
14 January 2011

Posted on Saturday 15 January 2011 by

This week’s spellings are time connectives. We’re using them as openers to sentences in our new literacy unit. That’s why they all start with a capital letter and have a comma at the end of the word.

Spellings will be marked wrong if the capital letter and comma aren’t present! They will be tested on Friday 21 January.

1. Before,

2. After,

3. Then,

4. Later,

5. Just then,

6. Finally,

7. Next,

8. Suddenly,

9. Meanwhile,

10. Afterwards,

Can you think of any more time connectives?

Class Assembly

Posted on Saturday 15 January 2011 by Mrs Wood

Don’t forget the Reception Class assembly on Thursday at 2.45.

Abdullah, Year 4

Posted on Saturday 15 January 2011 by James Ward

“The headteacher is happy and helpful.”

Abdullah, Year 4



How can we do Talk Time homework?

Posted on Saturday 15 January 2011 by Mr Roundtree

Homework at Moortown Primary can be based on Creative Homework, Practice Makes Perfect and Talk Time.

This week, many classes have Talk Time homework.  In the Year 5 Homework page, Mr Owen has helpfully added some extra detail and top tips which are also noted below for all children, parents and carers to benefit from:

Research shows direct links between the spoken language children use and are exposed to and their written language.

So, please, for this discussion:

  • Turn the TV off!
  • Get a few adults together if possible to join in.
  • Ask the adults to go first – “I think it would be a good idea to ban all advertising of junk food ______ because _____.” and then “I totally disagree! It’s OK to advertise burgers etc because ______ although _____.” This gives children a chance to see some connectives (because and although) in action and how adults disagree politely.
  • Use some words you don’t think your child uses / knows and explain their meanings.
  • Put a comment in their homework book.

14 January 2011

Posted on Friday 14 January 2011 by

This week’s spellings are linked to phonemes we are learning in class.

Mrs. Weekes

Mrs. Strange

LO: Words with  ‘ou’

LO: Words with ‘ay’

  • out
  • cloud
  • proud
  • about
  • scout
  • loud
  • play
  • stay
  • clay
  • pray
  • tray
  • may

These words will be tested on Friday 21 January.

14 January 2011

Posted on Friday 14 January 2011 by

This week’s homework is Talk Time. It is due on Wednesday 19 January 2011.

I can talk about what I saw at the circus performance.

  • What did you like?
  • What did you learn?
  • Would you like to do it again?
  • Why did we do it?

When discussing this at home, please encourage long, full sentences.

14 January 2011

Posted on Friday 14 January 2011 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all have a ‘d’ added on to the end.

Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 21 January 2011.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: High-frequency words

LO: Words with suffix ‘d’.

  • your
  • put
  • could
  • house
  • old
  • too
  • by
  • day
  • made
  • amazed
  • closed
  • hoped
  • joked
  • named
  • saved
  • stated
  • smiled
  • used

14 January 2011

Posted on Friday 14 January 2011 by Mr Wilks

The home work this week is a talk time homework and is due in on Wednesday 19 January.

I know some facts about the planets.

Talk to somebody at home about the planets. What can you find out?

I’ll look forward to talking to you about your planet facts. Good luck.

14 January 2011

Posted on Friday 14 January 2011 by Mr Wilks

The spellings this week are all time connectives. We are going to be practising using these connectives as openers to sentences in our new literacy unit. This is why they all start with a capital letter and have a comma at the end of the word.

Spellings will be marked wrong if the capital letter and comma aren’t present!

1. Before,

2. After,

3. Then,

4. Later,

5. Just then,

6. Finally,

7. Next,

8. Suddenly,

9. Meanwhile,

10. Afterwards,

Spellings will be tested on Friday 21 January. Good luck!

14 January 2011

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2011 by

Homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect.

In class, we have been learning how to vary the start of sentences. The children have some work to complete on trying to start sentences in different ways:

  • With a word ending in ‘ing‘: Holding Fizah’s hand as tightly as she could, Wendy stepped forward.
  • With an adverb: Carefully, Harry carried the delicate china cup to the fountain.
  • With a connective: Because of the traffic, I was late for school.
  • With a preposition: By summer, the plant had produced beautiful petals of a golden yellow.

Homework is due in on Wednesday 19 January 2011.