21 January 2011
The homework this week is Creative and is due in Wednesday 26 January.
I can design a costume for a member of the circus.
The children have just learnt about materials so a discussion on what everything is made of will be productive. Here are some suggestions but, as always, the more creative the better!
- A costume for a clown including separate designs for their hat and equipment.
- A costume for a ring master including their cape and top hat.
- You could design clothes for animals in your circus.
One way to make this homework excellent would be to include labels and descriptions of materials used.
21 January 2011
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all have the prefix ‘un’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 28th January 2011.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Words with prefix ‘un’. |
Relax and Read!!
In Year 1 we spend time every day reading; it might be reading with an adult or it might be reading independently. Please remember that it is important to read “real” books as well as the reading books that the children bring home; your child will become a much more fluent reader if they experience a wide range of books. There will be a leaflet coming home soon with some questions you can ask your child when they have read a book as it is essential that they understand the different features of the text.
Enjoy some reading time with your child; it is a very valuable and enjoyable time!
21 January 2011
This week we are learning to spell words with the ‘ea’ sound.
beads |
pea |
meat |
seal |
leaf |
beach |
tea |
cream |
These words will be tested on Friday 28 January.
21 January 2010
Homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect.
In class, we have been learning how to use the ‘ea’ sound in words. The children have an activity to complete which involves trying to make words with this sound then to use the word in a sentence.
Homework is due in on Wednesday 26 January 2011.
21 January 2011
Spellings this week are all ly words – adverbs. They’ll be tested on Friday 28 January 2011.
A |
B |
C |
approximately extremely frequently particularly emotionally despicably undeniably thoroughly outrageously |
approximately extremely frequently importantly thoroughly particularly physically perfectly finally |
actually highly gently gingerly gradually smoothly carefully perfectly finally |
21 January 2011
Your homework this week is CREATIVE and is due in on Wednesday January 26 2011.
I can invent and draw a creature that would live in an Arctic habitat.
Your drawing needs to be annotated with facts that you have discovered having studied the animal closely.
Think of the following:
- How the animal is adapted to arctic conditions (camouflage, fur , features, eyes, ears, feet, teeth, fat)
- What it eats
- How it gets food
- Where it lives
- Where it would be on a food chain
- If it is a predator or prey
Have Fun!
Homophone Quiz
Test your knowledge with this homophone quiz!
Allerton Grange Visit
Year Four have been invited to go to Allerton Grange next Wednesday (26 January) to take part in dance and multiskills sessions.
We’ll be walking there in the morning and returning to Moortown in time for lunch. Please ensure children have their PE kits in school.
Class Assembly – To Infinity and Beyond!
Don’t forget Year Four’s class assembly on Thursday 27 January. It will start at 2.45.
We look forward to seeing you then!