to see you there!
Topic – To Infinity And Beyond!
Can your child tell you how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?
How about how long it takes for the moon to orbit the Earth?
Year Four seem to be really enjoying the Space topic! Last half term, the children produced some fantastic drawings of some of the space artefacts we have in school – take a look at our space display in class! This half term we will be developing our sewing skills to create alien hand puppets.
We have an exciting visit from a space dome to look forward to at the end of March when the children will experience an interactive virtual tour of the solar system!
04 March 2011
This week’s spellings use apostrophes to join two words and show their missing letters. They are called contracted words – two words made into one.
These spellings will be tested on Friday 11 March.
have not |
haven’t |
could not |
couldn’t |
are not |
aren’t |
were not |
weren’t |
had not |
hadn’t |
they have |
they’ve |
they will |
they’ll |
we have |
we’ve |
she will |
she’ll |
you had |
you’d |
Can you think of any more? |
Can you put these words into sentences? Maybe even, linking with your homework, use the words in dialogue! |
04 March 2011
This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 09 March.
I can write dialogue.
Remember the steps:
“speech marks to open…
capital letter
spoken words
punctuation mark
…speech marks to close”
reporting clause
full stop
eg “I’m lost in the labyrinth!” cried Sarah, darting her eyes back and forth.
Using our postbox
Our postbox is just inside the Reception entrance. It’s a white postbox on the right hand side – you just need to lift the lid and post any payments you need to make. You can use the postbox to leave other items, too: letters, concerns, term-time absence requests. In the summer term, we invite parents / carers to complete an Annual Survey – using the postbox means your responses can be anonymous if this is important to you.
When you need to make a payment at the office, for dinners, clubs, trips etc, it’s a good idea to remember the following two points:
- Money should be in a sealed envelope clearly labelled with your child’s name and class and what the money is for.
- All envelopes should be ‘posted’ in the post-box just inside the Reception entrance – this is a quicker way to pay than queueing!
SEAL statement 28 February
For this half term we return to the SEAL theme of Good to be me! The theme was launched with a whole-school assembly on Wednesday 02 March – ask your child to describe the story of the mouse and how she changed during the course of the adventure. Our first weekly statement is ‘I can do something to make me feel proud.’
The SEAL theme Good to be me focuses on three main areas of learning:
- Self-awareness – feeling good about yourself, taking risks.
- Managing Feelings – understanding feelings, and why and how they lead us to behave the way we do – particularly the feelings of being excited, proud, surprised, hopeful, disappointed, worried and anxious and standing up for yourself –assertiveness skills, standing up for your views.
- Empathy
This theme explores feelings in the context of the child as an individual, developing self-awareness and helping the child to realise that it really is ‘Good to be me’. The theme is about understanding our feelings as well as considering our strengths and weaknesses as learners.
The key ideas and concepts behind this theme are:
Building emotional resilience
Children need to become resilient if they are to be healthy and effective life-long learners.
Coping with anxiety and worrying
Worry and anxiety are major features in many children’s lives. Many children have good reasons to be anxious. Exploring worries is important.
Calming down
Although getting stressed, anxious or angry are important and useful emotions, sometimes these feelings can be overwhelming.
The theme encourages children to become assertive – that is, able to recognise and stand up for their rights while recognising and respecting the rights of others.
Understanding feelings and how they influence behaviour
The theme explores the relationship between ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’ and the way each impacts on our behaviour. It looks at Flight or Fight rapid response to situations of threat and our responses to feeling threatened /under stress.
Ideas for helping your child with maths
This week we are learning to recognise and write the numerals 0-9. Here are some ideas for helping your child at home.
Choose a number for the week eg 2
Encourage your child to look for this number all the time, at home, in the street and while out shopping.
Choose a different number each week and encourage your child to write the numeral.
Try this website for games to help your child to recognise numerals.
Roald Dahl Book Fair
TAG rugby
For the next half term, Year 6 will be taking part in five weeks of tag rugby coaching on Monday afternoons. The programme has been set up by Leeds Carnegie and we are one of a small number of local schools selected to take part.
Please ensure children have their outdoor PE kit at school for these sessions.
Tag rugby
For the next half term, Year 5 will be taking part in five weeks of tag rugby coaching on Monday afternoons. The programme has been set up by Leeds Carnegie and we are one of a small number of local schools selected to take part.
Please ensure children have their outdoor PE kit at school for these sessions.