Friday 03 February
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all have the sound ‘ou’.
Apples have some high-frequency and irregular words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 11 February 2011.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency and irregular words |
LO: Words with sound ‘ou’. |
Friday 03 February
The spellings for this week are all contractions – words that have been shortened by adding an apostrophe.
You’ll be tested on the words in the right hand column (the words with the apostrophes in them).
1. do not don’t
2. cannot can’t
3. is not isn’t
4. does not doesn’t
5. will not won’t
6. I have I’ve
7. I am I’m
8. I will I’ll
9. it is it’s
10. there is there’s
Adjectives and adverbs:
Can you think of any of your own?
The spellings will be tested on Friday 12 February. Good luck!
Friday 03 February
This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Wednesday 09 February.
I can show what I know about one of the planets in our solar system.
Get those creative juices flowing! I will look forward to seeing what you have come up with on Wednesday. Have fun.
SEAL statement 07 February
The next of our 7 Rs for learning is remembering and this week ‘I can remember what I learn’ is the weekly statement.
By remembering what you learn you can apply your learning in different lessons.
04 February 2011
Mrs. Weekes |
Mrs. Strange |
LO: Words with ‘ir’ and ‘er’ |
LO: Words with ‘er’ |
These words will be tested on Friday 11 February.
04 February 2011
This week’s homework is creative. It is due in on Wednesday 09 February.
I can create a fantasy character.
Remember fantasy is not real so use your imagination.
Good luck!
Golf opportunities
Today Year 5 have taken part in a tri-golf session hosted by golf professional Paul O’Donnell.
The class were very enthusiastic and skillful and as a result Paul has invited all of Year 5 to take part in a free morning of golf at Cookridge Hall golf club 9am – 11am Tuesday 5 April in the Easter holidays.
A letter with more information will be sent out after the half term.
Friday 04 February
Spellings this week are the following rule: drop the ‘e’ for ‘ing’
challenging |
escaping |
exciting |
including |
moving |
raising |
surprising |
wrestling |
Learn all the spellings from the list and find 6 more that fit the rule.
Spellings will be tested on Friday 11 February.
Friday 04 February
Your homework this week is CREATIVE and is due in on Wednesday 9 February 2011.
I can invent and make a page of a study book to show people how to write a great set of instructions.
I can invent a page of an important bits book to show people how to interpret pie charts.
Think of the following:
- How the page should look so it looks like a study book or important bits book.
- How you are going to make it creative and interesting to read.
- What information will you include to help your reader learn about instructions or pie charts?
- What tips will you give to your reader?
- If you’re producing information about instructions, don’t forget to mention key features: imperative verbs, connectives that help to give order, numbers, and handy hints.
- If you’re producing information about pie chats don’t forget to mention the learning steps children need to take: look at the number of sections, how many people in total, and fractions for each section.
Have fun!
The Year Four cross-country competition that was due to take place in November has been rescheduled for Friday 18 February. The children will have their lunch as usual at school and then be taken in mini buses to Cardinal Heenan. We’ll return in time for the end of the school day. Children will need their PE kits in school that day. It should be a fun end to the half-term!