
21 January 2011

Posted on Thursday 20 January 2011 by

This week’s homework is creative. It’s due in on Wednesday 26 January 2011.

I can multiply numbers.

Remember the steps for the grid method:




45 X 3








+  15


Remember to challenge yourself with your numbers!

21 January 2011

Posted on Thursday 20 January 2011 by

This week’s spellings are homophones! They’ll be tested on Friday 28 January 2011.

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

















Can you think of any of your own?

Maths in the playound

Posted on Wednesday 19 January 2011 by Mr Wilks

In a recent maths lesson, the children were tasked with calculating the cost of some new playground equipment. They had to add together the different pieces of equipment to see what they could buy if they had £300.

Year 3 mathematicians in action.
Year 3 mathematicians in action.

Every Child Matters Survey Preparation

Posted on Tuesday 18 January 2011 by Mrs Taylor

This week, Year 5 have their pupil diary to complete prior to taking part in the ECM survey next Monday.  By completing this diary, the more accurate the data will be in the survey.

The anonymous ECM survey gives our school information of how we can support the health and well-being of our pupils and will be used by other health professionals to bring about positive change in all areas of health.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the diary.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please come and see me.

Do adverts put too much pressure on young people?

Posted on Monday 17 January 2011 by Mr Roundtree

Farhan is one of two Advisors to the Children’s Comissioner from Moortown Primary.  To all children and young people, he writes:

Do you feel that you have to buy certain things and look a certain way just to be cool?

The goverment has promised to help and protect young children from bad advertising, so the Children’s Commisioner for England would like to hear your views. She would like as many children and young people to fill out this survey so that your opinions can be put into action.

The survey will only take about 10 minutes and there are no right or wrong answers – this is all about your views and feelings. Nobody will ever know who gave what answers – it is totally anonymous, so please be honest!

The closing date is Friday 28th January 2011.

Thank you.


Every Child Matters Survey Preparation

Posted on Sunday 16 January 2011 by Mrs Taylor

This week Year 6 have their pupil diary to complete prior to taking part in the ECM survey this Friday.  By completing this diary, the more accurate the data will be in the survey.

The anonymous ECM survey gives our school information of how we can support the health and well-being of our pupils and will be used by other health professionals to bring about positive change in all areas of health.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the diary.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please come and see me.

SEAL statement 17 Jan

Posted on Sunday 16 January 2011 by Mrs Taylor

As we continue our 7 Rs for learning, our new statement for the week is  ‘I can be resilient.’

Research shows that resilient children have high expectations, goals and inter-personal problem-solving skills.

Resilience in school may be observed as how a child bounces back from a set back.

Demand for primary school places

Posted on Sunday 16 January 2011 by Mr Roundtree

The following information could directly affect friends or family who have children starting school in September 2012 or later.  Please do alert them of the need to find out more.

In Leeds, demand for places at primary schools is increasing rapidly.  The local authority is proposing that various primary schools around Leeds expand (despite the authority closing primary school a few years ago).

In this area, the proposals are more unusual: to increase primary school places by changing the age range of three local secondary schools – Allerton Grange, Roundhay and Carr Manor – so that they accept children from 4 – 18 years. As one school, there would only be one headteacher managing provision for 4 year olds as well as 18 year olds.

Whilst there is a primary school already close to all three of the schools (Moor Allerton Hall, Kerr Mackie and Carr Manor Primaries), these schools are not subject to any expansion proposals.  There is scope for Moortown Primary to expand using the land at the rear of the school and the authority has registered interest in this; however, there are no immediate plans to do so and previous proposals to use the land have not gone ahead.

You can read more about the proposals online or call in to school for paper copies of the consultation booklet. There is a series of public meetings in the week beginning 24 January where you can ask questions and express your views about the proposals:

Regarding Allerton Grange High School expansion:

Tuesday 25 January 2011, 6.30pm at Allerton Grange School, Talbot Avenue, LS17 6SF

Thursday 27 January 2011, 6.00pm at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School, Lidgett Lane, LS17 6QP

Regarding Roundhay High School expansion:

Monday 24 January 2011, 6.15pm at Roundhay School, Gledhow Lane, LS8 1ND

Regarding Carr Manor High School expansion:

Wednesday 26 January 2011, 6pm at Carr Manor High School, Carr Manor Road, LS17 5DJ

Tuesday 25 January, 9am and Thursday 27 January, 2pm at Carr Manor Children’s Centre, Carr Manor Road, LS17 5DJ

Written responses can also be made:

• using the form in this booklet, which includes details of where to send it;

• by letter, to School Organisation Team, 10th Floor West, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8DT; or

• by email to: educ.school.organisation@educationleeds.co.uk.

What a start to 2011!

Posted on Saturday 15 January 2011 by Mrs Weekes

Juggling with scarves
Juggling with scarves

We have only been back two weeks and we have done so much already.  The children have made a brilliant start to 2011; they are working hard and have learnt basketball skills and circus skills.   Ask them what they learnt in the circus skills workshop but don’t let them spin your plates as they only practised with plastic ones!

learning how to control the ball
Learning how to control the ball
Where has that ball gone?
Where has that ball gone?
Look! I can spin a plate!
Look! I can spin a plate!

14 January 2011

Posted on Saturday 15 January 2011 by

This week Year Four have a talk time homework.

I know some facts about the planets.

We’ll discuss these facts in class on Wednesday 19 January.