
Friday 04 February

Posted on Thursday 03 February 2011 by

This week’s homework is creative. It is due in on Wednesday 09 February.

I know properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

You could:

Find examples of 2D and / or 3D shapes around your house.

Produce a table of shapes and their properties.

Produce a spider diagram of shapes and their properties.

(2D shapes may have sides, vertices, angles and lines of symmetry.)

(3D shapes may have faces, edges and vertices.)

Friday 04 February

Posted on Thursday 03 February 2011 by

This week’s spellings are words beginning with a silent ‘k’. Try to think of some more! To be tested on Friday 11 February.









Can you think of any more?

How to help with phonics at home

Posted on Sunday 30 January 2011 by Mrs Wood

We are beginning to learn vowel digraphs such as ai, ee, igh, oa, and oo. Encourage your child to say the letter names as this is less confusing at this stage.

Here are some examples of words they will be reading. Their confidence from the daily experience of practising and applying their phonic knowledge to reading and writing is really paying off!

tail, week, right, soap, food, park, burn, cord, town, soil.

Tricky words

The number of tricky words is expanding. These are so important for reading and spelling: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, her, they, all.

Continue to play with magnetic letters, using some of the two grapheme (letter) combinations:

r-ai-n = rain blending for reading      rain = r-ai-n – segmenting for spelling

b-oa-t = boat blending for reading    boat = b-oa-t – segmenting for spelling

h-ur-t = hurt blending for reading     hurt = h-ur-t – segmenting for spelling

PLEASE continue reading to your child even when they are reading independently. This is very important – your child needs to practise their reading skills every day, and needs the support of an interested adult.

SEAL statement 31 January

Posted on Sunday 30 January 2011 by Mrs Taylor

‘I can be responsive’ is the SEAL statement for this week. 

Listening skills can play a key role in how responsive children are to peers and adults in school. 

A good listener always:

  • looks at the speaker
  • asks appropriate questions
  • answers correctly to show they are listening
  • doesn’t interrupt the speaker

Symmetry in Shapes

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

Objective: Create a shape with one line of symmetry.
Objective: Create a shape with one line of symmetry.

Splendid Symmetry

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

Symmetry has never been so much fun!
Symmetry has never been so much fun!
A symmetrical pattern which earned one Year 2 child a certificate!
A symmetrical pattern which earned one Year 2 child a certificate!

Circus Time

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

Where should the big top go ?During this term the Year 1 children are investigating the theme of the Circus through maths, literacy, art, music, and drama.

At the moment, we are working with The Blahs Theatre Company developing our drama skills. We are in the early stages of preparing to hold our own circus, a flea circus! This is being linked to our Literacy work on Fantasy.

Have a look at the children hard at work developing their ideas.

A drama lesson
A drama lesson

Can you ride a unicycle ?
Can you ride a unicycle ?

28 January 2011

Posted on Saturday 29 January 2011 by

This week we are spelling words that end in ‘ck’.

Don’t forget school is closed on Friday so the test will be on Thursday!









The Great Swapathon

Posted on Friday 28 January 2011 by Mrs Taylor

The Great Swapathon is a new initiative from Change4Life and aims to give families tips, help and advice to encourage healthier lifestyles in an effort to deliver one million swaps across England.

Whether you swap fizzy drinks for pure fruit juice, swap snacking on a bag of crisps for a handful of fresh or dried fruit or swap four wheels for two feet there are simple swaps that everyone could try.

Today all children have received information about the campaign and will complete Talk Time homework to show how they can make a healthy swap.  We do have some spare voucher books if you would like more or to pass them on to others.  Please ask at the office.

 The Change4Life website includes a useful new tool to help people find more personalised swaps and also recipes for meals and healthier alternatives to favourite snacks.

 Our Packed Lunch guidance, launched last term, also includes lots of ideas for healthy swaps including:

  • swapping white bread for wholegrain and other carbohydrates such as pasta
  • swapping sweetened drinks for water provided at lunchtime
  • swapping unhealthy snacks every day to once a week. 

We would encourage children who bring a packed lunch to school to consider a swap they could make to their packed lunch.  The Packed Lunch guidance is available from the office or in the Find Out section (meal).

 It would be great to hear about your swaps and more importantly if you have managed to stick to them!

28 January 2011

Posted on Friday 28 January 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all have the suffix ‘est’.

Apples have some high-frequency words to remember.

Don’t forget – school is closed on Friday so the test will be a day earlier!


Bananas and Oranges

LO: High-frequency words

LO: Words with suffix ‘est’.

  • asked
  • saw
  • make
  • an
  • money
  • something
  • until
  • write
  • fastest
  • kindest
  • neatest
  • strongest
  • weakest
  • bravest
  • largest
  • brightest