28 January 2011
The spellings this week are the same homophones as last week. Children need to keep practising them. They might be tested on any of the words. When practising at home with your child, try to put each word into a sentence so that the meaning of each word and it’s spelling becomes securely embedded.
(For an extra challenge, try creating a sentence with both homophones eg I knew the new toy was a good choice.)
Don’t forget – school is closed on Friday so the test will be a day earlier!
1. new knew
2. right write
3. through threw
4. great grate
5. their there
6. hole whole
7. no know
8. pair pear
9. heard herd
10. poor pour
11. bored board
12. peace piece
13. aloud allowed
Spellings will be tested on Friday 4 February. Good luck!
28 January 2011
This week’s homework is talk time and is linked to the Change4Life Great Swapathon.
I can make a healthy swap.
If you bring a packed lunch to school you could use the Packed Lunch Guidance document to find a suitable swap.
Use your swapathon resources and / or the swapathon website for more personalised swaps.
Be prepared to share your swap with your class.
28 January 2011
This week’s spellings are words ending in ‘f’, ‘fe’ and ‘ve’. We are learning to write them as plurals.
Spellings will be tested on Thursday 03 February. (Don’t forget – school is closed on Friday.)
Singular (ending in f) |
Plural |
Singular (ending in ‘fe’ or ‘ve’) |
Plural |
calf |
calves |
knife |
knives |
half |
halves |
life |
lives |
leaf |
leaves |
swerve |
swerves |
scarf |
scarves |
glove |
gloves |
thief |
thieves |
wife |
wives |
Can you think of any more that follow this rule? |
Class Poetry
As you know, Year Six studying a unit of work where they are imagining they are ‘Snowbound’ in school. As part of the topic, we have been studying different writing genres.
Today the class worked together to share ideas about writing poetry.
We wrote a poem about sleeping in school that compares the noises, thoughts and fears you may have at night in school to those you may have in a jungle.
Here is our poem.
Classroom Jungle
Darkness… all around.
Wailing wind lashes windows,
Tiger-claw branches scratch.
It whispers: let me in.
Blinds are shadow makers,
Moonlight is squeezing through.
Transforming everything.
Children are snakes,
Tables are fallen trees,
Door keys are panther eyes:
Staring….. staring.
Caged animals line the walls,
Clicking and groaning.
Bat-like paper draped from the ceiling…
To pounce?
A drawer falls, eyes open, hearts pound, screams of fear,
Night is disturbed.
The classroom jungle has awoken.
By Year Six
28 January 2011
Spellings this week are based on silent letters. Learn the spellings for your group and find four more words with silent letters.
Spellings will be tested on THURSDAY 04 February – school isn’t open next Friday!
A |
B |
C |
interesting |
castles |
castles |
knowledge |
climbing |
climbing |
designed |
designed |
surprise |
surprise |
different |
different |
environment |
environment |
hedges |
medicine |
hedges |
interesting |
participate |
interesting |
known |
physical |
knowledge |
medicine |
wrestling |
known |
physical |
scissors |
medicine |
should |
Birthday ‘treats’
We are currently reviewing our Food in School policy and would welcome parents’ / carers’ views on ‘treats’ brought in for birthdays.
Within school we recognise that providing treats can create pressure amongst parents / carers, reduce teaching time, create problems with allergies and create litter.
A number of parents /carers have given their views to Mrs Taylor before school today in the playground. However, if you have any views on this and whether we should ban or discourage birthday treats please contact Mrs Taylor via the office.
SEAL statement 24 Jan
Being resourceful is the next of our 7 Rs for learning. ‘I can be resourceful’ is this week’s statement.
Resourcefulness includes managing your time, resources and ultimately your learning.
This week, take some time to look at the all the resources available in the classroom to help with your learning.
21 January 2011
The homework this week is a talk time homework and is due in on Wednesday 26 January.
Are aliens real? Why?
Discuss with somebody at home whether you think aliens are real or not. You have to have reasons to back up what you think.
I will look forward to talking to you about your discussions.
21 January 2011
The spellings this week are all homophones. These are words that sound the same but
are spelt differently:
1. new knew
2. right write
3, through threw
4. great grate
5. their there
6. hole whole
7. no know
8. pair pear
9. heard herd
10. poor pour
11. bored board
12. peace piece
13. aloud allowed
Spellings will be tested on Friday 28 January. Good luck.
Reception children have been following and making their own repeating patterns in Maths.